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爱芯 第一季 Made For Love Season 1(2021)


    HBO Max的半小时剧《爱芯 Made for Love》改编自Alissa Nutting的同名小说,S.J. Clarkson及Patrick Somerville负责此项目。



  1. Stopped at episode 6. The plot is terrible/stupid to a point that I couldn't stand it anymore. First of all there's no way their marriage could have lasted for 10 years if she's being kept a prisoner. 3 years maybe. 10 years no way. Secondly, they seemed to have forgotten that there's this thing called social media. If a billionaire implanted a chip in your brain, wouldn't the first thing you do when you get out be posting a video of yourself and revealing his crime on social media, killing him with public opinions? Even if she doesn't have any money, most divorce lawyers would jump at the opportunity to help someone divorce the richest person on the planet, because she will be able to pay up once she gets half of his money! They would probably even front her the money to find a neurosurgeon to get the chip out. And what happened to merging would kill her? Is he not gonna kidnap her back to the Hub anymore?? It's just stupid and doesn't make any sense...

  2. 男主挺好,比现实中的男人好太多了,现实中往往是又穷又丑又渣又坏还自以为是,拜伦虽然有些缺点,但是瑕不掩瑜,有钱帅气聪明专一禁欲,我都想嫁给他,女主的行为有点无病呻吟,让人很难代入。剧情有点紧凑,整体还行。(写了这么多居然还不够字数?太坑爹了吧,要写多少啊,言简意赅不就好了,啰哩巴嗦一大堆有啥用。)