肥胖邋遢的左翼导演迈克•马隆(Kevin P. Farley 饰)致力于揭露美国政治、军事、经济和医疗等方面的阴暗面,他所拍摄的纪录片更在国际上获奖(影射迈克•摩尔)。他为自己的成就沾沾自喜,美国国内也有一批狂热的粉丝对他疯狂追捧。有些飘飘然的马隆更提议取消7月4日的独立日,他甚至大张旗鼓搞起了宣传活动。
电影高于生活,好莱坞的电影更该高于美国政治生活,不止是高于,它自古至今都是政治生活的强烈对抗者。剧情因对抗而精彩、新闻因对抗而新鲜。“It's a free country.”中国人隔岸观摩的自由主义价值却偏偏由强调这种free的以共和党为代表的保守主义者维持;而中国人历久弥新的左翼祸根偶尔也被美国自由主义者所向往。谁让一个叫东方、一个叫西方呢。
既然这个强调free的政府总在对外宣战、总在警惕红潮,那么好莱坞的作品当然要在给它强烈地回击中被喝彩。反战电影,从韩战越战到伊战,历来是好莱坞名导的制胜法宝。《美利坚颂歌》竟毫无标题自嘲意味地,选择站在保守主义一边,站在奥巴马的对立面,发出一声声好莱坞少数派的尖酸笑声,讽刺反战的学生为没头脑喊口号的弱智、挖苦中东政策的批评者为掉眼泪的鳄鱼、更把迈克尔.摩尔这个总站在美国政策对立面的纪录片名导,恶搞为因见不管军人夺走自己女友而叛国的愚蠢胖子。随讽刺基调走着,华盛顿的立国信念、林肯的内战救奴、巴顿的勇敢作风被给予大篇幅地赞颂,甚至电影让J.F.肯尼迪从“ask what you can do for your country”的演讲中,像贞子般爬出,否定奥利弗.斯通关于他反越战的论断(电影《刺杀肯尼迪》)。同时也讽刺了那批蜂拥追逐战争反省的好莱坞同行,如德.帕尔玛(《节选修订》)、温特伯顿(《通往关塔那摩之路》)、帕库拉(《总统班底》)等。将基地和塔利班分子娱乐化,当然更是这部电影不容错过的部分,恐怖分子们歌颂着美国电影、跟随着反战示威一起游戏,导演甚至虚构一群“基督教极端势力”,让咆哮着“我是72岁处女”的老修女冲上公交自杀爆炸。
Via @twitter, RT @roseluqiu 朋友说,看朝鲜阅兵觉得人家傻,再看自己阅兵,明白别人为何觉得我们傻了。 ________________________________________
Be it rude a manner, I still feel obliged to say, it's sick to see people earn their living by spitting nonsense. Especially for such a big shot who is shaping too many innocent minds.
For such a late comer as China in terms of global competition, military competitive is crucial for our survival. By demonstrating it in the National day, not only we bolster the morale of the whole country, but also reemphasize our commitment to future flourish.
I'm not here to propose it should be every citizen's obligation to buy into every single piece of government's political cliche, but ultimately it's an institution protecting us from invasion of hostile foreign countries. For god's sake. Not that you have to love it, at least give some credit.
Peddled as panacea by journalists who only cares about fame and bonuses, FREEDOM has never been closer to the word "ANARCHY" than today. In their theory, political transparency, administration efficiency, official's righteousness, nothing is ever enough. Period. But, guess what, when a day Washington or Moscow nuking us, you'll find hell of a deal of democracy and free market.
Please keep this in mind, the conception of freedom is nothing more than a compromise, which was long long time ago reached between the painstaking reality and ideal pursuit of virtue plus happiness. All those elegant notions are both romantic and disciplined. Desirable. But restricted as well. Unfortunately they have been overlooked for too long.
Cynicism is only young man's game. It would be hopelessly naive for us not having outgrown it. ___________________________________________________ btw, 本人twitter: @sufupeter. 欢迎follow