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如果我留下 If I Stay(2014)





  1.         你评价一部电影的好坏是什么?


            串联全片的是女主的爱情故事,才气男友最后也不离不弃,但最能拨动泪腺的是为数不多展现亲情的镜头。全神贯注听小女儿演奏大提琴的爸爸,放弃了自己的摇滚;宽慰失恋女儿的潇洒妈妈;还有在病床前慈祥而又坚毅的爷爷,“I want you to live.I want that more than anything in this world.I want you to fight like hell to stay with us.But with everybody else gone,I know it might be not what you want,It might be too hard for you to keep fighting,So if you wanna go,i want you to know it's ok. It's okay.I understand. ”



  2.     电影进行到一家人出车祸的场景的时候,我意识到这是一个从濒死体验为切入点思考人生的片子。联想到另一个类似的片子是Lovely Bone,充满亲情,回忆。

        当女主知道父母弟弟全都死了之后,她一度放弃了求生的意志。虽然waiting room里面坐满了满脸悲痛、疲惫又虔诚期盼女孩醒过来的亲朋好友;虽然他外公在病床旁,强忍住刻骨的悲痛对女孩说:我想让你活下来...但是如果太难,你累了,想放弃,我也理解;虽然知道自己离开会让男友痛不欲生;虽然。。。。但是,如果生死边缘挣扎一遭醒过来,发现自己成了孤儿,这残酷的现实也许比死去更加痛苦吧。



  3. We, grown-ups, seems to be stubbornly convinced that young adult stories are stupid, and only teenagers themselves will be silly enough to fall in love with this kind of "so-called" romantic novels.
    For that we already knew the transitory characteristic of love. We understand it, crystal clear, right from the beginning of the film that their love story might not even live through the winter, they are not going to survive the long distance after high school, not to mention that the post-traumatic stress our heroine must deal with as long as she wake up after the car accident(, though this is the story in its sequel 'Where She Went'). We know that, time itself might bring an end to the relationship between this young man and this young woman.

    But, is it not the most beautiful part of every teenager love story, or of puberty? What make those young children, those teenager boys and girls so attracting is that they take their pure love, their approaching departure, their breakup as this important that their hearts are tortured by whips for thousands of times. The pain is all that matters, that hurts, that suffocates, and they think they will never get through this. They struggle, they quarrel, they cry, they reconcile with each other, as love and pain remains the only theme of their adolescence.

    They do not know now, but they will understand it one day, that all these love and pain, joy and suffering will become a memory with bitter sweets or even a memory with no colour, a memory that brings back no sensation. However, this never counteract the real experience they are right now undergoing. All these hurts, all these emotions, all these tears are once so real, that almost break their hearts or already broke them. They live in drama, not because they are affected, but their lives are filled with dramatic conflicts.

    Not until the puberty ends, along with the death of drama, will these whole true life-play come to a termination.
    Then, teenage love, which is so void but sincere, dies alongside with it.
  4. 说起这部电影我真的要说超杀女能如此安静,这转型真的有点吓了一跳,表现很出色,而且为了演好这个角色专门学习了大提琴真的是很用心的演员。