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  • 〃梦倾城〃梦倾城
  • 漫画
  • 2023-03-08 14:26:02
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Tsunami is a kind of ocean wave with devastating force. It could be caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruption, underwater landslide and collapse. When earthquake happens underwater, sea surface will fluctuate fiercely and become strong waves which could submerge seaboard all because of the power generated by seismic waves'. This kind of disaster is called Tsunami.

"Tsunami" in western luanguages is from Janpanese "つなみ" which means "The waves nearby the harbour".( "つ"means "harbour".) It also indicates that Japan is a country which suffers from Tsunami. At present, human can't stop unexpected disasters such as earthquake, volcano, tsunami but only prevent or reduce the loss through observation and forecast.

"Jin" means "Hongkong"? “津”代表“香港”? 楼上的你真“牛” ̄□ ̄||




原 名:Twister

译 名:龙卷风

导 演:简 德 邦特 (Jan de Bont)

演 员:海伦 亨特 (Helen Hunt) ...... Dr. JoAnne 'Jo' Thornton-Harding

比尔 帕克斯顿 (Bill Paxton) ...... William Harding

卡里 埃尔威斯 (Cary Elwes) ...... Dr. Jonas Miller

杰米 格尔兹 (Jami Gertz) ...... Dr. Melissa Reeves

菲利普 西摩 霍夫曼 (Philip Seymour Hoffman) ...... Dustin Davis

洛伊丝 史密斯 (Lois Smith) ...... Meg Greene

类 型:动作/惊栗/剧情

片 长:113 分钟

上 映:1996年

国 家:美国

语 言:英语

字 幕:中文

简 介:



原 片 名:Outbreak

中 文 名:恐怖地带/极度恐慌/危机总动员



IMDB评分:6.4/10 (11,402 votes)

国 家:美国

类 别:动作/惊悚

导 演:沃尔夫冈 彼得森(Wolfgang Petersen)

主 演:达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)

雷妮·鲁索(Rene Russo)

摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)

凯文·斯派恩(Kevin Spacey)

影片长度:128 Mins








片 名:天地大冲撞 / 英文:Deep Impact

导 演:咪咪·莱德尔(Mimi Leder)

主 演:罗伯特·杜瓦尔Robert Duvall

蒂·李欧妮(Tea Leoni)

摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)

类 型:剧情(Drama) 科幻(Sci-Fi)


语 言:英语

发行公司:梦工厂(DreamWorks) 派拉蒙(Paramount)


制作公司:梦工厂(DreamWorks) 派拉蒙(Paramount)

首映票房:$41,152,375.00 (单位:美元)

MPAA定级:PG-13 级

全美票房:$140,464,664.00 (单位:美元)

片 长:120 分钟

海外票房:$209,000,000.00 (单位:美元)


14岁的莱奥.毕德曼从未想过自己会有如此惊天动地的大发现,他在观测天空时,无意中发现了后来以他的名字命名的“毕德曼彗星”,但科学家们很快就发现这个彗星将要猛烈撞击地球。 电视主持新秀珍妮.莱纳在紧锣密鼓地报道致使财政部长下台的性丑闻的同时发现了彗星将撞击地球的消息,珍妮因此被总统“请”去密谈。总统已独家报道为条件,让珍妮将这一秘密保守两天。

在记者招待会上,总统贝克宣布将派一支特殊小分队到太空去摧毁向地球撞来的彗星。前著名宇航员坦纳临危授命,率领五名宇航员乘弥赛亚飞船到达彗星,并在彗星上设置核子炸弹,藉以引爆彗星或偏转彗星行进方向,从而拯救危在旦夕的地球。接下来的几个月里,人人面临着即将到来的灭顶之灾,人人在试图寻找生命的意义。美国政府为使所有生灵不到灭绝,特意建造了一个以诺亚方舟命名的地下庇护所,以使少数人和动物得以存活。 用核弹摧毁彗星的行动失败后,宇航员们在返回地球途中毅然决定驾驶装有核弹的弥赛亚飞船撞向彗星,以自己的生命换取地球上人类的安全,但还是有一个小彗星撞上了地球,引发了史无前例的灾难……

片 名:Independence Day

译 名:独立日 / 天煞-地球反击战

导 演:罗兰·艾默里克 (Roland Emmerich)

编 剧:Dean Devlin

Roland Emmerich

主 演:威尔·史密斯 (Will Smith)

比尔·普尔曼 (Bill Pullman)

杰夫·戈德布拉姆 (Jeff Goldblum)

玛丽·麦克唐奈 (Mary McDonnell)

贾德·赫希 (Judd Hirsch)

罗伯特·洛吉亚 (Robert Loggia)

兰迪·奎德 (Randy Quaid)

玛格丽特·科林 (Margaret Colin)

类 型:动作 / 科幻

片 长:145 min / USA:153 min (special edition)

分 级:PG-13


制作公司:福克斯 (20th Century Fox)



当另一个世界的生命突然来到地球的时候会是什么情况?如果明天早晨你走出门口,看到有无数的太空飞船在城市上空盘旋你会是什么感觉?如果你知道这样的事情正在我们的地球上发生你又会做些什么? 这些问题已经在地球上引发过无数次的讨论和假设,现在我们就要得出结论了。这是一个平常的夏日,在没有任何先兆的情况下特别的事情发生了。 无数的阴影投落在大地上,天空上出现了不祥的物体,所有的人都被看到的景象惊呆了。 确定无疑的是我们人类在宇宙中不再是孤独的生命体,并且在这一瞬间地球上每一个人的命运都将发生改变。我们的地球面临危险。










导演:迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay

主演:查尔顿·赫斯顿 Charlton Heston .... Narrator (voice)

斯蒂夫·巴斯米 Steve Buscemi .... Rockhound

丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler .... Grace Stamper

布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis .... Harry S. Stamper

本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck .... A.J. Frost

比利·鲍伯·汤顿 Billy Bob Thornton .... Dan Truman, NASA Administrator

迈克尔·贝 Michael Bay .... NASA Scientist (uncredited)


美国太空总署发现一颗巨大的陨石正朝地球方向而来,并将在18天之内撞上地球,为了阻止陨石造成人类的毁灭,太空总署想出的方法是派人登陆陨石的表面,并钻洞贯穿至陨石的地心,放入核弹引爆,使之在撞上地球前就先在太空中毁灭,而布鲁斯威利斯饰演的就是身负此重任的钻油井工人的工头,而本·阿弗莱克不但是他的属下,同时也是布鲁斯·威利斯女儿(丽芙·泰勒饰演)的男朋友 ,为了完成此项训练,两人同时接受太空总署的训练,一夕之间从一个打井工人成为太空人及救世英雄。


原 片 名:The Perfect Storm

中 文 名:完美风暴

出品公司:华纳兄弟 WarnerBros


国 家:美国

类 别:冒险 / 动作 / 剧情

导 演:沃尔夫冈 彼得森Wolfgang Petersen

主 演:乔治 克卢尼马克 瓦尔伯格黛安娜 莱恩卡伦 威廉 菲彻特纳

影片长度:129 Mins



原 名:War of the Worlds

译 名:世界大战

导 演:史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 Steven Spielberg

演 员:汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .... Ray Ferrier

达科塔·法宁 Dakota Fanning .... Rachel Ferrier

蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins .... Ogilvy

米兰达·奥托 Miranda Otto .... Mary Ann Ferrier

类 型:冒险/惊悚/科幻/动作

片 长:116分钟

上 映:2005年

国 家:美国

语 言:英语

字 幕:中文/英文

简 介:




中文 名 后天/末日浩劫/明日之后

片 名 The Day After Tomorrow

年 代 2004

国 家 美国

类 别 剧情/惊悚/动作/冒险/科幻

语 言 英语

字 幕 中文

片 长 124 Min

导 演 罗兰德·艾默里克 Roland Emmerich

主 演 丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid .... Jack Hall

杰克·吉伦希尔 Jake Gyllenhaal .... Sam Hall

艾美·罗萨姆 Emmy Rossum .... Laura Chapman

达什·米霍克 Dash Mihok .... Jason Evans

杰伊·山德斯 Jay O. Sanders .... Frank Harris

瑟拉·沃德 Sela Ward .... Dr. Lucy Hall

伊恩·霍姆 Ian Holm .... Terry Rapson

简 介

影片描绘的是地球气温一天之内突然急剧下降,进入冰期的科幻故事。故事中,气候学家杰克·霍尔(丹尼斯·奎德饰演)在观察史前气候研究后指出,温室效应带来的全球暖化将会引发地球空前灾难。杰克博士曾警告政府官员采取预防行动,但警告显然已经太晚。杰克·霍尔博士于是急告美国副总统宣布北纬30度以南全美民众尽速向赤道方向撤离,该线以北民众要尽量保暖。 而就在此时,霍尔博士得知儿子山姆(杰克·吉伦荷饰)被困于纽约,于是决定冒险前往救援……




中文 名 地火危城/活火熔城

片 名 Volcano

年 代 1997

国 家 美国

类 别 动作/惊悚/剧情/灾难

语 言 英语

字 幕 中文

片 长 104 Mins

导 演 Mick Jackson

主 演 汤米.里.琼斯(Tommy Lee Jones)

安妮.海切(Anne Heche)

简 介


片 名:The Core

译 名:地心毁灭

导 演:乔恩·阿米尔 (Jon Amiel)

编 剧:Cooper Layne

John Rogers

主 演:阿伦·艾克哈特 (Aaron Eckhart)

希拉里·斯万科 (Hilary Swank)

切基·卡尤 (Tchéky Karyo)

斯坦利·塔奇 (Stanley Tucci)

德尔略·林多 (Delroy Lindo)

阿尔法·沃德 (Alfre Woodard)

类 型:剧情 (Drama) / 科幻 (Sci-Fi) / 动作 (Action) / 惊悚 (Thriller)

片 长:135 min

分 级:PG-13

国家地区:英国 / 美国

发行公司:派拉蒙影业 (Paramount Pictures US)

出品公司:Core Prods. Inc. [us]


语 言:英语










A tsunami (pronounced /(t)suːˈnɑːmi/) is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and testing with nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can be devastating due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved. Since meteorites are small, they will not generate a tsunami.

The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunamis to submarine quakes,[1] [2] but understanding of the nature of tsunamis remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research.

Many early geological, geographic, oceanographic etc., texts refer to "Seismic sea waves"—these are now referred to as "tsunami".


Some meteorological storm conditions—deep depressions causing cyclones, hurricanes—can generate a storm surge which can be several metres above normal tide levels. This is due to the low atmospheric pressure within the centre of the depression. As these storm surges come ashore the surge can resemble a tsunami, inundating vast areas of land. These are not tsunami. Such a storm surge inundated Burma (Myanmar) in May 2008.


The term tsunami comes from the Japanese meaning harbor ("tsu", 津) and wave ("nami", 波). [a. Jap. tsunami, tunami, f. tsu harbour + nami waves.—Oxford English Dictionary]. For the plural, one can either follow ordinary English practice and add an s, or use an invariable plural as in Japanese. Tsunamis are common throughout Japanese history; approximately 195 events in Japan have been recorded.

Tsunamis are often referred to popularly as tidal waves. In fact, tsunamis have nothing to do with tides; however, the popular term derives from their most common appearance, which is that of an extraordinarily high incoming tide. Tsunamis and tides both produce waves of water that move inland, but in the case of tsunamis the inland movement of water is much greater and lasts for a longer period, giving the impression of an incredibly high tide. Use of the term tidal wave is discouraged by geologists and oceanographers, but it is worth noting that the term tsunami is no more accurate because tsumanis are not limited to harbours.

The only other language than Japanese that has a word for this disastrous wave is Tamil language[dubious – discuss] and the word is "Aazhi Peralai". South Eastern coasts of India have experienced these waves some 700 years before and was a regular event by that time as per the stone carvings (scriptures in stone) read.


A tsunami can be generated when converging or destructive plate boundaries abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water. It is very unlikely that they can form at divergent (constructive) or conservative plate boundaries. This is because constructive or conservative boundaries do not generally disturb the vertical displacement of the water column. Subduction zone related earthquakes generate the majority of all tsunamis.

A tsunami has a much smaller amplitude (wave height) offshore, and a very long wavelength (often hundreds of kilometers long), which is why they generally pass unnoticed at sea, forming only a slight swell usually about 300 mm above the normal sea surface. A tsunami can occur at any state of the tide and even at low tide will still inundate coastal areas if the incoming waves surge high enough.

On April 1, 1946 a Magnitude 7.8 (Richter Scale) earthquake occurred near the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. It generated a tsunami which inundated Hilo on the island of Hawai'i with a 14 m high surge. The area where the earthquake occurred is where the Pacific Ocean floor is subducting (or being pushed downwards) under Alaska.

Examples of tsunami being generated at locations away from convergent boundaries include Storegga during the Neolithic era, Grand Banks 1929, Papua New Guinea 1998 (Tappin, 2001). In the case of the Grand Banks and Papua New Guinea tsunamis an earthquake caused sediments to become unstable and subsequently fail. These slumped and as they flowed down slope a tsunami was generated. These tsunami did not travel transoceanic distances.

It is not known what caused the Storegga sediments to fail. It may have been due to overloading of the sediments causing them to become unstable and they then failed solely as a result of being overloaded. It is also possible that an earthquake caused the sediments to become unstable and then fail. Another theory is that a release of gas hydrates (methane etc.,) caused the slump.

The "Great Chilean earthquake" (19:11 hrs UTC) May 22, 1960 (9.5 Mw), the March 27, 1964 "Good Friday earthquake" Alaska 1964 (9.2 Mw), and the "Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake" (00:58:53 UTC) December 26, 2004 (9.2 Mw), are recent examples of powerful megathrust earthquakes that generated a tsunami that was able to cross oceans. Smaller (4.2 Mw) earthquakes in Japan can trigger tsunami that can devastate nearby coasts within 15 minutes or less.

In the 1950s it was hypothesised that larger tsunamis than had previously been believed possible may be caused by landslides, explosive volcanic action e.g., Santorini, Krakatau, and impact events when they contact water. These phenomena rapidly displace large volumes of water, as energy from falling debris or expansion is transferred to the water into which the debris falls at a rate faster than the ocean water can absorb it. They have been named by the media as "mega-tsunami."

Tsunami caused by these mechanisms, unlike the trans-oceanic tsunami caused by some earthquakes, may dissipate quickly and rarely affect coastlines distant from the source due to the small area of sea affected. These events can give rise to much larger local shock waves (solitons), such as the landslide at the head of Lituya Bay 1958, which produced a wave with an initial surge estimated at 524 m. However, an extremely large gravitational landslide might generate a so called "mega-tsunami" that may have the ability to travel trans-oceanic distances. This though is strongly debated and there is no actual geological evidence to support this hypothesis.


While everyday wind waves have a wavelength (from crest to crest) of about 100 m (300 ft) and a height of roughly 2 m (7 ft), a tsunami in the deep ocean has a wavelength of about 200 km (120 miles). This wave travels at well over 800 km/h (500 mph), but due to the enormous wavelength the wave oscillation at any given point takes 20 or 30 minutes to complete a cycle and has an amplitude of only about 1 m (3 ft). This makes tsunamis difficult to detect over deep water. Their passage usually goes unnoticed by ships.

As the tsunami approaches the coast and the waters become shallow, the wave is compressed due to wave shoaling and its forward travel slows below 80 km/h (50 mph). Its wavelength diminishes to less than 20 km (12 miles) and its amplitude grows enormously, producing a distinctly visible wave. Since the wave still has a wavelength on the order of several km (a few miles), the tsunami may take minutes to ramp up to full height, with victims seeing a massive deluge of rising ocean rather than a cataclysmic wall of water. Open bays and coastlines adjacent to very deep water may shape the tsunami further into a step-like wave with a steep breaking front.

Signs of an approaching tsunami

The monument to the victims of tsunami at Laupahoehoe, Hawaii.There is often no advance warning of an approaching tsunami. However, since earthquakes are often a cause of tsunami, any earthquake occurring near a body of water may generate a tsunami if it occurs at shallow depth, is of moderate or high magnitude, and the water volume and depth is sufficient.

If the first part of a tsunami to reach land is a trough (draw back) rather than a crest of the wave, the water along the shoreline may recede dramatically, exposing areas that are normally always submerged. This can serve as an advance warning of the approaching tsunami which will rush in faster than it is possible to run. If a person is in a coastal area where the sea suddenly draws back (many survivors report an accompanying sucking sound), their only real chance of survival is to run for high ground or seek the high floors of high rise buildings.

In the 2004 tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean drawback was not reported on the African coast or any other eastern coasts it inundated, when the tsunami approached from the east. This was because of the nature of the wave—it moved downwards on the eastern side of the fault line and upwards on the western side. It was the western pulse that inundated coastal areas of Africa and other western areas.

About 80% of all tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean, but are possible wherever large bodies of water are found, including inland lakes. They may be caused by landslides, volcanic explosions, bolides and seismic activity.

Indian Ocean Tsunami According to an article in "Geographical" magazine (April 2008), the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004 was not the worst that the region could expect. Professor Costas Synolakis of the Tsunami Research Center at the University of Southern California co-authored a paper in "Geophysical Journal International" which suggests that a future tsunami in the Indian Ocean basin could affect locations such as Madagascar, Singapore, Somalia, Western Australia and many others. The Boxing Day tsunami killed over 300,000 people with many bodies either being lost to the sea or unidentified. Some unofficial estimates have claimed that approximately 1 million people may have died directly or indirectly solely as a result of the tsunami.


"My favorite book"

One of my favorite book is "lubin sun Crusoe. This book really I benefited a lot from!

I read the book, see the ship deck stand such a man: he gave up the rich and comfortable life, disgust the scrurinsed life and began a near-death duel survival big challenge. Various adversities and problems is overwhelm lubin sun, on the contrary make him more strong. God gives lubin sun difficulties, for he also more challenging! Storm tsunami, the whole ship except lubin sun none escape by luck, true survival challenge is just beginning! To survive, he island in order to find proper shelter, on the shore run a whole day, in a rocks was found under a shelter. Lubin sun in hill pitched a tent, and as far as possible some bigger, inside hit again a few stake to hang hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes and board, do lengji materials, pile into a temporary fence, fortifications. But just 10 days, sudden collapse. Lubin sun not only the fallen fertilizsr be shipped, return to pack the ceiling, and USES below columns support up, lest appear again landslide disaster. Never give up, lubin sun laid the basis of life. Myself alone, until "on Friday, the emergence of this hope" queen came back to rise! Finally aboard a ship returned to his own country.

Lubin sun is great, persistence, studied in this deserted island life 27 years. He dares to fight with the bad environment, diligence, the island of labor management in good order. He in adversity exercise yourself, achievement some extraordinary career.

The book teaches us only by sticking to victory, only work to make us out of difficulties, action is more important than faith... My life will also with this book and set sail, in life's sailing, advance bravely, never give up!

翻译是 《我最喜欢的一本书》


我看完了这本书,仿佛看到轮船甲板上站着这样的一个人:他放弃了富裕而又舒适的生活,厌恶那庸庸碌碌的人生,从而开始了一次与死神决斗的生存大挑战。种种的不幸与困难并没有压倒鲁滨孙,反而使他更加坚强。上苍给予鲁滨孙的困难,对于他也更具有挑战性! 风暴海啸,全船除鲁滨孙无一幸免,真正的生存挑战才刚刚开始! 流落孤岛,他为了找到合适的住所,在岸上跑了一整天,在一个山岩下找到了一个栖身之所。鲁滨孙在小山下搭了一个帐篷,而且尽量大些,里面再打上几根木桩来挂吊床。第二天,他把所有的箱子以及木板、做木排的材料,堆成一个临时性围墙,作防御工事。但只过了十几天,突然发生塌方。鲁滨孙不但把落下来的松土运出去,还装了天花板,下面用柱子支撑起来,免得再次出现塌方的灾难。永不放弃,鲁滨孙奠定了生活的基础。自己一个人过,直到"星期五"的出现,这个希望才重新油然升起!最后乘坐一艘轮船回到了自己的国家。


这本书教会我们只有坚持才能胜利,只有实干才能让我们摆脱困境,实干比信念更重要…… 我的人生也会随着这本书而起航,在人生的航海中,勇敢前进,永不放弃!
