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关于刘翔的英语作文 50词左右 带翻译

Liu Xiang is my faviourt player. He is one of the most famous players in the world.In 2002 he won his first internation 110m hurdels event in Switaerland and in the same year, a gold medal at the Asia Games in Korea. In 2004, Liu Xiang won the first Olympic gold medeal in the same event for China in Athens, Greece. He is a heor in my heart.

刘翔是我最喜欢的运动员。 他也是世界最著名的的运动员之一。2002年在瑞士,他的首次世界级的110米跨栏赛跑项目获奖。同一年。在韩国的亚运会上获得一枚金牌。2004年,在希腊的雅典,刘翔在同一项目上为中国获得一枚奥运金牌。他是我心中的英雄。


Born in the 1980s, Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes in our country. He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles. He is even the most capable hurdler in the world. He is very great, broke the record of the Athens Olympic Games, received the lausanne super grand prix track and field championship in 2006, broken sleep 13 years British athletes the world record kept.He keeps the best record of 12.88 seconds until now. No one has the ability to break it so far. Among lots of TV programmes, I like the sport games best. And the 110 hurdles races are the most exciting games in them. Everytime I see Liu Xiang running in the track, shouting wildly after the races, I find myself is full of passion in my heart. Especially, the moment when he gets the first prize on the stage,I can't help applauding for his excellent performance. I am deeply moved by his spirit and his great ambitions. The sports spirit of Liu Xiang also inspires me a lot in my life and study. As a young man, Liu Xiang is the best example of making every effort to develop his sport career and break so many records, though he has got many medals now.I think this spirit is worth to learned by all of us. With this ambition, we could defeat any difficulties in our lives and works. Affected by his restless soul, I will never give up and insist my ideals. As one of his fans, I hope that Liu Xiang could do well in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and win more gold medals for our country. and win more gold MEDALS for our country.I support him forever in my heart. As for myself, I will work as hard as him to make more progress in my study. 出生在1980年代,刘翔是我国最优秀的运动员。








每次我看到刘翔跑步在跟踪,大喊疯狂赛跑,之后我发现自己充满了 *** 在我的心里。












我心目中的奥运英雄 Hero in My HeartOf all theChina's medalists, Liu Xiang is the hero of my heart. I will never fet the time when he broke through the finishing line first and won men's 110 meters hurdle final and got a gold metal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Since then, he became a sport star of my heart.在所有的中国金牌获得者中,刘翔是我心目中的英雄。



However, things turn bad when he quitted the list from the 110-meters hurdles owing to a foot injury in 2008BeijingOlympic Games. Some people started to blame him and questioned if Liu Xiang can really be a real star. But in my heart, I still believe that my hero will never give up. He not only won the gold metal but also broke the world record. It's the pride ofChinaand it means that Asian people can also make some achievements in track and field. What's more, his sport *** anship sets us a good example of human spirit of transcending oneself. As a sport *** an, he never gives up, no matter what kind of trouble he es across. Although he has a foot injury, he overcame it by suffering much pain instead of giving up.然而,当他由于脚伤退出2008年北京奥运会比赛的时候,事情变得更糟了。








In this summer's London Olympic Games, we saw him again. This time, he brought us more moving than regret. He stumbled to the finishing line with great pain. We can't blame him and he will always be my favorite athlete and my hero.这次伦敦奥运会,我们再一次看到他的身影。




关于刘翔的英语作文 50词左右 带翻译

展开全部 Liu Xiang is my faviourt player. He is one of the most famous players in the world.In 2002 he won his first internation 110m hurdels event in Switaerland and in the same year, a gold medal at the Asia Games in Korea. In 2004, Liu Xiang won the first Olympic gold medeal in the same event for China in Athens, Greece. He is a heor in my heart. 刘翔是我最喜欢的运动员。









Liu Xiang quits 110m hurdlesLiu Xiang's dream of defending his Olympic title on home soil ended on Monday when he failed to start his first-round heat in the 110 metres hurdles.Liu, the world champion and the host nation's best hope of an athletics gold medal at the Beijing Olympics, pulled up after a false start and hobbled down the tunnel to leave the Bird's Nest stadium in stunned silence.He was clearly out of sorts and grimaced in pain as he went down into the blocks.

写一篇我最喜欢的运动员 英语作文 要写关于刘翔的

Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes in our country. He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles. He is even the most capable hurdler in the world. He keeps the best record of 12.88 seconds until now. No one has the ability to break it so far. Among lots of TV programmes, I like the sport games best. And the 110 hurdles races are the most exciting games in them. Everytime I see Liu Xiang running in the track, shouting wildly after the races, I find myself is full of passion in my heart. Especially, the moment when he gets the first prize on the stage,I can't help applauding for his excellent performance. I am deeply moved by his spirit and his great ambitions. The sports spirit of Liu Xiang also inspires me a lot in my life and study. As a young man, Liu Xiang is the best example of making every effort to develop his sport career and break so many records, though he has got many medals now.I think this spirit is worth to learned by all of us. With this ambition, we could defeat any difficulties in our lives and works. Affected by his restless soul, I will never give up and insist my ideals. As one of his fans, I hope that Liu Xiang could do well in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and win more gold medals for our country. I support him forever in my heart. As for myself, I will work as hard as him to make more progress in my study.

刘翔介绍 五句 英语作文

Name: Liu xiang Date of birth: July 13, 1983 Gender; Male Birth: Shanghai Height: 1.89 meters Coach: Sun Haiping Idol: Jordon special: 110 bar Achievements:1,2002 Lausanne, Switzerland with 13 seconds to 12 years, the Asian record-breaking 2,2004 Athens 91 to 12 seconds to win, tied the world record.3,2006 July 12 to 12 seconds in Lausanne, Switzerland, the world record-breaking 88. Hobbies: listening to music, playing games, reading books Self-evaluation: Wei Ren sincere, easy-going, confident, optimistic Lausanne, Switzerland: Lausanne, Switzerland希望采纳哦~我觉得写得还不错呢!~



四年间,刘翔屡次夺冠,更是有 打破世界纪录的壮举!于是,我们都在期待四年后的今天,刘翔能在北京卫冕。

可是这次, 刘翔退赛了。


我相 信,绝不是因为压力。

刘翔,可以说是中国心理素质最好的运动员,但是心理素质再好,也 无法抵挡伤病的袭击。


可是或许除了刘翔没有 人知道他的伤有那么重,重到在赛前热身时,我们第一次看到刘翔的表情如此痛苦。

刘翔退赛了,他愿意吗?四年里,他的努力我们或许都熟视无睹,因为我们看到的只 是比赛中屡屡创佳绩的刘翔,我们看到的是破世界纪录的刘翔,我们看到的是给13亿人无数 光荣时刻的刘翔,但是这些光芒的背后呢?他的汗水,他的努力,我们又有谁能真正理解呢? 我们有的只是期待,只是固执的相信,他一定能给我们带来我们所期望的一切。



但是,我们 谁都明白,此刻,没有人的心情比刘翔更痛,更复杂。

在随后的新闻发布会上,孙海平痛哭 失声·· 能够坚持出现在预赛赛场上,这至少说明刘翔和他的团队绝没有半点忽悠全国人民的 意思。


这个意义上,任何关于保守 秘密、封闭消息之类的指责都不会得到广泛的支持。


辛辛苦苦准备四年,在 最后的关头失去机会。


努力过的人不该被质疑,尽管这种方式不是很容易被接受,但现实面前,我们所能做 的只能是对刘翔的同情以及对他未来的祝福。


从受伤到现在,一直背负着大家的希望的他挺着伤病走到鸟巢, 走在了110米栏面前。

他比谁都渴望从这些栏前跨越和腾飞,因为那是“他的希望,整个国家 的希望”。

他能够在这个时候,选择退出,肯定有千千万万个不得已,肯定背负了重于泰山的 重担。




相信你会 夺回属于你的荣耀,相信你会夺回属于你的一切! 刘翔,你依然是我们心目中的民族英雄!!





这枚金牌是中国男选手在奥运会上夺得的第一枚田径金牌,书写了中国田径新的历史!2006年,瑞士洛桑田径超级大奖赛上刘翔以12秒88的成绩打破沉睡13年之久的世界纪录;2007年 创造了第九道奇迹,以12秒95获得日本大阪的第11届世界田径锦标赛冠军;成为世界唯一一个集奥运会冠军、世锦赛冠军和世界纪录保持者于一身的男子110米栏大满贯得主。









英文: Sometimes When cloudy The sky will appear a large cloud of However, there is a Continue to Luminescent heat of the sun Clouds will cover the sun On land there will be dark But soon Clouds will be passed Before the resumption of the land and hot Sorry You do not know where to injury But that is the injury to the ankle I have a very ashamed of my deeds Wei walking in the middle of the ankle Because of the "lesson" So the other foot also died This history There are also add up to three or four times a I just to Wei On the kind of understand the discrepancies in the actual pain Every time I will always yelling Disturbance of the family can do nothing for me You can be patient Let's see you in the game Thanks The dark clouds blocking the sun When it has passed? All of your concerns will wait and see In the moment Tears falling for you Applause will shock you 翻译成汉语为: 有时 阴天的时候 天空中会出现大片的阴云 但还有一个 依然发光发热的太阳 阴云会遮住太阳 陆地上会出现阴暗 但不一会儿 阴云会飘走 陆地又恢复之前的炙热 抱歉 不知道你伤到了哪里 但觉得是伤到了脚踝 我有一个令我十分惭愧的事迹 在走路中崴到了脚踝 因为有了“前车之鉴” 所以另一脚也不幸遇难 这样的历史 加起来也有三四次了 我仅仅是崴到 就了解到那种钻心的疼痛 每一次 我总是会大喊大叫 扰的家人对我无可奈何 可你在忍耐 让我们看见在赛场上的你 谢谢 遮挡太阳的阴云 何时会飘走呢? 所有关注你的人都会拭目以待 到了那一刻 泪水会为你纷飞 掌声会为你震撼

Liu Xiang was a successful sport *** an.He was born in 1983 in Shanghai,China.It is widely ackownledged that he is one of the most famous athletes all over the world.Besides, he is the pride of we Chinese.Liu Xiang is a brilliant athlete.He is good at the 110-meter hurdles.He practices hard in order to realise his dreams. In 2004 Olympic Games,Liu Xiang became the champion of male 110m hurdles.He bees the focus of people all across our country.As we all know,Liu Xiang is an active guy.He is handsome, clever andhumorous.I love Liu Xiang and I am a fun of Liu Xiang.I hope that he can make a good progress in the futher.

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Unit4A 我们身边的英雄 Heroes among us Who's a hero these days? 我们身边的英雄谁是当今的英雄? In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common. We use hero to describe both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies. 在一个英雄主义发扬光大的时代,"英雄"一词已经变得更加常见。我们把各种困难和悲剧的受害者和幸存者都称为"英雄"。 Who are the heroes among us? In the days subsequent to a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, 那么,我们身边哪些人是英雄呢?在亚利桑那州图森市枪击案发生后的日子里, many described 20-year-old political associate Daniel Hernandez as a hero. During the horrible shooting, he courageously ran through the danger to save the life of one of the victims, his boss and friend, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. 许多人都把 20 岁的政界同事丹尼尔.赫尔南德兹描述为英雄。在骇人的枪击案发生时,他勇敢地冒着危险,去救助受害者之一、也是他的上司和朋友的加布里埃尔?吉福德议员。 Daniel held her head up so she could breathe and applied pressure to her wounds. He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be fine. 丹尼尔把她的头托高,便于她呼吸,并用力摁住她的伤口。他用温柔体贴的话语安慰她,告诉她他会把她的丈夫和父母找来,告诉她一切都会好的。 And he never left her side, staying beside her in the ambulance all the way to the hospital. Another hero from the mass shooting in Tucson was Dory Stoddard. 而且,他一直守护在她身边,在去医院的路上,他也一直在救护车里陪伴在她身旁。图森枪击事件中的另一位英雄是多利.斯托达德。 Dory gave his life for his wife, Mavy. Dory and his wife had been friends since childhood and when Dory heard shots ring out he immediately fell on top of his wife to shield her from the hail of bullets. 多利为保护妻子梅维献出了自己的生命。多利和他的妻子自小青梅竹马。一听到枪声,多利马上扑在妻子身上为她挡住扫射过来的子弹。 At the memorial service, the priest said: "Dory didn't die a hero; he lived a hero." Long known for his remarkable spirit and love of humanity, Dory Stoddard died as he had always lived, assisting others. 在葬礼仪式上,牧师说道:"多利一生英雄,非死才为英雄。"多利.斯托达德一直以来以精神高尚、富有爱心而为大家所熟知,他至死也同他生前一样在帮助他人。 These are civilian heroes, who acted instinctively with courage and grace when caught up in extraordinary circumstances. But what about first responders, whose job is, in the words of the widow of a fallen police officer, to "rush toward danger"? 这些都是平民英雄。他们在特别危急的情况下,本能地做出勇敢而高尚的举动。但是,那些应急救援人员是否也算是英雄呢?用一位已故警官遗孀的话来说,他们的工作就是"迎着危险上"。 In Toronto, Canada, downtown life stopped when more than 11,000 police and other emergency responders marched solemnly through the streets to honor Sergeant Ryan Russell, a 35-year-old "good man and good cop", who believed deeply in his commitment to protect and serve. 在加拿大多伦多市,11000多名警察和其他应急救援人员肃穆地在大街上游行,纪念瑞安?罗素警佐。一位具有高度保护和服务意识的"好男人和好警察"、 Sgt. Russell moved quickly to protect others from harm. He tried to stop a drunk driver in a stolen snowplow with only his police automobile and his goodwill to help others. 当时整个市中心的其他活动都停止了。罗素警佐迅速采取行动,保护他人免受伤害。他仅凭着一辆警车和一颗帮助他人的善良的心,试图挡住一辆醉驾司机驾驶的偷来的扫雪车。 Sadly, Sgt. Russell was unable to stop the drunk driver and was killed in the effort. It used to be that the word hero was reserved for those who performed acts of distinct courage beyond the call of duty. 不幸的是,他没能拦住醉驾司机,不幸牺牲。在过去,"英雄"一词仅限于称呼那些做出超乎职责范围的特别英勇的行为的人们。 A soldier who runs through gunfire to rescue other military personnel is seen as a hero. So are larger-than-life leaders such as Nelson Mandela, who emerged after 27 years of jail, confined in a solitary chamber. 一位战士冒着枪林弹雨去抢救其他战友,他被看作英雄。同样,超凡卓越的具有传奇色彩的领袖人物也是英雄,比如纳尔逊.曼德拉。被囚禁于单人牢房 27 年后,曼德拉终于摆脱了牢狱生活。 He made the choice not to be bitter, and worked hard as South Africa's first black president to establish harmony and helped society reconcile its conflicted past. But today, our heroes are average men and women, "everyday heroes" to whom we can relate, people like us. 他没有抱怨,作为南非的第一位黑人总统,他努力奋斗,致力于创建和谐国家,促进社会化解以往的矛盾。但是今天,我们的英雄是平凡的男男女女,他们是我们看得见、摸得着的"平民英雄",是和我们一样的普通人。 However, while many people honor Sgt. Russell, some people raise this question when they try to make sense of a tragedy like Sgt Russell's, 虽然很多人尊重罗素警佐,但有些人在试图理解像罗素警佐这样的悲剧时提出了一个问题, Some first responders do not succeed in helping others and they get injured or die in their efforts. Do these people become heroes because of what happens to them as they try to help others - instead of what they actually make happen? 有些应急救援人员在帮助他人时没能获得成功,而自己却受伤或牺牲了。这些人不是因为他们成功帮助了别人,而是因为他们在帮助别人时所遭遇的不幸才成为英雄的吗? I asked road safety advocate Eleanor McMahon whether she thought Sgt. Russell was a hero. 我问道路交通安全倡导者埃莉诺.麦克玛农,她是否认为罗素警官是位英雄。 Ms. McMahon's late husband, a police officer, was killed by a drunk truck driver in a 2006 off-duty bicycling accident. Through grief and rage, Ms. McMahon founded Share the Road, a cycling association, and worked tirelessly until the government established " Greg's Law ", 麦克玛农女士的已故丈夫曾是一名警官,2006 年的一天,他未当班,却在骑车时因一名醉驾卡车司机肇事而丧生。在悲伤和愤怒中,麦克玛农女士创立了"道路共享单车联合会",一个自行车协会。她不懈地努力,直到政府颁布了格雷格法案, legislation that gave authority to police to immediately seize the automobiles of drunk drivers caught on the road. Ms. McMahon replied that she thought Sgt. Russell was indeed a hero. 授予警察在路上一旦发现醉驾司机就当场予以扣留车辆的权力。麦克玛农女士回答说,她认为罗素警官确实是英雄。 "Just imagine, in the middle of an intense snowstorm this policeman thinks: I've got to stop this snowplow before it hurts others." Ms. McMahon summed up why she considered many police officers to be heroes, 想象一下,在狂风暴雪中,这位警官想道:"我必须挡住这辆扫雪车,不让它伤及他人。"麦克玛农女士概括了为什么她认为许多警官都是英雄的原因, It's natural to be afraid of danger. It's natural for that fear to cause most people to rush toward safety and away from danger. 害怕危险是正常的。大多数人因害怕危险而奔向安全之处躲避危险,这也是正常的。 Heroes do just the opposite. They rush toward danger to help those in need. 而英雄则恰恰相反。他们迎着危险上,为的是帮助需要帮助的人。 We count on first responders to rush toward danger, especially when it involves us or those we love. We expect nothing less. 我们指望应急救援人员冲向危险,尤其是当我们或我们所爱的人身处险境时。这正是我们对应急救援人员的期望。 So when one of them dies doing that, we should recognize the heroic action even though we may doubt our own capacity to be heroic ourselves. 所以,当他们中的一位因冲向危险而遭遇不幸时,我们应认可他们的英勇行为,哪怕我们可能怀疑自己是否具有这样的勇气。 The inspiring stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, whether it is in the fulfillment of their duties or as part of everyday life. 英雄们激励人心的事迹有助于提醒我们,平凡的人也可以做出不平凡的事,不管是履行职责,还是在日常生活中。 We honor the fireman, the policeman, and the average citizen by recognizing their heroism. Perhaps, even more importantly, we honor them by working to change the circumstances that led to their death. 我们向消防员、警察和普通平民致敬,赞扬其大无畏的精神。也许,甚至更为重要的是,我们要通过改变让他们遭遇不幸的环境来向他们致敬。 By honoring them we can be inspired by them. Will we be heroes when circumstances call on us to act heroically? 通过缅怀他们,我们可以从中得到鼓舞。一旦有情况召唤我们挺身而出时,我们会当英雄吗? Hopefully, we will! 但愿我们会!


英雄的英文作文 写一篇关于英雄的英语作文80字


Everyone's heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit.

So far,I can't fet a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person I can't understand why he was so friendly,but I really know,he was a hero in my heart.I looked up upon him.and I will do all things I can do,I want to be the 2nd Leifeng.


Li zhunji, My Hero

Have you seen the Korean TV series call “Hero”? The hero of the story is a actor called Lizhunji. Lizhunji, he is my hero.

I admire most of the characters he acted in the movies and TV dramas, such as the romantic and free spirited Xu Zheng yu in “My Girl”, the tough man in “the times of the wolf and dog”, and the legendary hero in “the plum blossom”. Beside this, I admire him as an actor. He challenges himself as an actor and chooses to act totally different type of rolls. He said to his fans, “If one day I fot my dream and chased after money and fame, I wouldn’t be me anymore. Please abandon me then.”

I’m not an actor, but I want to be like him to challenge myself and live in the dream to achieve, not to sit back and enjoy the success.






The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always *** iling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.

My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.

If you ask brother chun much stronger? The arms unbend had 19 practice, follow the rockets running. Racing Twenty feet into football, break son unique. Brother chun is playing in Germany, Brazil cowering rig surrender. If nobody asked how much power? A call a tornado thirty, learn to write round his pupil. Forty xi, the British library endorsement. Yu spring wave, leaning worship created universe hero.


我心目中的英雄(The hero in my heart)

Everyone's heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit.

So far,I can't fet a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person. I can't understand why he was so friendly, but I really know, he was a hero in my heart. I looked up upon him.And I will do all things I can do to be the 2nd Leifeng.


In this world there is only one person I could call her hero. She is my mother, also my best friend, and my strongest supporter. Even if she is not the most beautiful woman in the earth, she is my prettiest respecter I admire.

你自己想一个关于她的小故事 这不难吧。。。

She is the best listener and advisor in my whole life, always be honest with me and tell me how to solve those problems I e up against. She not only helps me, but also helps everyone she contacts with without any plain. Therefore, everyone who knows her is always talking about her and her help, which makes her so “popular” in our munity. From a child, I know I want to be her when I grow up. Really, she is my hero forever.


Everybody‘s heart has a hero live in.The hero in my heart is my father.He didn't has a lot of vigorous deeds,but he influence me at every detail.He can always save me in difficult and show me a new way again.He can give me an enough sense of security which can keep danger away from me.He say less but do more,he loves me and expected nothing in return.I hope I can bee a person like him,holding fast to the belief in the plex environment and never say no.


您好:my father is my hero

When I was young he would kiss me every night and sing to me as I awoke. He made me feel so special. I knew that my father loved me. It made me feel strong enough to do almost everything.

He got sick, but strength(力气) kept him alive. He loved his children so much. He gave up years of his life caring for the woman, his wife. She was going to die. Day and night he struggled(努力) for years with her disease. (疾病)Despite disease of his own, he still stood by her side caring for her and loving her until the day she died.

Twenty days later, he died. I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend.

A few years have passed, and the life has changed a lot. But the love for my father won’t change and it will never end.






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On July 7, 1937, the alarm bell rang. Japan launched an all-round war of aggression against China. In the face of national calamity, the Chinese people stood up to save the country and the people, went through fire and water, and looked at death as if they were our heroes!


If there are no Anti Japanese heroes, our motherland will be gone! They are not afraid of risks. They have saved the people and the people of China! Anti Japanese heroes are like a storm in summer and a big tree fighting against wind and rain... Anti Japanese heroes are examples of our Chinese people!


There are many stories happened in the eight years of Anti Japanese war. Let me tell you something. Three months after the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, they almost killed all the people in Nanjing. Nanjing is full of blood. The devils have killed more than 300000 people. The atrocities of the devils are too numerous to record!


Thinking of the Anti Japanese heroes, I can't help thinking of a song sung in the primary school classroom, "we are the successors of communism..." which reminds us of the Anti Japanese heroes fighting on the battlefield. Never retreat. If someone says they want to surrender, it's not good. It's better to kill the Japanese and die together.


There are many anti Japanese heroes, many of them are unknown. They will not be looked down upon or laughed at by other countries. They will only make future generations happy and happy.


One hundred thousand young people, one hundred thousand troops, one inch of mountains and rivers, one inch of blood. Although the martyrs died, we will never forget the spirit of the Anti Japanese heroes, because the Anti Japanese heroes are the super heroes of our motherland!
