[E05: One Man's Trash] 两个关键词:sexit 和 trash。 根据urban dictionary解释(就如剧中Ray所说),sexit原意escape from sex,中途弃操。Hanna自以为是escape for sex之意,为操而逃。她确是跑出咖啡店,然后和干净中年男Josh多夜情。Hanna从肉体交流转入情感交流时,Josh却听而不闻,闭锁内心,情欲顿却。Josh也许只是想透过性逃避自己的婚姻问题,escape through sex。Hanna也在这段性关系烟花般盛开后骤冷时逃出完美Josh的完美屋子,escape after sex。 全集俨然是H和J主演的大叔与萝莉式的自然主义情色短片(胖妞真是集集皆露,越脱越勇),结尾琴曲亦清净纯粹。缘起是J家垃圾桶给H塞垃圾了,害得J不能把自家垃圾塞进自家垃圾桶。H到J家如实招供,二人猛搞起来。后来H倾诉心事,于J就如同向他倾泻垃圾。H开放内心后邀请J吐出郁结,说“So what's your damage, Josh?”但J只说我明天要上班我要去睡了,他并未向H倾泻垃圾,这很伤H,但其实H入屋之时就说她家里没有自己的垃圾桶。H的理想是人与人之间可以互诉内心,互投垃圾。而J却信奉心事莫言的自净机制,自家垃圾就得倒进自家垃圾桶,别人向你家垃圾桶倒垃圾只会阻碍自家垃圾的倾倒。这也是他妻子离开的原因,因为J自己也在烤肉时承认“I didn't notice how she was feeling”。 最后是,H离开时替J扔掉垃圾。 又及:干净好看的Patrick Wilson果然还是延续《Hard Candy》《Little Children》以来外表光明内里潮湿的大叔形象啊。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [E10:Together] Together is you're next to me when the world falls apart, when I have a hard time keeping it together. I laughed my ass off when Hanna yelled in her broken voice "LOVE YOU!!!" over the phone at Jessa the long-gonner, as much as I cried my guts out seeing Adam running through streets and breaking open the door at Hanna's, into her heart. And now I know I'm so gonna be an avid follower of the show till the cows come home. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 大家觉得他们各是什么星座的? Hanna Marnie Jessa Shoshana 三位黑发男: Charlie Ray Adam