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英语四级要求掌握单词bride,n. 新娘;姑娘,女朋友。

1、Usually the bride's father or another relative walks her down the aisle and presents her to the groom.

2、It's as if the commodity of the bride is deemed truly valuable only if it can be guaranteed pure and untouched.这就好像新娘这件商品,只有在完全的纯净没有动过才是有真正价值的。

3、Each one of the boys was one of the gentlemen who lived in Hawaii at the time, and he was looking for bride and wrote a letter to a Japanese woman.男生们扮演战争期间,住在夏威夷到的绅士们,他正在寻找新娘,给一名日本女人写了封信。