《挑战星期天》(Any Given Sunday)——这是一部真实的电影,卧龙/睡虫曾经考虑过将其作为去年的体育电影周的谢幕电影,因为这是历史上最伟大最震撼的体育电影,但是最终还是没能放出来,就是因为它太真实了——比赛是真实的,球员是真实的,电视转播是真实的,俱乐部运作是真实的,服用毒品和兴奋药物是真实的,黑幕是真实的,甚至丑闻也是真实的,除了一个由奥立弗·斯通自己虚拟出的联赛之外,这部电影的一切的一切都是美国橄榄球联赛的翻版 演员阵容同样是强大的——两个老戏骨阿尔·帕西诺和丹尼斯·奎德,再加上卡梅隆·迪亚兹和吉米·福克斯,这样的阵容恐怕连以堆明星为筹码的偶像电影都要羡慕不已 而在奥立弗·斯通手中,这部电影凭借着它的真实和震撼力成为了传奇 影片囊括了所有可能在职业橄榄球界出现的一切丑恶的东西——服用兴奋剂,队医谎报伤情,经理层不顾教练意见私自改变球队战术和出场人员,狡兔死走狗烹式的抛弃功臣而靠新冒出头的小将吸引注意力,球队与所在城市政府私下里的幕后交易,球员或纸醉金迷或难以为继的生活……球队中的每一个人,主教练、经理和球员们都跟着球队所经历的所有风波学得成熟,发现人生就像一场比赛,如果不努力,不懂得与自己的队友们并肩前进,不能学会牺牲,时刻都会被比自己更强大、更年轻的人所代替,只有像阿尔·帕西诺扮演的教练东尼在最后决战前所说的那番话一样,如打球一般一英寸一英寸去与身边的队友拼命争取,才能争得最终的胜利。并不是所有人都能学会这一课,历经失败的磨练才能够懂得这些 影片对于比赛场景的处理堪称经典,以激烈的球类运动为题材的电影往往很难在激烈的比赛场景和球员自身的行为、表情等的表现之间取得平衡,但奥立弗·斯通巧妙地用快慢动作结合的方法让观众既能感觉到球场上逼人的气氛,又能洞察每个球员在比赛时的内心世界,更通过在比赛场景中添加不同的配乐并与比赛的高速节奏形成反差。而在吉米·福克斯扮演的比利·威曼前往教练家与教练在饭桌上谈话这一场景中,用饭桌上、蓝天、球场以及电影《宾虚》的经典赛车片断的不停切换所构成的高速节奏的紧张效果与原本平静的谈话形成反差,达到暗示双方心理争斗的目的 总的来说,无论是从体育方面还是电影方面,这都堪称是一部伟大的电影…… "On any given Sunday you're gonna win or lose; but you have to win or lose like a man..."
I don't know what to say really. 我真的不知道该说什么 Three minutes 三分钟后 to the biggest battle of our professional lives 就是我们职业生涯中最大的战斗 all comes down to today. 今天一切都来临了 Either we heal as a team 我们可以作为一个团队被拯救 or we are going to crumble. 或者我们将崩溃 Inch by inch 一英寸接一英寸 play by play 一击接一击 till we're finished. 直到我们完蛋 We are in hell right now, gentlemen 我们现在身处地狱中,先生们 believe me 相信我
and we can stay here 我们可以呆在地狱里 and get the shit kicked out of us 让那些混蛋踢走我们 or 或者 we can fight our way 我们寻找自己的出路 back into the light. 重见光明 We can climb out of hell. 我们可以爬出地狱 One inch, at a time. 每次一英寸
Now I can't do it for you. 现在我无法为你们奋斗了 I'm too old. 我太老了 I look around and I see these young faces 我看了一下周围我看见这些年轻的脸孔 and I think 我想 I mean 我的意思是 I made every wrong choice a middle age man could make. 我犯了每一个中年人可以犯的错误
I uh.... 我 I pissed away all my money 我挥霍我所有的金钱 believe it or not. 不管你相信与否 I chased off anyone who has ever loved me. 我还赶走了曾经爱我的人 And lately, 最近 I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror. 我都无法面对我镜子里的容颜
You know when you get old in life 你知道,当你的生命逐渐变老 things get taken from you. 很多东西会离你而去 That's, that's part of life. 这就是生命的一部分 But, 但是 you only learn that when you start losing stuff. 你只有再你开始失去的时候才明白过来 You find out that life is just a game of inches. 你会发现人生其实就是一个英寸游戏 So is football. 就象橄榄球 Because in either game 因为无论是游戏人生还是橄榄球 life or football the margin for error is so small. 容许你犯错的空间都很小 I mean 我的意思是 one half step too late or to early 一小步太晚或太早 you don't quite make it. 你就无法实现它 One half second too slow or too fast 一个时刻太慢或太快 and you don't quite catch it. 你就无法抓住它 The inches we need are everywhere around us. 我们需要的英寸在我们身边每一处 They are in ever break of the game every minute, every second.. 每一分,每一秒 On this team, we fight for that inch 在这个团队里,我们为每一英寸奋战 On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us 在这个团队里,我们激励自己,还有身边的每一个人 to pieces for that inch. 去争取每一英寸 We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch. 我们的手指象爪子一样抓住每一英寸 Cause we know 因为我们知道 when we add up all those inches 当我们完成了所有的每一英寸 that's going to make the fucking difference 它将会成为 between WINNING and LOSING 胜者和败者的区别 between LIVING and DYING. 生与死的区别
I'll tell you this 我会告诉你这些 in any fight 在任何战斗中 it is the guy who is willing to die who is going to win that inch. 那些奋不顾身的人将会赢得那一英寸 And I know if I am going to have any life anymore 如果我还有时间的话 it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch 我依然希望为那一英寸而战斗 because that is what LIVING is. 因为这就是生活本身 The six inches in front of your face. 你眼前的六英寸
Now I can't make you do it. 现在我无法让你去做 You gotta look at the guy next to you. 你必须看着你周围的人 Look into his eyes. 看着他的眼睛 Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. 我想你会看到一个愿意和你一起去那那些英寸风斗的人 You are going to see a guy 你看到一个愿意为这个团队牺牲的人 who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it, 因为他知道当你也面临同样的事情的时候 you are gonna do the same thing for him. 你也会为他做同样的事情
That's a team, gentlemen 这就是团队,先生们 and either we heal now, as a team, 我们现在就要像一个团队一样拯救 or we will die as individuals. 或者作为个体而死去 That's football guys. 这就是橄榄球 That's all it is. 这就是它的全部 Now, whattaya gonna do? 现在,该如何做?
I don't know what to say really.我真的不知道该说什么 Three minutes三分钟后 to the biggest battle of our professional lives 就是我们职业生涯中最大的战斗 all comes down to today.今天一切都来临了 Either we heal as a team 我们可以作为一个团队被拯救 or we are going to crumble. 或者我们将崩溃 Inch by inch 一英寸接一英寸 play by play 一击接一击 till we're finished.直到我们完蛋 We are in hell right now, gentlemen我们现在身处地狱中,先生们 believe me 相信我 and we can stay here 我们可以呆在地狱里 and get the shit kicked out of us让那些混蛋踢走我们 or或者 we can fight our way我们寻找自己的出路 back into the light.重见光明 We can climb out of hell.我们可以爬出地狱 One inch, at a time.每次一英寸 Now I can't do it for you.现在我无法为你们奋斗了 I'm too old.我太老了 I look around and I see these young faces 我看了一下周围我看见这些年轻的脸孔 and I think我想 I mean我的意思是 I made every wrong choice a middle age man could make. 我犯了每一个中年人可以犯的错误 I uh....我 I pissed away all my money我挥霍我所有的金钱 believe it or not.不管你相信与否 I chased off anyone who has ever loved me.我还赶走了曾经爱我的人 And lately,最近 I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror. 我都无法面对我镜子里的容颜 You know when you get old in life你知道,当你的生命逐渐变老 things get taken from you.很多东西会离你而去 That's, that's part of life.这就是生命的一部分 But,但是 you only learn that when you start losing stuff. 你只有再你开始失去的时候才明白过来 You find out that life is just a game of inches. 你会发现人生其实就是一个英寸游戏 So is football.就象橄榄球 Because in either game因为无论是游戏人生还是橄榄球 life or football the margin for error is so small.容许你犯错的空间都很小 I mean我的意思是 one half step too late or to early一小步太晚或太早 you don't quite make it.你就无法实现它 One half second too slow or too fast一个时刻太慢或太快 and you don't quite catch it.你就无法抓住它 The inches we need are everywhere around us. 我们需要的英寸在我们身边每一处 They are in ever break of the game every minute, every second..每一分,每一秒 On this team, we fight for that inch在这个团队里,我们为每一英寸奋战 On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us 在这个团队里,我们激励自己,还有身边的每一个人 to pieces for that inch.去争取每一英寸 We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch. 我们的手指象爪子一样抓住每一英寸 Cause we know因为我们知道 when we add up all those inches当我们完成了所有的每一英寸 that's going to make the fucking difference它将会成为 between WINNING and LOSING胜者和败者的区别 between LIVING and DYING.生与死的区别 I'll tell you this我会告诉你这些 in any fight 在任何战斗中 it is the guy who is willing to die who is going to win that inch. 那些奋不顾身的人将会赢得那一英寸 And I know if I am going to have any life anymore 如果我还有时间的话 it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch 我依然希望为那一英寸而战斗 because that is what LIVING is. 因为这就是生活本身 The six inches in front of your face. 你眼前的六英寸 Now I can't make you do it. 现在我无法让你去做 You gotta look at the guy next to you. 你必须看着你周围的人 Look into his eyes. 看着他的眼睛 Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. 我想你会看到一个愿意和你一起去那那些英寸风斗的人 You are going to see a guy 你看到一个愿意为这个团队牺牲的人 who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it, 因为他知道当你也面临同样的事情的时候 you are gonna do the same thing for him. 你也会为他做同样的事情
That's a team, gentlemen 这就是团队,先生们 and either we heal now, as a team, 我们现在就要像一个团队一样拯救 or we will die as individuals. 或者作为个体而死去 That's football guys. 这就是橄榄球 That's all it is. 这就是它的全部 Now, whattaya gonna do? 现在,该如何做?