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死亡医师 第一季 Dr. Death Season 1(2021)



  1. 记得看完《大白鲨》之后很久都对海滩有恐惧感。这部《死亡医生》也有类似的观感,一直在寻思以后不要看医生了,退一步又想干脆还是不要生病了——尽管理性告诉自己这样的医生并不多见(贬义)。





    当舒加特女士初见两位好医生时,他们因为她的年轻而受到了冒犯,觉得地区检察官不够重视。舒加特女士自己也说:”对你们来说我可能是too young too woman“。





    只有Kim Morgan很快发现了邓奇的真面目,然后果断离开。确实是聪明的女人,面试时就指出邓奇诊所的种种问题。演员Grace Gummer,以前看过她的《医缘》,是很有潜力的演员,这次《死亡医生》比《医缘》表现更好。不得不提一句(Grace本人可能不喜欢这样介绍啦),她的母亲是赫赫有名的梅丽尔-斯特里普,仔细看眉眼还挺像呢。【更正:演《医缘》(Emily Owens M.D.)的,不是Grace,而是斯特里普的另一个女儿麦米-古默,Mamie还在《基本演绎法》S3E6演过凶手。姐妹俩长得很像。Grace的代表作是《美国恐怖故事》等】



    Roger Ebert关于《死亡医生》的评论

    原作者是Ebert团队的Brian Tallerico,国外的专业影评人是看到全部八集以后写的评论,给了3/4的评分。【】内是我的想法,不是翻译。

    Peacock’s intelligent and gripping “Dr. Death,” based on the podcast of the same name, avoids the pitfalls of many true crime narratives, smartly realizing that a monster like Christopher Duntsch can’t be explained in an eight-episode mini-series. I have a strong aversion to projects about sociopaths that attempt to explain them away via abusive pasts or other supposed “reasons” for their actions. Those ideas proliferate because of a human need to try and compartmentalize evil, but men like Chris Duntsch can’t be so easily explained, and this series about his rise and fall understands that. With excellent performances and a procedural tone that interrogates an entire system instead of just one man, “Dr. Death” is a solid drama about a man who thought he could play God but never realized he wasn’t talented or smart enough to do so.

    【intelligent,gripping,smartly,excellent performance,solid drama,极尽赞美之词。明确表示自己不喜欢心理探索,给恶魔人性化的描写,或者给他一个被虐待的童年什么的,完全用不着。这段也承认八集是写不明白男主这样的恶魔的,他就是一个想扮演上帝的人,却不够聪明,也不够有才华——如果先天不聪明,也可能通过后天的努力获得才华,但邓奇只想走捷径。】

    A rising star in the Dallas medical community, Christopher Duntsch (Joshua Jackson) promised life-changing procedures to his patients, most of whom came to him at the lowest points in their lives. He claimed to be a pioneer in stem cell research that would forever change those afflicted with spinal issues, and his neurosurgery practice seemed like it was on the rise when patients suddenly started coming out of his procedures maimed or worse. A neurosurgeon named Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) who was called in to clean up one of Duntsch’s botched surgeries realized the borderline insane situation with which he was dealing and aligned with a colleague named Randall Kirby (Christian Slater) to try and get Duntsch’s license taken away. As they investigated Duntsch’s many failures, they realized the depth of his depravity, and the whole thing turned into a legal case, led by a young Dallas prosecutor named Michelle Shugart (AnnaSophia Robb), who eventually prosecuted Duntsch in a precedent-setting trial.


    Created by Patrick Macmanus (“Homecoming”), “Dr. Death” jumps back and forth between the developing case—first focusing on Henderson/Kirby’s medical investigation and then the legal one with Shugart—and flashbacks to Duntsch’s procedures and personal life. The show opens with disclaimers about some names and facts changed for fiction’s sake, but the version of Duntsch here is a vile user, someone who discarded not just patients but everyone who helped him along the way, including his son’s mother (Molly Griggs). Even Duntsch's best friend Jerry (Dominic Burgess) ended up one of his victims after a spinal surgery paralyzed him. The portrait of Duntsch here is someone who impresses at first, especially those on hospital boards who might make money off a hotshot neurosurgeon, but whose façade eventually crumbles, taking anyone around into the rubble. It certainly does for a confident physician’s assistant (an effective Grace Gummer), who sees firsthand the corners that Duntsch is willing to cut.


    The flashbacks present a man who somehow thought he could push through any adversity. That’s one thing when you’re repeatedly getting a play wrong in a football practice, and quite another when you’re incapable of performing the spinal surgeries that you’ve promised your patients. And yet “Dr. Death” smartly never resorts to humanizing Duntsch, who sees his mistakes as mere common malpractice all the way up to the end. What’s so disturbing about this case is the idea, raised a few times here, that Duntsch must have known what he was doing in a few instances. Is it possible he was a literal sociopath and maimed his patients on purpose? Dr. Henderson sure seems to think so as he explains how the violence from Duntsch’s surgeries would be hard to call accidental. It sounds like even someone who had never performed a surgery would know that they were doing something very wrong. Did Duntsch? Did he just not care? We'll never know, and "Dr. Death" wisely only hints at these darker themes instead of turning into melodrama. It makes them all the more terrifying.


    The generally underrated Joshua Jackson carries “Dr. Death” with a fascinating blend of idiotic confidence and nonchalant sociopathology. He nails the ego that often hides incompetence, embodying a person who thinks he can merely work around inadequacy. We’ve all met men like Chris Duntsch—people that think if they tell themselves that they can change the world that it will somehow be true. What separates this story is that most of those people get shot down before they can do real harm, but Duntsch was enabled again and again. There’s a fascinating undercurrent to “Dr. Death” that reminded me of “Spotlight,” another story of vile predators who were moved around a broken system instead of brought to justice. Duntsch was allowed to perform dozens of life-changing bad surgeries and even killed a couple people before upstanding fellow surgeons took him down.

    【Joshua Jackson这个演员确实不错。这部剧让剧评作者联想到《聚焦》,都是在溃烂的体制中横行的恶魔。】

    The whole cast matches Jackson’s nuance, especially Slater and Baldwin. It’s particularly rewarding to see the latter get a subtle, complex role for the first time in what feels like a long time—there’s a quiet fury and professional disgust to his performance that’s admirable. And Slater balances him nicely with a more brash, outgoing performance so the two don’t feel like the same character. Robb is definitely good, but I’ll admit to liking the first half of the season more when Baldwin/Slater were driving the investigation instead of the legal hotshot. The transition leads to a bit of a drag in the middle of the season and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the fat suit prosthetics that Jackson is forced to act through in the last couple episodes, which are a drastic misfire. Each episode opens with the disclaimer that some of the truth has been bent, and I get that the fat suit is meant to further represent Duntsch’s decline, but it’s just distracting.

    【其他演员也相当优秀。看到第六集才知道这里的“fat suit”是什么意思,邓特开始发胖了,所以演员穿了fat suit,象征着邓特“光辉岁月”的终结,但剧评作者不太喜欢这个安排,让他出戏,我觉得还好啦。另外说明一点的是,戒酒的人血糖会低,所以他们都会大量吃糖或巧克力等补充糖分。第六集邓特在爸爸家里喝咖啡疯狂放糖。】

    Finally, it’s important to note that “Dr. Death” never feels sensational or exploitative, expressing the empathy for Duntsch’s victims he so clearly lacked. It’s ultimately a castigation of a system that values profits over professionalism, and tells young upstarts like Duntsch that they'll be the faces of a medical revolution before asking if the person with the scalpel is at all capable of leading the way.












  2. 该剧改编自真实案件,讲述反社会人格的医生,开篇赚足噱头,往后又涉及到美国医疗体系、司法体系的社会弊端,很有现实意义,另外选角方面更是极具舒适度。总体绝对在水准之上的,剧荒下饭可。




  3. 邹波


  4. 7/22/2021 一下午刷完 很多感想 凭我多年看剧经验 这部剧弱在开头了 题材很好 切入点也很好 结构完整 表达清晰 镜头语言也算到位 中规中矩 没有特别惊艳也并不出格 但不好的地方在于多线程叙事的开头做得太弱了 时间太混乱 没有一个清晰的 引人注目的点 我前四集都是晕着看的 经常弄不清楚目前这段儿讲的是啥时候的事 而且所铺设的伏笔真的太小了 没耐心看下去的人就特别容易错过 这么低的豆瓣评分 我差一丁点儿就也要弃剧了 还是故事本身太过令人震惊 那可真尼玛震惊 越往下看越觉得浑身冒冷汗.. 大概看了下短评 竟然不少人差评原因是为主角洗白 我手动黑人问号脸! 整个剧看下来只会觉得主角恐怖地很 完全缺乏共情 职场/恋爱PUA达人 低气压营造者 后几集我冷汗都没停过 竟然有人说洗白男主 再次手动黑人问号..

    认真看的同学们都能看出来 剧中提到的几个医院 特别是贝勒 绝对有不可推卸的责任 而且ASA的辩论最后陈词其实特别好 这个证明意图的方法我没想到 辩护方显然也没想到 而且我大概查了一下 这个案子是此类案子的先例 对以后的判定都有指导意义 这也是这部剧精彩的一段

    三个老戏骨表现不错 男主估计今晚会出现在我噩梦中 baldwin最后那段陈词十分很给力 Slater吐槽真心帮观众疏解情绪 几个我不太认识的配角也都不错 summers 实惨 还有 男主他爸 没出场几分钟 却让我印象深刻 别的患者们 我天…每每看到他们躺病床上被推进去 都尼玛揪心..

    整体来说 我还是会推荐给我的朋友们的 家父就是外科大夫 耳濡目染 我也能感受到当外科大夫所需要的精力体力和手上功夫(他跟我妈结婚时的家具都是自己做的!)所以看这个剧经常会发出 wc fk等不和谐音 震惊到我了 我知道我以后都不会再是之前的我了 我以后在美国看大夫 一定会先刨根挖底一番