导演: 杰伊·罗森布拉特
编剧: 杰伊·罗森布拉特
主演: Mark Athitakis Ruth Bromberg Wendy Newman 杰伊·罗森布拉特 Richard J. Silberg
上映日期: 2021-01-28(圣丹斯电影节) 2022-03-30(美国)
片长: 36分钟 IMDb: tt13796488 豆瓣评分:6 下载地址:迅雷下载
群体性的霸凌其实就起源于作者害怕被责备的一念之间,人也是随机挑选,为什么选他,不为什么,就是他,霸凌者连回忆霸凌情节轻松的气场,让你我知道,有的人时常咀嚼的痛苦不过只是他人回忆童年时想起的某段经历,经过漫长的岁月,那些人终究无法共情,群体性霸凌事件包含被欺凌的那个人。在作者叙述中成了一块轻飘飘的完整自我成长图景的拼图和背景板。无法认同这样的观念,要知道当这样的情况发生,被欺凌者的成长拼图就已经被破坏,难以弥补,看似包裹着反省追问外衣的纪录片,内里不过还是作者傲慢自大和自欺欺人。而时过境迁的轻松语气,对被欺凌者何尝不是另一种残忍“because it's happened to you,so you remember”这并不是 一部对童年霸凌行为的反省和致歉短片,对当事人不仅于事无补,反而是更大的伤害,没有看出歉意和共情,只是导演对自己童年的追忆和怀缅,从这个角度来说,这部影片是自恋的产物。真正的原谅是不是施暴者的忏悔,因为他们不会,所谓原谅更多的是借助时间的触手去拥抱那个幼年是痛苦无助,自我怀疑的自己,是受害者自我放下淡然处之,接受这段经历是机缘巧合降临自己的,自我的一部分,让伤口成为浅浅的伤疤,可以在以后的某一时间提起时,客观理智缓缓陈述,不带太多情绪
While the stop motion animation, collage remake and the use of past footage is performative and poetic in some sense, the underlying ethical issue, surrounding the reproduction and “tedious repetition” of violence and bullying, is raucous despite the lighthearted music, and particularly when interviewing the class teacher, reaches its peak. What the filmmaker cares more is about reviewing both personal and collective memories of grade school. Still dealing with his own survival guilt, he manages to use expository lines to provoke empathy among audience, making them reflect upon their own nebulous grade school memories as part of the bullies. The filming and editing act itself might come from a redemptive standpoint, but results in a sarcastic self-delusional cycle, where there is neither outlet for guilt, nor resolution for the still-existing bullying around campus. 4/5