第一次觉得,勃朗宁的诗原来那么美,卖蛋人(egg man)教安妮的第一首诗: The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven; The hill-side's dew-pearl'd; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven— All's right with the world! ——————————Pippa Passes (1841)
李寻欢雕着林诗音的像,罗伯塔•约翰逊(egg man)画着女钢琴家的画。 安妮替亨德森老师写给艾格曼的信: Dear egg man, Anne sayed(said) the other day, she is red headed and frekkled(freckled), dut(but) she says puite(puit) good things. “Life doesn’t go as you expect. But it meens(means) something wonderful might happen. And you never expect it befor(before).” Anne is right. My life did not go as I expected. I wished if I was more beautiful hundreds of times. But the god gives me a special present I never expected before, Egg man, I met you.