1975年纽约和大马士革展现了两种历史走向,在纽约,那一年城市濒临破产,银行家已经不愿意继续借钱给政府了,政府召集银行家发售新一批债券但是没有人出现。城市的运营权从传统的政治家手中转到金融家手里,Trump就在这个时候买下了大量的废弃地产,以及从纽约市政府那里获得了大量的免税,这人确实是有经济和炒作头脑。在叙利亚,基辛格的理念是搞balance of power,在各个中东国家以及埃及之间促成分裂,希望他们自己内部互相消耗,但是总统Assad也不是傻子,他发现叙利亚没有得到应有的重视,非常不满。这人表面看着文质彬彬的,实际上城府很深。同一时期的苏联,大家都在伪装不知道这个国家已经在崩溃的边缘。新总统里根上台,叙利亚和伊朗的霍梅尼联合,人体炸弹这种新型恐怖武器被启用,在可兰经中,自杀是不被允许的。如今为了政治军事目的,有了新的解释,自杀是为了更高的目标,反而会成为烈士。曾经有一车一车的学生被卡车拉到雷区,给军队开路,大家视死如归,觉得死得其所。美国1984年从叙利亚撤军,总统阿萨德成为英雄,不过他当年想不到,这么扭曲人性的武器将来也会推翻他自己的通知。
关于UFO,这段还真的挺逗。实际上是美国军方在研究更加先进的武器,因为他们认为苏联也在这么做,而且他们不想让苏联认为自己也在这么做,所以就故意散播外星人的说法,甚至给某些支持者提供所谓的绝密资料。世界进入到一个perception management的时代,真相和虚构的分界已经变得非常困难,重要的不是真相,而是如何去讲述一个打动人的故事,如何去分散大众的注意力。也正是在这个时期,民众对政治失望以后,能控制的就只剩下自己的身体,这就是为啥当时电视健身节目大行其道,这段在《美国恐怖故事1984》里面有,看着活力四射,俊男美女陪你健身,其实现在也是啊。还举了一个小镇的例子,这里人人幸福,抗抑郁药的销量很高,每个人都在给自己给别人洗脑,我感觉很好,我感觉好多了,你看起来很好。
电脑预测市场和人心。Larry Fink由于给公司造成了损失失业,创办了自己的公司Aladdin,用计算机程序分析现实,预测市场走势。看的时候我还以为这个行不通,实际上这家目前资产量惊人,占到世界财富的百分之七。这也太厉害了,回头查查这个。MIT的科学家开发了一个电脑程序Elisa,就是有技巧的重复提问人的一些话,结果效果非常好。被测试者可以几个小时跟一台电脑聊天,说机器不会累,自己不会有愧疚感,机器也不会取笑自己。我们每个人都活在自己的安全地带里,我们最好的朋友就是机器。
最后说了这么多,好像我们普通人也做不了啥,我们能做的可能就是Read a good book, turn off the lights and go to sleep.
20 years before (9/11), President Reagan had been confronted by the first suicide bombers. They had been unleashed by the President Assad of Syria to force America out of the Middle East. Rather than confront the complexity of Syria and Israel and he Palestinian problem, America had retreated, and left Syria and suicide bombing to fester and mutate. They had gone instead for Colonel Gaddafi and turned him into an evil global terrorist. But in the process, this changed the way people saw and understood terrorism. Instead of a violence born out of political struggles for power, it became replaced by a much simpler image of an evil tyrant at the head of a rogue state who wanted to terrorize the world.
All the politics and power dropped away, the problem was just them and their evil personalities.
Both Tony Blair and George Bush became possessed by the idea of ridding the world of Saddam Hussein, so possessed that they believed any story that proved his evil intentions. The line between reality and fiction became even blurred.
New lies built on top of old lies to construct a make-believe world.
“You had to accept responsibilities at that time, you have to pay compensation in order to lift up the sanction. Not because we are convinced we did it, but to find an exit out of the nightmare.
It was their game, not our game.”
PR firms get paid in millions to come to Libya to do “Reframing the narrative”, turning Gaddafi into a modern world thinker.
[a world without power]
People in UK and USA now began to turn away from politics. People felt they had been lied to on the issue of Iraq war, and a deeper feeling that whatever they did or said had no effect despite the mass protests and fears and warnings, the war had happened.
A whole generation had retreated and turned to “cyberspace” where people only get to see what they like, their newsfeed would exclude anything that challenges their pre-existing views.
Behind the superficial freedom of the web are a few giant corporations who control what ppl see and shape what they think. They help make decisions of what you should like and what be hidden from you.
Some radicals believe the failure of revolutions (occupy movements) is lack of vision - what the new society would be like. The truth is it’s not about an idea. It’s about how you manage things.
Admist the confusion of revolution in Egypt, The “muslim brotherhood” rushed to fill up the vaccum of the vision for a future society, and took power. --> islamists.
Leaders of west gave away their power to finance and have turned into managerials themselves. Meanwhile abroad they’ve witnessed their attempts to “change the world” only turned out to be destructive.
Technocrats from russia seize the opportunity and Turned the politics into a strange theatre where nobody knew what was true or fake any longer.
For them, realities could be manipulated and shaped into anything you wanted it to be.
Sarkov took the avant-garde idea from theatre and brought it to politics. Go deeper and play with ppl’s perception of the world so that they would never know what’s happening.
Use Kremlin money to sponsor all kinds of groups, no one know what is real or fake. a strategy to keep everyone in constant confusion.
Meanwhile real power is hidden away from the stage, exercised without anyone seeing it.
Trump uses turns of speeches to perplex / play the media. He defeated journalism - journalism cannot work against him.
Angry people click. Angry clicks become fuel for a new system of power.
back in the 1980s, Assad’s father had seen suicide bombings (the poor men’s nuclear weapon) as ways to force the Americans out of the Middle East. But over the next 30 years, it has shifted and mutated into sth at total opposite that are now tearing the Arab world apart.
Surkov: “Nonlinear warfare”, a new kind of war where you never know what the enemies are really up to. It’s not about winning, but to use the conflict to create a constant state of destabilised perception, in order to manage and control.
Abu Musab Al-suri:
Instead of large scale attacks (such as 9/11 which might bring about revengeful acts), they propose using random small scale attacks on civilians across Europe and America to spread fear, confusion and doubt, and undermine the failing authority of western politicians. Which give space for new politics to rise.
Be aware of Exploition of the growing uncertainties and fears.
书 Roadside Picnic by A
电影 Stalker by 塔科夫斯基