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美国安哥拉劳改营 The Farm: Angola, USA(1998)

美国安哥拉劳改营 The Farm: Angola, USA(1998)

导演: Liz Garbus Wilbert Rideau

编剧: Bob Harris

主演: Bernard Addison Burl Cain George Crawford

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 1998

片长: 88分钟 IMDb: tt0139193 豆瓣评分:0 下载地址:迅雷下载



  1. 这一本起码有narrative和配套的背景音乐,从George Voiceover入狱开始讲,拍得很细。翻照片,签保证书,换衣服,量身高拍照。。他们作息也好规律,五点起来去农场除草。生活环境也不错。很喜欢各种写实的监狱的片段,因为之前从来没见过监狱长什么样子。每一段经常先切一段景物然后把声音剪进去,然后开始介绍罪犯。包括Vincent Simmons和几个法官回答问题证明自己清白的那一段,感觉这些罪犯都精神挺稳定的。比有些外面的人都稳定,毕竟有些人生存也成问题,如果生存和自由我还是更想生存。

    “I done did dirt, as I was coming up. I’ve sold drugs, I have stole things, I have lied, I’ve cheated, but I have never killed anyone. I ain’t perfect.”


    Logan Theriot这人真的太牛逼了,老婆出轨还虐待孩子。。“My wife and I had a little trouble and I killed her.”

    “You don’t know whether you done the right thing or not.”他不能活到圣诞节了,但是他还是在说,“your life’s not get finished just because you are in Angola, it’s not. A lot of people think it’s that way but it’s not.” “eat, sleep, work and surviving. I survived all my life you know, the majority of the time on my own on the streets so there won’t be no problem surviving. The only problem is getting out. That is the only problem.”

    还有一些和妈妈打电话,看小电视,读书学习,做操唱歌,和妈妈见面,扫地。。每个罪犯对于想追求的也不太一样,有帮助做项目的,“escaping I’m still on the run, I’m still trapped,I’m still bound by the same thing I was bound by 25 years ago.”

    “I want real freedom, I want to be able to walk out of prison and actually say that I’m free.”

    Eugene Tanneniji那个眼睛老头在台上慷慨激昂呈词表达感谢主:“Said Lord I’m ashamed of what I done, I repent what I’ve done, I’m sorry for what I’ve done, cleaned of it, washed of it, save me, save me from it, hold me, say it, say Hallelujah.”他们都好信教啊,可能是因为宗教确实在极端情况下有最强的救赎性。

    Theriot得了肺癌没法吃东西,准备好离开这个星球了。他躺在床上撑着太阳穴眼窝深陷瘦骨嶙峋但精神很好,看起来非常坦然,也不担心自己埋在哪里。“I think everybody is going to be judged according to their works and according to their feelings and you see everybody has a spirit and you have a conscious and it tells you what to do and if you do what it tells you to do you can pretty well…I think I’m on the right side.”他想要埋在这里和朋友一起,”God has blessed me all my life always had good jobs, always had this always had that and all I had to do is look up there and say God I need something, and He’d give it to me….But when it came time to go, I know I had messed up. I had enough sense to turn around then and ask him give me some more time. Even has, it’s improved and I don’t like prison you know? But I wanted some more time so I can get to know him and I’ve done that.”我感觉这人真的是太智慧了。

    那个扎小辫子的囚犯John在阳光里眯着眼睛抽烟说“I like the sun.”是特别漂亮的一幕。

    “We’re going to all die, he’s just getting out of this world this way tonight, and so lets just hope he goes to heaven. I feel like he well so we feel okay.”天快要全黑了,但是还有深色的絮状的云。


    Praise the Lord, Hallelujah I’m free.