The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy,the bird in the air is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. -by Rabindranath Tagore --------------------------------------- 9 天气晴: 来吧!来垦丁把你的心事拿出来晒一晒, 戴上一副漂亮的太阳眼镜, 赤脚踏上Day Dream王国柔软的沙滩...
开车来垦丁的外国人,在驶入垦丁的土地时说大声地叫喊,Look, it’s Kenting. Here comes the sun. 到垦丁了!阳光来了!The words are not ‘the sun’. The words are ‘here comes the sun’.不是‘阳光’,而是,阳光来了! 漂泊的商人说,我在垦丁这些年,从当地人身上感受到一种稳定的力量,这力量来自海洋温柔的慰藉,也来自土地深层的呼唤,让我第一次,有了扎根的欲望。他对他的爱人说,想跟你一起拥抱垦丁的山和海,一起享受阳光的洗礼。 当地的住民说,大自然有一种力量,会给人加油打气。有什么问题,都会在大海里得到答案。