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达尔文的恶梦 Le Pesadilla de Darwin(2004)

达尔文的恶梦 Le Pesadilla de Darwin(2004)

又名: Darwin's Nightmare / 达尔文的噩梦

导演: 于贝尔·苏佩

编剧: 于贝尔·苏佩

主演: 于贝尔·苏佩

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 奥地利 比利时 法国 加拿大 芬兰 瑞典

上映日期: 2004-09-11(威尼斯电影节)

片长: 107分钟 IMDb: tt0424024 豆瓣评分:8.7 下载地址:迅雷下载



  1. 课上看了Hubert Sauper 的Darwin's Nightmare/《达尔文的恶梦》。看得心里堵得慌,觉得透不过气来,但是没有人哭,连一声哽咽也没有。沉重的真实反而让人哭不出来,只有美国那种配着“isn`t it horrible?”式旁白的煽情片才喜欢把人弄哭。人真是一种有趣的动物,经常就被自己给感动了。

    这部片是一部很好的人类学电影。也许一些民族志电影的原教旨主义者可能会跳出来反驳,但是这部电影的确以人类学的视觉,展示了如何“深描”,将事件整体 地深度地描述出来,不带价值判断地讲好一个故事。如果不做到一定深度,你只有被忽悠的份,例如那些俄国的机师一开始会说飞机飞去坦桑尼亚时是空的,只是为了把鱼运回去; 然后会说,是一些“大箱子”或者“仪器(equipment)”,但不知道具体是什么;最后说出其实是从欧美走私来的军火,作为交换,将非常暴利的鱼肉运回去。坦桑尼亚周围的苏丹卢旺达种族屠杀的武器哪里来的?就这里来的。现在很多人拿到一个主题,就急于批判、“解构”,结果连完整地叙述一个故事的能力都还没有。就算要后现代,这个基本功夫 我觉得还是要掌握的。

    片子的名字起得很好,因为在Lake Victoria所发生的,无论对生态物种,还是对曾被坚信的社会进步论(现在新达尔文主义比之要复杂得多),都是沉重的一击。现在的生态灾难往往也是人道灾难。鱼肉加工厂老板说,这只是business.但这business带来了湖里其他物种消失,农民土地丧失、过渡倚赖渔业,自己不能生产粮食工资却低得买不起食物,只能熏长满蛆的鱼骨吃,熏出来的氨气腐蚀眼睛,妇女被迫向机师卖身,HIV散播,街童问题.....为什么一条鱼可以引起这么多社会问题?因为这是business.现在的所有社会问题都真离不开政治经济学,将“人权”单纯地当作话语(discourse)的话--而且很多时候是道德话语--它很容易就被架空成一个抽象概念,被反用来反对人权。很多人权活动分子会标榜去政治化。但我说,去了政治化就啥人权问题都解决不了。其实现在大部分人权问题还真的在国家框架内解决。想想,国际人权宣言最初可以说是为了犹太人弄出来的,但聪明的犹太人知道比起国家相比起来才是保障人权的主要渠道。而坦桑尼亚,基本是个failed country,它无力维持社会秩序调控市场,更无力阻止走私自欧美的军火大摇大摆地降落其领土。全球化已经渗透到每一条支流,封闭式小社会只存在于人类学家的玫瑰色幻想中,没有人可以独善其身,而国际事务的主体除了各种NGOs,最主要的就是国家。没有国家作为主体,你连协商的资本都没有。欧盟到坦桑尼亚开会讲来讲去核心要求就是“我们要干净的鱼肉”,坦桑尼亚代表只有鼓掌的份。而且欧盟还可能说,他们偶尔运过去的食品和药物是人道救济。当然这绝不等同于“为了国家安定要牺牲个人权利”。



    很喜欢Christoph一句话:“Politics is complicated. Don`t be niave.”

  2. 周六一早去[看片会]直面我们的噩梦,真像后来主持时说的那样,我在看片前翻阅资料和评论后想说的那很多话,看片后就不想再说了。因为这部片子的细节描述已经传达了足够信息。

    达尔文的噩梦(Le Cauchemar de Darwin)导演:于贝尔·苏佩(Hubert Sauper)2003年|107分钟|35毫米|彩色|有声


    但我也知道,即使面对这样的真实,人们仍有太多不同评判,比如对上海弄堂女人的帖子下一项: 达尔文的噩梦 ,我虽不以为是,但很感谢她给我机会了解另外的看法。






        * 持弓看门的老退伍兵,直言不讳:如果前一个人不被杀,他也得不到工作;战争好,可以给他带来更高收入。
        * 后来被澳大利亚嫖客刺杀的伊莱尔,厚厚的嘴唇,勾魂的眼睛,她靠着俄罗斯飞行员的胖肩膀唱“坦桑尼亚,坦桑尼亚……”
        * 片子中部时“酋长”大段讲述“丛林法则”,是片子的“中心思想”段吧?
        * 俄罗斯飞行员说到他给欧洲的孩子送去的新年礼物是葡萄,而给非洲孩子带来武器,表情黯然。
        * 他们坐在地上,身边赫然一堆家乐福塑料袋,满装食物。
        * 他做鱼时,切去鱼头,洗洗。鱼头最后不知所终。
        * 流浪街头的孩子嗅闻塑料瓶里,融化包装盒,做成的“毒品”,那急切渴望的呼吸声。
        * 那些爬满蛆虫的鱼头鱼骨;那一排排木架子上发黑的食物;那个被氨气熏瞎眼睛的女工;那个被病毒摧毁身体的女人;那个撑着拐杖谋生的小孩儿;那个跑道边白色的断裂飞机头……
        * 那些冷冻车间里粉白色的鱼肉;那些衣冠楚楚的国际会议代表;那听说鱼肉可以进入欧共体市场后的掌声;工厂主架子上可以摆尾巴的鱼模型……



  3. 在坦桑尼亚,有人将凶残的鲈鱼引入到维多利亚湖中,吃掉了湖中原有的热带鱼。湖边有个工厂,将鲈鱼加工好后运往欧洲。这个工厂为当地提供了大量的就业机会。但是,这里仍然非常贫穷。


  4. If it’s written that the opening of Pandora’s Box means a tremendous disaster as well as huge joyfulness, I can accept it, happily and painfully. Life needs balance, as always.
    If unfortunately, God leaves his Hamba behind and let Satan mocks, in a corner or a backcountry, it’s Darwin’s Nightmare, more vulgarly, it’s Jesus’ paradox.
    “I felt God in my heart,” they are singing, in rags, with a dead or ripped sleeping body lying behind.
    They name the boat Jesus, they carol for God, they label protected sexual, their most useful way to keep away from AIDs, as a sin to God’s taboo.
    “Amen…Hallelujah…” they shout to welcome Jesus’ coming, happily and excitingly. Paradoxically or not, the only depository for Jesus is the movie, which seems a common sense to all these. The villagers, young and old, male and female, stand silently and seriously, listening to the crying of Jesus, to his pity for fewer perch in Nile, and thinking about what to be eaten tomorrow.
    It is a fish city, where people have no fish to eat, but the fish heads, the bones with maggots filled in, which the planes cannot take away. People smile because “I have a job,” though what the job takes is their health, though the maggots are crawling between their toes.
    I would put no comment on whether Jesus should be believed in or not, neither want to criticize how stupid people’s belief in a fictional character and satisfaction for their terrible work conditions are. Jesus is great for his tolerance of hardness, but what if life is totally out of its balance, and sinks into the mire whose bitterness is beyond endurance. Stand up, people, as what you say “you must be ready for fight.”
    And the “fight” here is thousand miles away from the gang wars caused by a pot of unnamed food, the sexual abuse to release the pressure of life, and the eagerness to have a war. Believe that God is with you only when you are in a favorable wind, whereas Satan is always beside you.
    Fight, in a reasonable way.
    “I want to be educated,” said the prostitute Eliza.
    “I want to be a teacher,” said a disabled child, who has lost his right leg in a gang war or something.
    “I want to be a pilot,” said the stick-like child in a blue pilot suit, which is the mere vivid color in all these blacks in Mwanza.
    People here have dreams, especially the young generations. Poverty is a vicious circle for those who live to the time, who cut away all the sources the nature endows.
    “I don’t want to be a fisherman,” staring at the bank of Nile, the disabled child said. The pale color of Nile River and the sky and the roar of plans arouse a more complex feeling against the black skins, turbid eyes, and poignant wrinkles.
    Life is too much for them, while is also hopeful for the youngsters. There is a famous idiom in China which says “live on the mountain as live on the water.” The ancestors depend too much on the sources, namely the perches around them, which has been sensed by the young. They are seeking for a brand new life experience, though they can do little for the deep-rooted living style.
    “I hope all children in the world be happy,” said a European pilot, frowning his brows, shaking his head.
    Then, stop the business. If the Christmas gift for the children in Mwanza is not grape, anything is better than the gun.
    Sometimes, we need help. It is one of my strongest feelings after the journey of the documentary. We are strong, powerful and smart, while seem nothing against nature, or in their words, the God. Look into the eyes full of wishes while the villagers staring at the report about IMF, about World Bank, I suddenly felt that the world beyond our own worlds could affect our lives so much, and sometimes you could never avoid it.
    We are the outside world of the residents of Mwanza, believe it or not, what we can do can influence them who are thousands of miles away, just as what The Butterfly Effect tells, a butterfly can be an essence of chaos. Let us watch our behaviors, to some extent.
    I start to believe in practical things, beliefs and idols can encourage me, but can do nothing when they, themselves are illusory, when I have to worry about my next lunch, which applies to their stubborn belief of Jesus, of God.
    Almost of a sudden, I want to claim, “Let’s believe in Satan.” Then we can learn to love because we need to be loved too; then we can deliberate our behaviors, the behaviors who will lead to Satan’s fleer.