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又名: 不完美的精彩 / In My Eyes

导演: 韩轶

主演: 曹晟康

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 中国大陆

上映日期: 2018-06-19(上海电影节)

片长: 93分钟 IMDb: tt7883438 豆瓣评分:0 下载地址:迅雷下载





  1. 我对大荧幕的期待,可以没有很美的画面,但期待于看到更完美的人、更完美的价值观。而电影主角的特立独行是实际的,但老曹的性格和价值观却是平凡,甚至平庸的。










  2. A brilliant, very human, and deeply-moving portrait of that rarest of qualities any film could have these days – fresh, uncharted territory. A core subject that, (despite all the films out there) somehow hadn’t yet been explored.

    IN MY EYES follows the often heart-breaking journey of a blind Chinese man who, despite having been largely shunned by his family and dismissed by most of those around him as “useless” because of his blindness... sets out to prove them all wrong, to fully embrace life, and (quite literally) to travel the world, determined to experience its beauties and wonders in his own unique way.

    And, along the way, to find himself, to prove his own self-worth, and to fully embrace all of life’s potential.

    IN MY EYES chronicles large parts of that journey across the globe – a voyage full of chance encounters and the kindness of strangers and friendship and unexpected challenges as well as wondrous new experiences. A world that offers a wealth of exciting experiences to all the senses, not just the eyes, if one only takes the time to appreciate them.

    Reminding us that so much of our capacity for joy, fulfillment and acceptance is rooted in the attitude with which we choose to face life, regardless of what hand destiny has dealt us.

    But, along with his treks into Thailand, India, and across the United States – earning his way through his finely-honed massage skills, exchanging them for food and lodging when necessary – IN MY EYES also chronicles a second, as-important journey... this one a journey within: into our intrepid traveler’s past and family, into the very roots of his restlessness and determination to keep moving relentlessly forward, to follow his heart.

    To prove, to himself and all those around him, that no matter how hard the road ahead may be, there’s nothing in life so essential as believing in yourself and following the dream in your heart.

    Beautifully directed by Han Yi, producer of the multi award-winning CHINA HEAVYWEIGHT, IN MY EYES is the kind of quietly-haunting, unforgettably human and life-affirming film that stays with you long after you’ve had the pleasure of watching it.

  3. 坐了一个半小时,看足了掩盖自卑刷存在感的故事链——上节目,囤奖状,卯足劲要衣锦还乡。结果老母亲摔断腿卧床,不得不提早(还是十几年后第一次回家),说起母亲泪眼婆娑,病榻前还是只知道塞钱。请同乡吃饭,灌三句排比鸡汤句,觥筹交错,碰杯都是尴尬的声音。每个人都有选择生活的权力,你走你的就是了,何必还要转头博理解求支持,夹道欢迎,锣鼓相送。我看到的只是个人风光。谋求个人利益(按摩店老板形象被明显丑化),对盲人群体呢?没有贡献,没有反思,敢情宣扬人不为己 天诛地灭,连一人得道 鸡犬升天都够不上。盲人原来只是个噱头,怪不得拍了五年,炖了一锅泡饭,大家都凌乱了吧……

  4. 没有想到你这个小女子会排出这么好的片子❤️作为一个外行的我,感觉更像电影,而不是纪录片。曹老师遇到的问题,是我们每个成年人都会遇到的问题,当你的理想与现实生活或家人有了冲突,你该怎么去做?这没有固定的答案……个人理解,需要找到平衡。曹老师和她的女儿都需要找到自己内心的平衡,我们又何尝不是呢?
