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剑鱼行动 Swordfish(2001)


    间谍加布利尔(约翰•特拉沃塔 John Travolta)在多年特工生涯中,获知政府多年非法收敛了一笔公款。而加布利尔若想实现自己心中的梦想,钱是最关键的因素。正因如此,机智狡猾的加布利尔决定向这笔赃款下手。



  1.   记得Travolta的一句台词,"如果消灭所有疾病的代价是杀死一个善良的小女孩,你会做吗?或者是杀死十个,一千个呢?",这是个蛮不错的命题,是否改为了全体人民的安危而伤害少部分无辜的人,那少部分又是多少?对付恐怖分子又用什么方式?以暴还暴?电影其实并没有就此深入探讨··就情节和画面而言,完全够得上imdb的7,0以上吧··



  2. You know the problem with Hollywood?
    They make shit. Unbelievable,
    unremarkable shit.
    I'm not some wannabe filmmaker...
    ...searching for existentialism through
    a haze of bong smoke.
    No, it's easy to pick apart bad acting,
    shortsighted directing...
    ...and a moronic stringing together
    of words the studios term as prose.
    No, I'm talking about
    the lack of realism. Realism.
    Not a pervasive element
    in modern American cinematic vision.
    Take Dog Day Afternoon, for example.
    Arguably Pacino's best work.
    Short of Scarface and
    Godfather Part I, of course.
    Masterpiece of directing,
    easily Lumet's best.
    The cinematography, the acting,
    the screenplay, all topnotch. But...
    ...they didn't push the envelope.
    What if, in Dog Day Sonny wanted to
    get away with it? Really wanted that.
    Now this is the tricky part. What if
    he started killing hostages right away?
    No mercy, no quarter.
    "Meet our demands or the pretty blond
    gets it in the head." Bam, splat.
    What, still no bus? Come on.
    How many innocent victims would it take
    for the city...
    ...to reverse its policy
    on hostages?
    And this is 1976. There's no CNN.
    There's no CNBC. There's no Internet.
    Fast-forward to today.
    Present time, same situation.
    How quickly would the media
    make a frenzy? In hours.
    It would be the biggest story from
    Boston to Budapest.
    Ten hostages die.
    Twenty, thirty.
    Relentless. Bam, bim.
    One after another.
    All on hi-def, computer-enhanced.
    You can almost taste the brain matter.
    All for what? A bus, a plane?
    A couple million dollars
    that's federally insured?
    I don't think so, but...
    ...just a thought.
    I mean, it's not...
    ...within the realm of
    conventional cinema, but...
    ...what if?
    - There's a problem with that movie.
    - Really?
    - It wouldn't work.
    - How come?
    - Audiences love happy endings.
    - Pacino escapes with the money.
    Boyfriend gets a sex change.
    Live happily ever after.
    - No?
    - No.
    Bad guy can't win.
    It's a morality tale.
    One way or the other,
    he's gotta go down.
    Well, life is stranger
    than fiction sometimes.
    You know, guys, I gotta go.
    Gotta jet.
    Thanks for the coffee.
  3. 这片子很赞。

    约翰·特拉沃塔那角色有理想(虽然可议) 有行动力 而且深具智慧 是一个可怕的对手 不过他也很有信用 可以做好伙伴

    黑客有正义感 觉得这事不可做 于是首领把金姬带来吊起逼他做
    黑客无法 只得从命 成功以后 首领以“她是缉毒人员” 为由将其“击毙”

    我说 这是骆驼背上最后一根草 此前的杀戮都与黑客无甚关系
    杀金姬不一样 他认为他和金姬是同路人 是正义的 而且 不排除他对金姬有好感
    又 金姬是在他完成任务以后被杀的——首领背信

    简单的说 是为了让黑客“入戏” 使他最后自觉与他们合演最后一幕

    有了这一枪 目睹金姬被杀的黑客 其正义感、愤怒啊什么的才能达到最高点
    才有他最后拿起火箭筒轰直升机——你想啊 在那车上留一箱武器为的是什么——的一幕

    警察什么的都以为他们死了 他们才可以施施然的离开现场

    要是他们飞走 地面的追起来也不难 而且警察也可以出动直升机追

    所以 让所有人在当时(“当时”就够了)以为他们死了

    因此 这是一着狠棋 不成功(黑客的愤怒不够)恐怕真的要成仁

  4. 约翰特拉沃特演的坏人总是这么有风度,不紧不慢,魅力十足,他总喜欢讲一些道理,而这些道理却不是那么讨厌。。