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罪恶黑名单 第一季 The Blacklist Season 1(2013)


    号称“红魔”的雷蒙德(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)一直以来都是联邦调查局通缉名单上的“常驻人员”,某一日,这位控制了犯罪市场中大部分信息与资源的传奇人物突然现身自首,并且声称能够提供关于恐怖分子兰科(Jamie Jackson 饰)的最新线索,条件只有一个,那就是让初出茅庐的菜鸟探员莉兹(梅根·布恩 Megan Boone 饰)做他的搭档和联络员。



  1. 直接在虾米更新,豆瓣不重复贴了。


    moon bird
  2. 电视剧本身只能给1星,James Spader 加两星。

    因为James Spader 很期待这个片,结果Spader 是本片唯一还算能看的人物。

    剧情傻叉到不能再傻叉,编剧大人,好歹您也是在写国际间谍活动,不要搞得跟中二网文那么脑残好吗。除了Riddington 之外的所有人都俗套的不能再俗套,高傲自大一无是处的男配角,冷血强势的女配角,不懂变通的傻叉领导。。。说实话Riddington 也是个俗套到家的反英雄角色,但是因为我比较喜欢反英雄,所以就忍了。总觉得编剧看了市面上的各色剧集,随便抽几个人物,凑在一起就算大功告成了。

    傻叉女主我要再分一段单独来写:我简直想不出最近哪个剧集的女主角比这个女人还傻叉!简直比当年24小时的金大波有过之而无不及。总觉得编剧是不是跟这个女人有仇,简直是故意把她写成全剧最令人讨厌的角色。明明是个有经验的FBI探员(虽然刚刚当上测写员,但其实应该是很有经验),结果搞得每次都好像第一次上现场,第一次看死尸,第一次审问犯人,第一次开枪。。。笨蛋的要死不说,还总觉得自己特能干,拉着一张驴脸,看谁都不顺眼。然后跟所有狗屎女主一样,永远在最关键的时候搞砸,要么就爱心爆棚的要Riddington 救人,要么就自己陷入危机等着人救。被人救了,不知感恩也就算了,还总要唱高调,动不动就要把Riddington 骂一顿,”哎呦!你怎么能为了救我把那个冷血杀人狂杀掉呢!!!你真是个禽兽!”。草泥马,狗屎女人,狗都比你聪明100倍!


    最令人郁闷的是,Riddington居然还不错。虽然不能算是Spader最好的角色,但至少还是我喜欢的那种Spader演起来游刃有余的反英雄类型。所以我就处于“看到Spader 觉得还不错”,Spader 不出现就简直惨不忍睹的反复之中。

    总之,这个片就是鸡肋。如果Spader 有更多上镜时间,我大概就会看下去吧。如果女主戏份变多,我就不看了。
  3. The Blacklist Music Season 1

    [101] Pilot
    Morning Light by Rachel Goodrich
    Liz & Tom rush to get ready for work.

    Piano Trio No. 2 in E Flat Major, Op. 100 D. 929: Andante Con Motoby Schubert
    Red checks out his hotel room.

    Ain't That A Kick In the Head by Dean Martin
    Red has dinner in his hotel room as Liz watches via surveillance, then Ressler updates her.

    Didn't I by Darondo
    Liz arrive home to find Tom tied up and tortured.

    State of the Art (A.E.I.O.U.) by Jim James
    Liz rips up the carpet in the dining room and discover a chest full of money and passports with a variety of Tom's aliases.

    99 Problems by Hugo
    Liz goes to see Red and he tells her she must have discovered a secret of Tom's.


    [102] The Freelancer

    Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones
    Red is picked up from a boat and taken to Washington, D.C.

    Sinnerman by Nina Simone
    Red leaves the table, pulls a bait & switch and escapes custody.

    Big Apple Boogaloo by Brooklyn Funk Essentials
    Liz & Red walk about Floriana's party; Ressler warns Dembe about drinking on the job; Floriana tells Liz about a shipment of girls that went missing.

    Citizens by Alice Russell
    Liz puts Tom's secret stash back into it's hiding place, then visits Tom in the hospital; the carpet in the house is replaced; Liz takes Tom home; Ressler sees the scar on Dembe's back; Liz gets out of bed; Red hangs out at a restaurant.


    [103] Wujing

    Hey Man, Nice Shot by Filter
    Montage of Shanghai scenes; a man drives through the streets of Shanghai, is shot dead and has his briefcase and hand stolen.

    Bird 1 by Underworld
    Ellie takes Tom for a walk, the briefly returns to the house as a group of men plant bugs and take photographs.

    Here With Me by Robot Koch
    Liz heads home; Ressler tells Cooper that Liz is hiding something; Red opens up an envelope with Chinese symbols on it.


    [104] The Stewmaker

    Up Past The Nursery by Suuns
    The Stewmaker checks into a hotel, removes his disguise & covers his room in plastic; continues as The Stewmaker finishes preparing the room.

    Let Go (Breakdown) by Alice Russell
    Red gets a call from Liz while at a meeting in Haiti.

    Smile by Nat King Cole
    Liz asks the Stewmaker his name.

    Made Of Stone by Matt Corby
    Red takes a photo from The Stewmaker's book; Ressler comforts Liz; Red gives Liz the photo book.


    [105] The Courier

    Set No Sun by Unkle
    Seth Nelson is dragged off by The Courier.

    Bump (Best Fwends Remix) by Spank Rock
    Ressler goes undercover as The Courier to meet with Dechambou at a club.

    Wicked Game by Emika
    Liz reads through the file that Red gave her, then goes to see Red.


    [106] Gina Zanetakos

    Violent Games by Polica
    In Germany, a man demonstrates a car bomb for Gina.

    Very Cruel by Polica
    Gina takes a guy to a hotel room, then kills him after getting the confirmation she wanted.


    [107] Frederick Barnes

    Out Like A Lion by Whitehorse
    Tom finds Liz in their kitchen trying to choose a new wall color.

    I Awake by Sarah Blasko
    Liz & Red finish their elevator ride; Red heads for Havana and is informed something he wants just became available to purchase.

    Symphony No. 3, Op. 36, "Symfonia piesni zalosnych" (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs): I. Lento - Sostenuto tranquillo ma cantabile by Zofia Kilanowicz
    Red returns to his old house, reminisces, then drives away as an explosion rips the house apart.


    [108] General Ludd

    Somebody Sweet To Talk To by She & Him
    Liz joins Tom in the shower as The Apple Man watches on the surveillance feed.

    Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face
    Tom consoles Liz at her father's funeral; Red opens another red envelope and logs onto VICAP; Liz confronts Red about taking the drive from Wolfe.


    [109] Anslo Garrick, Part 1

    No Commercial Music Used In This Episode.


    [110] Anslo Garrick, Part 2

    Pendulum by Pearl Jam
    Montage; Red phones Liz to tell her he'll always be there if she needs him and warns her about Tom.
  4. 仅代表个人表示对此剧极其失望,导演竟然还仅停留在需要宏大场面刻画专业的层面,编剧竟然还停留在照抄主流犯罪剧情节的基础上,Alan,我的最爱,竟然为了跟纸牌屋的Kevin比演技,莫名其妙加了很多面部特写,女主不说了,完全没演技!拜托啊,你们以为血腥场面外加黑色SUV和直升飞机就是犯罪剧了?还号称高智商犯罪剧,类似MV的光线镜头,简单无因果的血腥场面,匪夷所思的混乱细节,alan,不要晚节不保啊!