When you are the moon, the best form you can be is a full moon. And then the half moon... he's all right. But the full moon is the famous moon. And then three-quarters, eh, no one gives a shit about him. When does he come, two days in, to the calendar month? He's useless. Full moon. The moon. The main moon.
除了发音,英剧最迷人的就是冷到掉渣却创意不断的笑点。美剧的gag是瘟疫,一下爆发不久死光了无新意;英剧gag的是肿瘤,入侵蔓延,欲罢不能越看越有意思。对于英伦文化有人深恶痛绝正如我们这些怪胎对美式英雄主义又烂俗的gimmick唾弃鄙视到极一样。笑点是越来越奇怪了啊我们。 这部怪东西讲的是动物管理员的故事,未至于cult却也华丽地怪诞,情节比the it crowd和black books更不合情理更冷,还有事没事插入大量如gary numan等英伦音乐人的点。姑勿论我对noel fielding这歌德怪咖近期的喜爱,笑点古怪的你可一看。