家里有那么一整排的VHS,是宝贝妈咪收藏的松田优作,下面的柜子里一排的黑胶和书,是老爸的EAGLES和john grisham的初版首刷(我只看到过一次的88‘s《A Time to Kill》早晚我都准备要偷出来XD)。柜子最上层的,是老G四处找寻的Jams Dean和River Phoenix的电影们。老实说,我不太理解对这样的演员或是歌手的心情,因为edward norton和松田龙平还有brain molko都明显活得好好的,呵呵……
可是我还记得River Phoenix死在johnny deep的夜店门口的时候,我G嚎了一整个晚上。甚至于几年前的一天,River那已经有点发福的弟弟站在金球奖还是MTV金爆米花面前抖颤的怀念他老哥的时候,我仍然看到我家GG大人的眼眶湿润。从某种意义上,River Phoenix对他来说就像是另一个Jams Dean一样,他们那个成长岁月的Jams Dean,不知道和我老G一样大的人里有多少是这样觉得,可对比他没小几岁的我来说,River Phoenix这个名字,大概最深刻的印象就是stand by me和My Own Private Idaho了。但是转眼好几年之后,猛然一回想,竟然发现我也都记得这些片子,不由得一阵冷汗……潜意识里,也许我也曾想像GG那样看着River的弟弟伤感抹泪一番……然而却始终没有勇气真正怀念那张容颜后面的复杂鬼魅和绝望?也许吧,不然我不会连这么一部其实没多特别的片子,都发现自己记得很牢。
I have a dream of my own And it's mine all mine alone It's been my friend since I was just a girl It has a life it has a heart It has a soul and it's a part Of everything this woman gives the world And it's a big dream Big enough to share Like a rainbow, hanging in the air And I thank God, for making it come true Makes me think maybe God's a woman too Makes me think maybe God's a woman too
There's a full moon tonight And I'm bathing in its light Naked as the day that I was born There is no shame beneath this sky I have kissed the past good bye And mended up my broken heart so torn With a sweet sound only I can make And it gets stronger With every breath I take And it's all apart of making me feel new Makes me think maybe God's a woman too Makes me think maybe God's a woman too