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Quest for a Different Outcome(2015)

Quest for a Different Outcome(2015)

导演: 伊凡·埃尔

编剧: 伊凡·埃尔

主演: Aaron Shand John Robilette Frank Arend Michael Ark Nicholas Bocek Joachim Schnier Shengwei Cheng Tom Vie Sarah Nicklin Robert E. Scott

类型: 科幻 短片

制片国家/地区: 美国

片长: 30分钟 IMDb: tt5174726 豆瓣评分:0 下载地址:迅雷下载


    A young PhD researcher is paid a stealthy visit by the head of a secret organization, who expresses interest in his ongoing research work and invites him to a soiree to make him an offer.

