2012的艾滋病日,我在格城办事,看到了许多白色的免费检疫车,飘扬的旗帜上写着“STOP AIDS NOW" 的字样,简洁有力。不久后,在阿城GGD的屏幕上,我看到攀升了好多年的艾滋患病率曲线终于在去年有了下降趋势,我的心中涌起一种莫名的感触,似乎这么多年来一直耀武扬威的这场瘟疫,终于也要走向消亡。我无法忘记《瘟疫求生指南》这部电影的结尾,活下来的Peter孱弱瘦削,忍不住眼睛红了,泣不成声。那一刻我也一样,感怀于这段见证了人心力量的历史不能自已。而逝者长已矣,活着的人若能有一样的斗志和信念,我相信我们终有一天,会赢过这场瘟疫。
还有一个细节穿插在片子的好几处。bob的小女儿自87年,88年,89年每一年的生日,都为他的生日吹蜡烛。而一直到93年,画面中没了生日蛋糕,而是小姑娘坐在教堂里,穿着彩虹衫为送爹最后一程落泪的影像。Bob终于还是离世了。像所有艾滋病人生命的尽头一样,Bob变得无比消瘦,皮肤上也到处是累累伤疤。但生命的枯萎与他强劲的精神力量形成了巨大的反差。而撑到最后药品公开推行治疗的人,被采访时,想到曾一同作战却没熬到今日的战友,无不眼红哽咽,默默的说:”we are just lucky“,我们只是幸运。
他们的名字:Peter Staley, Mark Harrington, Garance Franke-Ruta, Jim Eigo, Gregg Bordowitz, David Barr, Spencer Cox, Gregg Gonsalves, Ann Northrop, Bill Bahlman, Larry Kramer, Iris Long
片中的作家Larry Kramer所著的戏剧The Normal Heart会翻拍成电影()
"When future generations ask what we did in the war, we have to be able to tell them that we were out here fighting. And we have to leave a legacy to the generations of people who will come after us. Remember that someday the AIDS crisis will be over. And when that day has come and gone, There will be a people alive on this earth, gay people and straight people, black people and white people, men and women, who will hear the story that, once there was a terrible disease and that a brave group of people stood up and fought. And in some cases died, so that others might live and be free. "
那么,他是在自己的工作积累中,开始有意搜集和整理关于“ACT UP”运动的影像素材吗?并在其中发现了精英理论派"Treatment and Data Committee"与前者的分合关系?(类似新芬党和共和军?) 毕竟在筹拍(剪辑?)《瘟疫求生指南》的同时,他于2012年4月在纽约时报名为《战场画卷》(Pictures From a Battlefield)的文章,即关于纪录片所反映的这段历史。