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爱是一种病 Delirium(2014)


    故事根据同名畅销小说三部曲改编,在一个被战争摧残的世界中,一个极权政府宣称「爱」是一种疾病,每个人成年之后都将通过特殊的手段根除大脑中的「爱细胞」。主人公蕾娜·霍洛威(Emma Roberts饰)再过95天就要接受「处理」了,糟糕的是……她竟然在这个时候堕入情网。



  1. In this series, set a wolrd that love is treated as a dangerous diease which can be cure by a mandatory percedure that everyone have to suffer in 18.

    I saw love, defiance, courage, friendship in it. As a quote that the heroine said "Do i dare to distrub the universe." Stands to fight against is a tough way, a girl lose a friend she have saved risking her life, a man lose freedom and a decent job, saying "run" even when he got caught. We still have to break some rules, explore the world more, for something is worthy of experiencing.

    Really wanna read the original novel at the end.