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他们选择了中国 They Chose China(2005)


    2006年该片获得了第49届旧金山国际电影节最佳长电视纪录片奖Golden Gate Award;具有奥斯卡入围资格的美国BLACK MARIA 国际电影录像节评委会一等奖;休斯敦国际电影节最佳纪录片奖REMI AWARD;在美国斯坦福大学举行的第6届联合国协会电影节评委会大奖;国际纪录片协会2006年度卓越纪录片成就奖提名。并入选2006年多伦多国际纪录片电影节HOTDOCS,以及首次在亚洲举办的INPUT 2006台北国际公共电视大展等诸多国际影展。



  1. 初看这个记录片的时候,我是抱着猎奇的心态看的。说实话,在看这个纪录片之前,我从没有意识到还有优待俘虏以及那个年代外国人在中国生活这样的这样的事情,更惊讶于那个俘虏奥运会。当然对于那一段历史我也是一窍不通的。我相信导演拍这部戏的初衷,也像他在片头说的那样,震惊于在冷战时期的济南的街头看到一个骑自行车的外国人。






  2. Before watching this documentary, I belonged to the unsophisticated sort that dread the monotony of documentaries. This film bitch-slapped me in the face. It was so fresh, so different and so illuminating that I started to regret having watched so few documentaries in my life.

    The issue discussed in this documentary is really unorthodox and immensely interesting : Why the 22 US & UK prisoners captured by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army in the Korean War refused to return to their home countries and instead chose to remain in China.

    When this question was first introduced in the film, my reflexive (and cynical) answer was that maybe these young, impressionable soldiers were brainwashed by the compelling Communist teachings they received during their capture, turning them into ardent believers in Communism. The Western world at that time thought so too. However, footages and interviews in the film invalidated these sceptical conjectures and proved them to be misinformed and baseless. Such an illuminating revelation disclosed to me the dangerous weakness in myself (and in most of us): At times when information and the truth were not available, we too readily resort to speculations based on our ignorant bigotry and make up our versions of imaginary stories that we hold dearly to.

    The second speculated answer to the question was that these soldiers had committed ignominious crimes such as murder and theft on other soldiers and they had chosen to stay in China to evade the retribution back in their home countries. Such malicious accusations were dismissed in an interview by Mr. David Hawkins, one of the 22 soldiers (though without any convincing proof for his claim of innocence).

    Instead, these prisoners of war (POW) offered various reasons for their stay. Some claimed that they chose to stay in China because they condemned the US's act of military intervention in Korea and they wished to call for peace. Some feared the possibility of being labelled as the spies from Red China and the inescapable destiny of being persecuted by McCarthyism if they return. The first reason of peace-pursuing sounded too noble and saintly for a cynic like me and I personally thought the second reason, fear for persecution, to be more genuine. At a time when the anti-Communism tide was high in the US, these soldiers stained with the Red stigma literally had no choice but to stay in China. They became the victims betrayed by their beloved countries, the scapegoats sacrificed in the unrelenting tide of history. (The truth is so sad and so ugly.)

    The documentary then went on to portray these POWs' lives in China. They unanimously agreed that the Chinese were really nice to them and they led happy and meaningful lives in China. But after 1960, they were no longer addressed as "comrade" but as "Mr." instead, revealing the subtle change in their status from "dear friends" to "suspicious foreigners". Then came the Cultural Revolution...

    Despite the positive light casted on their lives in China in the documentary, I maintain the view that they are tragic. Their fate was at mercy of the political environment. They were like the powerless chess pieces in a political game, being manipulated and exploited, being labelled as "traitors" (by the US) or "peace-makers" (by China) for different political purposes.

    The director shared with us that his intention for shooting this documentary was to denounce wars and to advocate for peace. However, to me, I saw the revolting hypocrisy and sanctimony of the US government at that time and I saw the powerlessness and desperation of the victims of politics, not war. So, besides advocating for peace, I wish that politicians will care for their compatriots and countries will protect their countrymen so such history will not repeat itself.
  3. 谁不会在自己命运转折时刻选择趋利避害?如果你作为一名解放路战士参加中越战争被俘得知回国后将面临二三十年牢狱之灾,你TM还会选择回国?被迫参加了一场莫名其妙战争还莫名其妙被自己国家判刑,是美国先背叛了他们,他们才会背叛美国。
         ps 美国种族歧视到今天还有阴影,在当今歧视已犯法的美国当今,白人警察枪击黑人致死的案件屡屡发生。奥兰多枪击案,弗格森枪击案,包括昨天发生的黑人群体针对白人警察开枪打死黑人事件开展的有组织有预谋的报复性的射杀五名白人警察事件(正在调查处理中),中国虽然也有不少缺点,但是没有歧视任何民族。发达国家美国歧视黑人,发展中国家印度歧视女性,发展中国家中国在民族包括性别对待上的公平的却优于他国。
        中国 :1958年开始大跃进,结局不说了,事实证明人名公社会饿死人,共产主义没那么容易,不过改革开放后人民倒是尝到了资本主义的好处,成为了世界第二大经济体。
       美国 :麦卡锡主义横行,美国人人自危,反共主义浪潮名义绑架下的调查暗访给了这个民主自由国家一记耳光,到现在还是干预他国内政,08年受经济危机影响,借债于中国。
  4. 政治跟战争怎是我等屁民能干涉得,你玩政治,你就是一个神经病,你玩战争,你就是一条狗,进入这两个题材,无论任何形式,映射入观众头脑的东西,都基本上是毫无意义的。如果米国近几年有很多法律和医学的真实案例拿来拍电影借此反对体制问题被屁民们奉为圭臬,说是彰显了人性的光辉,道德的法度,甚至是开启民智!诚然不可不说毫无意义,但根本不现实,米国这么吊也敢马上改么?再说,这毕竟是少数精英或疯子做的事,比政治家们还疯还神经,有足够心理准备,一无所有的人才可以。