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受生 Begotten(1991)

受生 Begotten(1991)

又名: 受生/作孽

导演: E. Elias Merhige

编剧: 伊里亚斯·墨西格

主演: Brian Salzberg Donna Dempsey Stephen Charles Barry James Gandia

类型: 恐怖 奇幻

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 1991-06-05

片长: 78 分钟 IMDb: tt0101420 豆瓣评分:7.3 下载地址:迅雷下载


    God disembowels himself with a straight razor. The spirit-like Mother Earth emerges, venturing into a bleak, barren landscape. Twitching and cowering, the Son Of Earth is set upon by faceless cannibals.



  1. 没有语言,只有画面,一堆象征性的符号,人体、息肉、精液……所有的镜头全带有强烈的心理暗示,背景安静得可怕。片头是一座小木屋,男人在自残,女人藏在一块白布后面,只等到男人咽气之后,才匆匆爬出取走了精液,之后就怀孕了。片尾,所有的鲜花都枯萎了,女人用一条绳子象栓一条狗一样带着男人走进了森林的深处……全片压抑地没有一丝希望。除血淋淋的重复一个又一个单调的变态行为,就是毫无节制地渲染荒芜的环境,如此奇特的一部电影,确是罕见。不过导演所要表达的那种似是而非,却有无比强烈的荒谬感,倒是呼之欲出。作为对于黑白影象一种探索,《Begotten》不仅是抽象的,更是纯精神层面的。我个人觉说是解构圣经,有些牵强。我不知道,它再现圣经中的哪一个章节,倒是联想到了核爆后广岛的那个人间地狱,呵呵……也许是我的领悟能力有限吧。总之,作为一个先锋,本片当知无愧。至于它究竟要表达什么?我看还是让每一个观看它的人自己去理解吧……形式主义,特别是象这样的带有浓郁默片情节的形式主义,我还是比较喜欢的。那些颠倒错乱的镜头与一晃而过的细节,往往使我浮想联翩,欲罢不能……
  2. 这是E.Elias Merhige在1991年导演的试验惊悚片。
      Begotten 翻译成中文,大概是受生、作孽之意。我翻译为受生之孽。看完了电影,我想E.Elias Merhigh起这个名字大概取自两个意向.一是受精,指大地之母用上帝的精液使自己怀孕;二是受难,这和第一个意向是同步的。个人看来,整个电影是作者用被动的情绪诠释生命,悲观作为基调,运用旧约创世纪的架构进行自我认识的过程。
      “The film heavily deals with religion and the biblical story of earth creation. But as Merhige revealed during Q&A sessions, its primary inspiration was a near death experience he had when he was 19, after a car crash. The film features no dialogue, but rather uses harsh and uncompromising images of human pain and suffering to tell its tale. ”


      “The film was shot on black and white reversal film, and then every frame was rephotographed for the look that is seen. The only colors are black and white. There are no half-tones. This is intended to add to the eerie atmosphere of the movie, as sometimes the viewer cannot always exactly make out what it is being shown, but can still infer a sense of suffering. The look of the film has been described as "a Rorschach test for the eye". Merhige said that for each minute of original film, it took up to 10 hours to rephotograph it for the look desired. ”


      “Mehrige also revealed in Q&A sessions that he would like this film to be the first of a trilogy. He is experiencing difficulties getting proper funding, and it is unknown if/when the two other films will be made. ”


         “Music video "Cryptorchid", single for Antichrist Superstar by Marilyn Manson, was directed by E. Elias Merhige and includes footage from Begotten. ”
      以反基督为信仰的Marilyn Manson在他的MV “Crytochild”中,邀请了E.Elias Merhige作为导演,并在其中利用了Begotten电影中的内容。

      “The film opens with a robed, profusely bleeding "God" disemboweling himself, with the act ultimately ending in his death. A woman emerges from his remains, arouses the body, and impregnates herself with his semen. Becoming pregnant, she wanders off into a vast and barren landscape. The pregnancy manifests in a fully grown man whom she leaves to his own devices. ”


      “The "Son of Earth" meets a group of faceless nomads who seize him with what is either a very long umbilical cord or a rope. The Son of Earth vomits organic pieces, and the nomads excitedly accept these as gifts. The nomads finally bring the man to a fire and burn him. ”


      “ "Mother Earth" encounters the resurrected man and comforts him. She seizes the man with a similar umbilical cord. The nomads appear and proceed to rape her. Son of Earth is left to mourn over the lifeless body. A group of characters appears, carry her off and dismember her, later returning for Son of Earth. After he, too, is dismembered, the group buries the remains, planting the parts into the crust of the earth. The burial site becomes lush with flowers. ”


      “While the movie is not easily approached—lacking both dialogue and discernible cultural symbols—it does contain references to various religious and pagan myths. Relatively obvious Christian myths are present in the impregnation of Mother Earth by God, akin to the impregnation of Mary by the Holy Spirit. The same myth is partly present in ancient Egyptian mythology, where Isis impregnates herself with the penis of the killed god Osiris and gives birth to Horus.”

  3. Plot:
      “The film opens with a robed, profusely bleeding "God" disemboweling himself, with the act ultimately ending in his death. A woman emerges from his remains, arouses the body, and impregnates herself with his semen. Becoming pregnant, she wanders off into a vast and barren landscape. The pregnancy manifests in a fully grown man whom she leaves to his own devices. ”


      “The "Son of Earth" meets a group of faceless nomads who seize him with what is either a very long umbilical cord or a rope. The Son of Earth vomits organic pieces, and the nomads excitedly accept these as gifts. The nomads finally bring the man to a fire and burn him. ”


      “ "Mother Earth" encounters the resurrected man and comforts him. She seizes the man with a similar umbilical cord. The nomads appear and proceed to rape her. Son of Earth is left to mourn over the lifeless body. A group of characters appears, carry her off and dismember her, later returning for Son of Earth. After he, too, is dismembered, the group buries the remains, planting the parts into the crust of the earth. The burial site becomes lush with flowers. ”

  4. 生命是骨上的肉,在地面上抽搐,就像火焰烧掉了黑暗。

    这部电影是不值得看的 一部实验性质的宗教电影 不符合我们生长的语境 表达的内容我们属于完全不理解 音乐的话太过勉强 很奇怪只能说 很聒噪 很像夏夜乡下的蝉鸣 画面很艺术很意识流(其实就是挺装逼的) 如果你不看下面介绍的话 剧情完全摸不着头脑 而且七十多分钟的话 真的太长了 画面不好辨认 导致为了弥补这个缺陷 导演一遍又一遍重复加长动作 ……反正就是不好看


    begotten意思是adj.祖先创造的 v.成为什么之父 生孩子 产生 我觉得和一开始生育的那个孩子 参考其他影评为大地之子有关

    然后呢 影片里面有长袍人用脐带束缚大地之子 我觉得与盖亚和乌拉诺斯把自己生的泰坦困在地里有关

    影片里面那个被长袍人束缚的大地之子吐出器官 我觉得和神的无性生殖有关 因为乌拉诺斯就是从盖亚手指生出来好像

    脑子想破了就知道这些 反正水平有限 也不建议看 就这样