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  • 2023-01-18 18:01:41
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1. 1696 年,牛顿担任英格兰造币厂厂长,黄金本位货币体系确立。




牛顿担任造币厂厂长达 27 年,原因是造币厂职位是个闲职,工资又高。造币跟炼金相关,牛顿可以专心研究炼金术。牛顿死前,留下大量的炼金术手稿。



2. 1816 年,英国颁布了金本位制度法案,开始实行“金本位制”,规定黄金为唯一的价值尺度,黄金开始转变为世界货币。

3. 1901 年,波斯(伊朗)国王阿尔丁,为了铁路建设资金,同澳大利亚族裔的英国人达西,签订了一份王家土地使用权协议。

该协议的土地使用权年限为 60 年,在 60 年期限内,达西可以在波斯的任何土地上,不受任何限制的进行石油勘探,获得的一切石油资产,均归达西所有。

为此,达西支付了 2 万美元现金,并同意在未来石油销售收入中支付 16% 给国王。

达西是一名地质勘探工程师,也信仰波斯的拜火教,对波斯神庙的火柱传说深信不疑。  实际上,波斯的这些神庙火柱,就是石油的燃烧引起。本质上可以说,拜火教,就是拜石油教。对于达西而言,找到这些神庙,就能找到波斯的石油,他的这一思路,最终取得成功,波斯的第一口油井开始出油。波斯油井出油后,达西只希望卖掉这份合同,回到澳大利亚老家,过上好日子。



正是这份合同,使英国继续维持着黄金英镑世界霸权体系,一直到 1961 年;也因为这份合同结束,英国的世界霸权地位才彻底被推翻,取而代之的,是美利坚帝国的石油美元霸权体系。

自身的衰退和外来的打击导致了大英帝国的衰落。 In human history, once successively appeared many "powers", such as the ancient Greece and Rome, Britain,France and the United States today, etc. In these powers, England is the only ever established a single world hegemony countries, other countries are either regional powers,or once shared world hegemony with other country. From the 19th century,
Britain have completely established the hegemony of advantages in the global scope, almost lasted for a century. However, being called "day falls empire", Britain will never escape the fate of dominating a century later,Britain began gradually to decline and become a second-tier national.
Former radiance, although never to return,Britain for the world influence really should not be neglected, it involves political, economic, cultural and other aspects. For Britain's rise and fall, scholars always have different views.
It about three timesThe first period, Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne from the ruling to the end of the Glorious Revolution. British colonization began in the sea, and has defeated the Spanish Armada and the Netherlands Navy, from the rise of British sea power, a Europe. Glorious Revolution, the British formally established a constitutional monarchy form of government.Therefore the system, other countries follow the United Kingdom to establish the emerging capitalist system, and the actual situation of development in accordance with their own economic, if the right way, catch up with the UK is possible.
。The second period, from the end of the Glorious Revolution to the first industrial revolution. During this period, the British annexed the success of Scotland, and in the Anglo-French victory in the Seven Years War
The third period, from the first industrial revolution to the nineteenth century. The first industrial revolution of the rich raw materials, vast domestic market and changing technology, as well as the great achievements of thought - Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was published。
Britain is a pioneer of world capitalism, but not foreverThe international situation changes, early capitalism, the capitalist world market has not yet formed, and very underdeveloped
Not a perfect market to where consumers only through the expansion of land area, looting of raw materials to maintain and develop. When Germany, the United States, Japan, the rise of the emerging capitalist countries such as France and the old capitalist countries to catch up, the international market fundamentals improved, has formed a stable supply of raw materials and consumer groups. The shift, there is no more but starting to lag behind the UK, while the rise in other countries
Fight two world wars. Are basically two world wars of the European battlefield, the war greatly the long-term consumption of a British national
In the war many of his original sphere of influence and economic and political influence is replaced by the United States, this is a very important reason
British Empire Is the largest global colonial empire, envy of the world for more than a century. The formation of the British Empire 300 years of trade, migration and military conquest of the results, the period also of commercial diplomacy of peace and empire atrophy. Throughout the territory of the empire, including the seven continents, including Antarctica, four oceans, has been described as "empire the sun never sets"
Meanwhile, his decline is inevitable
. 哥们,一个学校的,哈哈。我舍友跟你一样,给你分答案吧
In human history, once successively appeared many "powers", such as the ancient Greece and Rome, Britain,France and the United States today, etc. In these powers, England is the only ever established a single world hegemony countries, other countries are either regional powers,or once shared world hegemony with other country. From the 19th century,
Britain have completely established the hegemony of advantages in the global scope, almost lasted for a century. However, being called "day falls empire", Britain will never escape the fate of dominating a century later,Britain began gradually to decline and become a second-tier national.
Former radiance, although never to return,Britain for the world influence really should not be neglected, it involves political, economic, cultural and other aspects. For Britain's rise and fall, scholars always have different views.
It about three timesThe first period, Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne from the ruling to the end of the Glorious Revolution. British colonization began in the sea, and has defeated the Spanish Armada and the Netherlands Navy, from the rise of British sea power, a Europe. Glorious Revolution, the British formally established a constitutional monarchy form of government.Therefore the system, other countries follow the United Kingdom to establish the emerging capitalist system, and the actual situation of development in accordance with their own economic, if the right way, catch up with the UK is possible.
。The second period, from the end of the Glorious Revolution to the first industrial revolution. During this period, the British annexed the success of Scotland, and in the Anglo-French victory in the Seven Years War
The third period, from the first industrial revolution to the nineteenth century. The first industrial revolution of the rich raw materials, vast domestic market and changing technology, as well as the great achievements of thought - Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was published。
Britain is a pioneer of world capitalism, but not foreverThe international situation changes, early capitalism, the capitalist world market has not yet formed, and very underdeveloped
Not a perfect market to where consumers only through the expansion of land area, looting of raw materials to maintain and develop. When Germany, the United States, Japan, the rise of the emerging capitalist countries such as France and the old capitalist countries to catch up, the international market fundamentals improved, has formed a stable supply of raw materials and consumer groups. The shift, there is no more but starting to lag behind the UK, while the rise in other countries
Fight two world wars. Are basically two world wars of the European battlefield, the war greatly the long-term consumption of a British national
In the war many of his original sphere of influence and economic and political influence is replaced by the United States, this is a very important reason
British Empire Is the largest global colonial empire, envy of the world for more than a century. The formation of the British Empire 300 years of trade, migration and military conquest of the results, the period also of commercial diplomacy of peace and empire atrophy. Throughout the territory of the empire, including the seven continents, including Antarctica, four oceans, has been described as "empire the sun never sets"
Meanwhile, his decline is inevitable
. Rise and fall of the British Empire

In human history, once successively appeared many "powers", such as the ancient Greece and Rome, Britain, France and the United States today, etc. In these powers, England is the only ever established a single world hegemony countries, other countries are either regional powers, or once shared world hegemony with other country. From the 19th century, Britain have completely established the hegemony of advantages in the global scope, almost lasted for a century. However, being called "day falls empire", Britain will never escape the fate of dominating a century later, Britain began gradually to decline and become a second-tier national. Former radiance, although never to return, Britain for the world influence really should not be neglected, it involves political, economic, cultural and other aspects. For Britain's rise and fall, scholars always have different views. 我自己都在愁呢,800字是吧,30号交是吧,省省吧好吧 劳驾谁知道这老师叫什么,我去晚了,论文没交,急用啊 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (English: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [2]), hereinafter referred to as The United Kingdom (The United Kingdom) or British (Britain), on The island of Great Britain is made of England, Scotland and wales, and northeast of The Northern Ireland and a series of AiErLanDao affiliated island composed of a small island.
British home is located in the northwest Europe of the British Isles, be the north sea, the English channel, Celtic sea, the Irish sea and surrounded by the Atlantic ocean. In addition to outside Britain, including 14 overseas territory [3].
The United Kingdom consists of four countries combined and become, respectively is England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and wales [4]. The adoption of the British parliamentary system, the seat of government for London, but also have the other three national administrative institutions located in Belfast, add jermain Defoe and Edinburgh. The UK is a constitutional monarchy, the current monarch is queen Elizabeth ii.
In Britain the most strong period of time is known as the British empire, the empire in 1922 reached a peak, with a quarter of the land around the world, are the world's biggest empire, the British empire, the British to continue in language, culture, and the political its former colony retained the huge influence, and Britain's queen Elizabeth ii is now still is the head of the commonwealth organization, and 15 other commonwealth countries head of state.
Britain is a developed country, is the world's six economies, is the first industrialized countries [5], it is 19 century and early twentieth century the most powerful country in the world [6], but after two world wars and the 20 th century the collapse of the British empire, Britain has lost once in international affairs leadership. However, Britain is still a in the world with a strong influence within the scope of the economic, cultural, and military power.
Britain is the first and the second world war ii main victors with nuclear weapons, and the second or third military spending, is a permanent member of the UN security council, have veto power to the bill, Britain also for eu member states, NATO member states and one of the founding members G8; Also is a series of international organizations such as a member of the OECD, the WTO.