起初遇到这部剧只是在吃饭的时候想要找个打发时间的背景音而已,然后我花了两天的时间抽空在不想干活的各种间隙把这部只有八集的剧给刷完了... I totally agree with the comments with low ratings. It could have done better. It could have been a show about people who graduated from Harvard and are struggling with their lives (but the struggles might seem ridiculous to the outsiders). It could have been a show about friends who maintain their relationships for 20 years, which are immature and unhealthy but still difficult to discard because these friendships are also an escape or a shelter to them. 尽管有这些不足,我还是很神奇地和这部剧产生了强烈的共鸣,尤其是在前三四集的时候(也就是那段神奇的婚外情还没乱七八糟到不可理喻的时候)。因为它让我想起来我曾经想过很多甚至现在偶尔还是会想的问题:Harvard(或者对我而言,另一所学校)的label究竟意味着什么? 虽然听上去很矫情,但是我相信上过Harvard或者鄙校的人内心还是会有一丢丢的小骄傲。二十年后,或许有人会像Sam一样有成功的事业和seemingly美好的家庭(甚至还有一个暖心的持续了20年的备胎情夫),有人会像Lisa一样在一个很大的公司和一群dick做着自己并不喜欢的但是well-paid的工作,有人会像Nick一样靠着祖辈的庇荫过着衣食无忧纸醉金迷的生活。我甚至都能想象出身边的人谁会成为他们在剧中的样子(只是他们的生活也许并不像剧中人那样的drama....)。但是也会有人像Ethan那样,作为一个失意的作家还要借住同学的沙发然后不得不面对现实以谄媚之资去巴结一个没什么才华的YA写手。 谁都有可能成为生活中的loser,只不过Ethan这个loser多了一个Harvard的标签。我还记得大学时候和室友聊起来,他说,你现在所处的圈子已经是我们这个年龄最优秀的一群人了,你需要做的就是不要掉队。听上去很简单,只要不掉队就好了,都不需要像初中高中那样一定要头破血流的去挣个第一。然而你却也会逐渐的发现,这又是多么困难的一件事情。你自视甚高的进入社会然后摔得一片头破血流,最后发现你所洋洋得意的不过被人引荐的时候口中的那句“他是XX毕业的”。 剧中很少强调Harvard的这个标签,尤其是用它来展现和其他事物的不同。比较印象深刻的一次是sam的老公跟sam吐槽说“因为我没去过Harvard,所以不是你们一员”之类的话。很多时候我们其实在downplay这种所谓的标签,被人问起也就草草的提一句,感觉也不是个什么了不起的事儿。然而当我们talk/greet/behave even fight like we were college kids.谁又说这不是一种nostalgia呢。 好像很久很久很久很久没有写过什么东西了,大部分写东西也都是写的英语....然后就直接导致了中英混杂的这种让有些人看完之后甚至就看了一眼就很火大很想吐槽的文体(在知乎上被吐槽了无数次的人一方面不再去回答问题另一方面也再慢慢地有意识的改变)。其实我也不知道自己想表达的是啥,也许只是“大学同学”这个标签让我想起来散落天涯的一堆小伙伴,也许只是“Harvard”这个标签让我想起来曾经的迷茫与现在的恐惧,而恐惧的就是题目的那句what if Harvard is all you got? 人生很长,谁也不想被十八九岁时候发生的事情所定义。然后随着年龄渐长也会发现,也许十八九岁的那个少年才是自己最好的过去。
It was an ordinary day for me but not for HBO. I was sitting on the couch thinking now that the Game of Thrown is going to release I might as well start my HBO account, but before that let me just check what's new on Netflix. Then I found out the friends from college is on. I watched one episode by another until I finished the first season
When I watching it, a lot of memories came back at me. When I was in college, I was just like them. Everyone of them has a special personality. Just like my gang. And I realize that I haven't spoke to any of my gang anymore since I am in America and they all in China. We can not neglect the time or the place or the distance. We've been saying that friendship enduring shit, but turns out no one wants to save a friendship. People grow up and they define themselves as grown up if you can move on.
I am one of those "keepers" not that I am a keeper but I like to keep things. I like my stuff, I don't give upon them. Not even mention people but also thoughts, souls, even a slight cent.
All I want to say is a true friend is who sees you but still loves you.