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  • 2023-05-10 08:13:01
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悉尼奥运点火连体衣失而复得 设计师自曝一大失误





2000] 悉尼奥运会主题曲

歌名:the Flame 圣火

词曲:[澳]约翰·夫曼(John Foreman)

演唱:[澳]蒂娜·艾莲娜(Tina Arena)

传唱度 ★★★★有些歌曲在特定的场合才能显示其魅力,《the Flame》在奥运会前推出时反应平平,但在灯火辉煌、亿人瞩目的奥运会场,却反而有了博大深远的气质。

歌手星级 ★★★★你可能会更熟悉凯莉·米洛,但澳洲人们更喜爱蒂娜·艾莲娜。在澳洲,平均每十人就拥有她的专辑,所以灵魂歌手蒂娜能在开幕式唱主题曲,而流行歌手凯莉只能在闭幕式上作嘉宾演唱。

创作者影响力 ★★John Foreman是谁?除了澳大利亚自己,很少有人知道。有别于以往的国际化制作,这届奥运会歌曲几乎全由本国歌手创作,即使这些名字我们从未听说过。

亮点 这首歌采用的是稳妥并接近大众听觉习惯的作曲方式,这首中规中矩的奥运歌曲很好地切合了主题。但除此之外,好像就再没有什么了。

掌故 1993年的那个仲秋午夜,萨马兰奇的一句"The winner is Sydney",让国人黯然神伤,仅仅两票之差。但不可否认,悉尼向世界交出了一份优异的答卷,美国《时代周刊》惊呼开幕式是"Magic!"。还记得从水中升起的火炬吗?梦幻般设想的后面却是设计师7年的心血。

《Heroes live forever》 英雄永存————悉尼奥运会的开幕式歌曲




《under sounthern skies 》 在南方天空下! ————悉尼奥运会的开幕式歌曲

演唱:[澳]妮琪·韦伯斯特 (Nikki Webster )

Nikki Webster 就是2000悉尼奥运会开幕式上演唱奥运会会歌的那个小姑娘! 那时的她只有13岁而已。。。




G'day Sydney G'day Australia!

Yes, the Olymipic Games are back down under!

Tonight we are gathered together to celebrate the Games of the new millennium, the athletes' Games, a unique tradition that can trace its origins back over 2500 years to ancient Olympia.

Welcome to the athletes of the world!

Welcome to 28 International Sports Federations and 199 national Olympic Committees!

Our gratitude goes:

·to the people and government of Australia, New South Wales, Sydney and all other communities involved, for their friendly welcome and hospitality;

·to Sydney 2000 for the excellent preparation of the Games;

·to the Australian Olympic Committee for its dedication to Olympism;

·to the thousands of volunteers for their exceptional services. You have made the Games possible. Thank you.

·to the mass media for their contribution to presenting the Games to the world;

·and to our partners and sponsors for their support and their belief in the Olympic ideal;

·to all of you, sport-loving spectators here and television viewers around the world.

Buenos dias, Espana.

Finally I would like to express our respect to all those who have made Australia what it is today —— a great country, with special tribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strat islander people.

The Olympic Games are unique and of universal character. They unify of all origins and creed. The contribution of sport to the understanding and unity of our society is extraordinary. Sport and the Olympic Movement are also an essential part of education, which is real wealth of any country. The entire Olympic Movement would like to pay tribute to Greece, birthplace of Olympism, where the tradition goes back over 25 centuries. We would also like to honour the memory of the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games.

To all athletes of the world, good luck!

Thank you to Dawn Fraser for being with me?

I now have the honour of inviting the Governor General of Australia to proclaim the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in Sydney, the first Games of the new millenium. open.










Yes, the Olymipic Games are back down under!

Tonight we are gathered together to celebrate the Games of the new millennium, the athletes' Games, a unique tradition that can trace its origins back over 2500 years to ancient Olympia.

Welcome to the athletes of the world!

Welcome to 28 International Sports Federations and 199 national Olympic Committees!

Our gratitude goes:

·to the people and government of Australia, New South Wales, Sydney and all other communities involved, for their friendly welcome and hospitality;

·to Sydney 2000 for the excellent preparation of the Games;

·to the Australian Olympic Committee for its dedication to Olympism;

·to the thousands of volunteers for their exceptional services. You have made the Games possible. Thank you.

·to the mass media for their contribution to presenting the Games to the world;

·and to our partners and sponsors for their support and their belief in the Olympic ideal;

·to all of you, sport-loving spectators here and television viewers around the world.

Buenos dias, Espana.

Finally I would like to express our respect to all those who have made Australia what it is today -- a great country, with special tribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strat islander people.

The Olympic Games are unique and of universal character. They unify of all origins and creed. The contribution of sport to the understanding and unity of our society is extraordinary. Sport and the Olympic Movement are also an essential part of education, which is real wealth of any country. The entire Olympic Movement would like to pay tribute to Greece, birthplace of Olympism, where the tradition goes back over 25 centuries. We would also like to honour the memory of the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games.

To all athletes of the world, good luck!

Thank you to Dawn Fraser for being with me?

I now have the honour of inviting the Governor General of Australia to proclaim the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in Sydney, the first Games of the new millenium

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