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超级外星历险 Supernova(2000)



  1. 看得时候就觉着这部片子虽然故事很莫名,但是有些想法真心很不错,就算所有人都在互相乱搞,但也算是好莱坞天性使然,也不至于在IMDb上这么低的分啊。然后就看到了这一段影评:

    “Supernova is a perfect example of a studio screwing up everything. MGM had their minds on a 'sexy and hip' type movie while director Walter Hill was making a dark, 'logical' sci-fi movie. After the studio screwed with his movie, he took off. The movie was then taken charge by such directors as Francis Ford Coppola, and Jack Sholder (The Hidden). Well to make a long story short, MGM directed this movie, not as they say in the credits, 'Thomas Lee'. The movie ended up being about an entire crew doing nothing but screwing each other (literally), while bad stuff happens around them. That's it.
    I highly recommend everybody who has seen this movie to check out the DVD. There they can see all the deleted scenes that the studio cut out. Check them out, then you think about it. Would you like to have seen the type of movie portrayed in the deleted scenes, or in the current turd that was released to the entire world? IMHO, I'd like to see the movie in the deleted scenes. Let's just hope that MGM has learned it's lesson with such flops like this and Rollerball.”
    --by Psycho86


  2. 这部电影让我感觉自己再看一篇样板作文的感觉。


    过程:概念引入,故弄玄虚。为了让故事充满波折,引入了一个 九度空间的次元同位物质概念,然后告诉观众,这个东西能够让人返老还童,青春永驻。最主要,按照剧情的展现,这个东西竟然还能改变整个宇宙的生生死死。创造这么大一个概念,但是全程都只是在展示人类对于永生的渴求,有点老剧新唱的感觉,而且还没唱出什么花样。


  3. 推荐给JS的粉丝和科幻迷们!
  4. 或许是我看电影的时间顺序不对,先看完现在的科幻片,才回过头来看这部过了这么多年的电影,