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路易斯·韦恩的激情人生 The Electrical Life of Louis Wain(2021)





  1. 路易斯·韦恩(LouisWain1860~1939),英国插画画家,以画拟人的猫之形象著名。他晚年患上精神分裂症,后人分析其病症可能和常见于猫身上的寄生虫弓形虫有关。韦恩是家中的长子,下面有5个妹妹。他天生兔唇,后来入读西伦敦艺术学校,成为自由画家。他最初画的多是漂亮的田园景色。所以电影在他人生的重要起始和临终用了他的田园画作为背景。






  2. 刚开始虽然完全没明白他在说什么,或许是有被本尼演技感染到,感动得一塌糊涂(本来是冲着吸猫来的,猝不及防被艺术家的浪漫感动到,我的未来一直有你,即使你已不在这个世界555…)



  3. 2022新年的第一天,我看了這部電影,第一次看本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇的表演,他是當之無愧的好演員,只是片中部分情節似有意讓人感傷。這部傳記片展現了韋恩與妻子深情的愛與理解以及他創作貓世界的激情。他的作品破天荒地連結了貓與人的世界,從此在歐洲貓不再被人視為不祥之物而進入了千家萬戶。


    Louis: I don’t know why it is that I find it so very difficult, just being here on this earth, but… I can say with absolute certainty that you have made it much, much better. You make the world beautiful, and warm and kind. I just wanted to say thank you for that before it’s too late.

    Emily: I don’t make the world beautiful, Louis. The world is beautiful. And you’ve helped me to see that too. Just to remember… however hard things get… however much you feel like you’re struggling… the world is full of beauty. And it’s up to you to capture it, Louis. To look. And to share it with as many people as you can. You are a prism. Through which that beam of life refracts.


    Louis: I have failed her, Mr. Rider.

    Rider: I don’t think you have failed, Mr. Wain…from what you have been saying. Why do you think Emily wanted you to keep painting pictures, Mr. Wain?

    Louis: To help people. To show them.

    Rider: Perhaps. And there’s no doubt that you’ve done that. But I have a rather different theory. I think she wanted you to keep painting so you would not be alone. When you paint, Mr. Wain, you connect with other people and you give them a piece of yourself, but… they are also connecting with you. And that electricity that you describe… that you felt in the presence of Emily, I’d call that love, Mr. Wain. And that is still here.

  4. “I don’t know why it is that I find it so very difficult just being here on earth, but … I can say with absolute certainty that you made it much much better. You make the world beautiful and warm and kind. I just wanted to say thank you before it’s too late.”

    “I don’t make the world beautiful, Louis. The world is beautiful, and you helped me to see that too. Just remember, however hard things get, however much you feel like you’re struggling, the world is full of beauty. And it’s up to you to capture it, Louis. To look. And to share it with as many people as you can. You are a prism. Through which that beam of life refracts. ”