前美军特种部队炸弹专家史蒂芬·阿瑟·杨格(麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 饰)正走向一条危险之途,作为穆斯林他不满美国对待阿拉伯国家的政策,于是策划发动恐怖袭击。他宣称在三个城市中分别安放了三颗小型原子弹,美国本土危在旦夕。FBI反恐部门女探员海伦·布洛迪(凯瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss 饰)负责调查此案,却在紧要关头发现军方以及一个神秘部门介入其中。她的小队连同极度危险的谈判专家亨利·汉弗莱斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)受命审讯史蒂芬。绰号H的亨利手段残忍严酷,加上政府高层的纵容他愈加有恃无恐。海伦反感这样惨无人道的非法手段,她想尽办法争取史蒂芬的信任,终于让他说出其中一颗炸弹的暗访地点。
"上校 《日內瓦公約》規定..." "Colonel, the Geneva Convention states that..." "根據《軍事委員會法案》 從事違法活動的敵軍,不可以援引日內瓦公約" "The Military Commissions Act, no unlawful enemy combatants, may invoke the Geneva Convention." "那法案規定刑訊拷問是違法的,從事違法活動的敵軍沒有人身保護權,法庭都沒法提出任何指控 更沒法證明了!" "That act declares torture illegal. Unlawful combatants have no right to habeas corpus, They can't bring any claims to court, so how do they prove it?" "那是針對從事非法活動的外國敵軍, 而他是美國公民" "That's alien unlawful enemy combatants.This man is an American citizen." "他的國籍昨天被宣佈無效 他現在無國籍" "That was revoked yesterday. He's now stateless."
"傑克 嫌疑人正在被刑訊逼供 這是違反憲法的" "Jack, the suspect is being tortured. This is unconstitutional." "海倫 如果那些炸彈爆炸了,憲法都他媽不存在了!" "Helen, if those bombs go off, there will be no fucking Constitution!"
"到底還想不想知道炸彈在哪?這是我的職責!你想讓我贏 還是他贏?" "Do you want to know where the bombs are or not? " It's my responsibility! You want me to win, or you want him to win?" "H 放下刀" "H, put the knife down." "那你決定了 讓他贏?你們太他媽自私了,這不止關乎到你們!這是戰爭 是犧牲." "So you made a choice, you want him to win? You're all so fucking selfish. This is not about you! This is war. This is sacrifice."
"那個男人殺了53個人,其中有女人和孩子 憑什麼說我是惡人?" "That man over there killed 53 people. Some of them women and children, and yet somehow I'm the villain?" "閉嘴 你這個瘋子 你他媽就是魔鬼!" "You keep your mouth shut, you maniac. You're fucking evil!"
"我熱愛祖國 是你們在蹂躪它! I love my country, you people crap on it! 我熱愛我的宗教 是你們在唾棄它! I love my religion and you people spit on it! 別忘了 是我選擇到這來! Just remember something, I'm here because I want to be here! 我故意被抓 因為我不是懦夫 I let myself be caught because I'm not a coward. 我選擇了跟壓迫者當面較量! I chose to meet my oppressors face to face! 你說我殘暴 You call me a barbarian. 那你們自己呢? Then what are you? 你指望我為50個平民哀悼? What, you expect me to weep over 50 civilians? 你們每天都在屠殺這麼多人! You people kill that number every day! 感覺如何 布羅迪? 這與我無關 這是你的問題! How does it feel, Brody? This is not about me. This is about you! 感覺如何? 你在這裡沒有決定權! 沒有! How does it feel? You have no authority here! None! 只有一個人說了算 但絕不是你! There is but one authority and it is not you! 你是個禍害! You are a blight! 你是個毒瘤! You are a cancer!"