英俊帅气的康纳•米德(马修•麦康利 Matthew McConaughey 饰)是一名事业有成且艳遇不断的著名摄影师,崇尚自由的他游走各色美女之间,却从来不许下任何承诺。直到意兴阑珊之时,“挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩”。潇洒至极,乐在其中。与游戏人间的哥哥不同,康纳的弟弟保罗(Breckin Meyer 饰)则即将走入婚姻的殿堂。康纳首要前往参加婚礼,当然对他来说,这也许又是另外一段(或者几段?)艳遇的开始。然而,事情的发展却出乎他的意料,他先是在洗手间遇见早已去世的叔叔(迈克•道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰),接着又遭遇三名前女友的幽灵。她们带领康纳回溯自己这些年来的“浪漫史”,在这一过程中,康纳也发现自己遗失且忘却了很久的东西……
电影给了我们一种结局,看起来很美好。也符合美国人的价值观——just go for it,追求真爱。你不会后悔。 这只是一种结局。一些人,会认为曾经拥有已经胜过天长地久,如果能这样想,不会畏首畏尾,会追求爱,受到伤害,痊愈,然后再爱,循环往复。如果你真的认可,那么这样的人生,也是饱满而充分的,是在不断的寻觅,不断的经历中得到满足。因为,我们也必须相信,mean to be的不仅仅只有一个人。我们始终会康复。
It doesn't mean that you're never gonna get hurt. But I can guarantee you this: Any pain you feel will never, ever compare to the regret that comes from walking away from love. As someone who's felt a lot of both, trust me. Pain .. beats regret every day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Don't run away, don't do it.
Someone once told me that power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less. And he was right, but power isn't happiness. and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people, rather than less.