今天偶然看到“豆瓣猜”我喜欢的电影里有这部片子,由于是新面孔,就点进来看了看。 84年的片子,石井聪恒,没有剧情简介。因此我判断它是一部很cult的片子,要知道,豆瓣上97年以前的没有剧情提要的日本电影大多是这个路数。 出于类似“剧情提要强迫症”一类的病症,我习惯性地打开百度搜索,终于在第二页找到了MTIME上的一段英文提要 “The literal translation of the Japanese title is "Back-Firing Family". "Gyakufunsha" means "thrust reversal", but is also used as a slang term for "crazy" or "screwed up."The grandfather is named Yasukuni and has World War II flashbacks. The Yasukuni Jinja, or Yasukuni Shrine, in Japan, is dedicated to those who died in WWII.”