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全美超模大赛 第十二季 America's Next Top Model Season 12(2009)

全美超模大赛 第十二季 America's Next Top Model Season 12(2009)

又名: 全美超级模特新秀大赛 第十二季 / 全美超模 第十二季

主演: 泰拉·班克斯

类型: 剧情

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 2009-03-04(美国)

集数: 13 单集片长: 42分钟 IMDb: tt1365065 豆瓣评分:7.8 下载地址:迅雷下载





  1. 第一次见到这个姑娘的时候惊为天人就相当于一见钟情吧!我不知道为什么会对他如此的着迷。她的身上有一种神秘的魔力吸引着我,她敏感而又脆弱,眼睛不能见阳光…在后来的全明星赛季中,她因为不能见光所拍出来的硬照略逊一筹。挺遗憾的,参加了两次比赛都是第二名。从第一集看到最后一集,她一步一步的在慢慢蜕变。




  2. 这季看了想砸屏幕,史上最黑ANTM,其实一开始就猜到会整个黑妞冠军,但没想到做得那么明显恶心,一开始就不停的夸照片好,妈的恶心死我了。 Celia就是我心目中的冠军,四进三莫名被淘汰,因为评委知道再不淘汰,后面就更难找到理由了,穿衣品味一级棒,太有魅力了。 Natalie好美,很像Gossip girl,那段睡美人的剪辑笑死了。 第一次居然有人胖出局的,Poor London。 大眼妹蛮可爱的,但一直盯着她的眼也怪吓人的。 第三的黑人A婊,真心无力吐槽,指着N说stupid的时候真心素质差,真想一巴掌拍死她,没有一张照片拿的出手的,居然保送进前三,Tyra你种族歧视啊。 粉蛋!

  3. 偶然翻箱倒柜 倒腾出来的老文章 首发新浪播客@2009-04-04 14:25:23

    Keep up with American's Next Top Model Cycle 12, ep6 now, with 8 candidates remaining.

    The reason why I specialize this cycle so muchis cuz of girls generally this time, who, might not be more beautiful than previously, but do have better personality, be more mature and interesting.

    Tworewarding points I've gained while watching those episodes are as follows:

    1. Personality,rather than apperance, makes a girl beautiful, and this kind of beauty distinguishes and lasts longer.

    2. Smartness outshines. Get smart, being smart, learn fast. Bam!

    Amazingly, I come up with some kinda "theory" about being winning in this competition, and more importantly, being a girl/woman comfortably. I call it, "The Theory of CPI".

    CPI, which commonly means Consumer Price Index economically, here stands for Confidence, Personality and Interest, which I conclude as the 3 key elements to being a girl/woman comfortably. More words needed to say about "Interest". It means, to me, being an interesting person and always be interested in interesting things.

    I guess, instead of constantly saying to yourself, "You need to be a strong and independed woman" to get cheered up, those 3 words are more easily memorable and effective, aren't they?

    Ok, back to the show. 8 models remaining, and some of them I have my specialfavor for.


    THE smart, stylish girl with good personality and attitude. I know, you made sort of a mistake with the intention to reveal some information,but who didn't? So,rub it off your mind, learn the lesson, and stride on! Back you up, girl!


    No need to cry any moreabout the curly, short, town boy hair,isn't it?Look at you, bright, special, smile up, cutie!


    THE alien, small and innocent. kinda worry about you for constantly showing the same look, which definitely is not what those judges wanna see. Have my fingers crossed for you, girl.

    Waiting for the upcomings...