I bet she didn't cry on her falling marriage. I bet she didn't cry on her addiction and the cheap sex to pay for it. No, not her wearisome career either. But she cried, after the unnoticed mis-conducted operation on a patient in coma.
"I almost killed you." She cried, kept murmuring.
No hero, no angel. But life is still damn beautiful.
Zoey的病人老太死了,介倒霉孩子。。Jackie安慰她说It's never easy, and when it is, it's time to quit. 放在其他工作上也一样吧,说挑战性的话。可见我还没有到quit的时候啊。
0719 S01E06 Tiny Bubbles
Jackie的朋友Paula得了癌症,她说需要a little help from my friends的时候我还没反应过来,看到最后才知道是安乐死。。毒杀么?好先进。医院还有终极关怀部啊。。再次感叹先进。Paula说Eddie以前是她的药贩子,难道是说他们俩也有一腿?。。。总之Jackie被shock到了。
It's a crap day for a lot of good people and no matter what you do, no one's going to judge you one way or the other.
Eddie送给Jackie一条手链,祝她周年快乐,结果Jackie懵了,说不是三月么?囧。。于是Eddie桑心+生气,说It‘s a stupid fucking bracelet from the guy you're banging. Too bad it's not Vicodin. Jackie也被这句话刺激到了,扔下手链愤然离去。其实Eddie真的很可怜诶。。被蒙在鼓里什么都不知道。
Mo Mo居然都不知道Jackie和Eddie在一起?囧,瞒得真紧啊。之后Cooper又找Eddie吃饭,顺便顺走了手链,结果还被Jackie看到了。Jackie去找O'Hara诉苦,O'Hara自己也不开心,俩人一起嗑药,Jackie还从人家那偷了点。。