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你看不见的我 The Me You Can't See(2021)


    奥普拉·温弗瑞、哈里王子联合监制的Apple TV+纪录剧集《你看不见的我》(The Me You Can’t See,暂译)将于5月21日开播。该剧嘉宾包括Lady Gaga、格伦·克洛斯、德玛尔·德罗赞等,奥普拉、哈里王子将与嘉宾们就心理健康问题展开讨论,嘉宾们也将分享自己的故事。



  1. E01 大声说出来 心理疾病的污名化问题 Harry:戴妃之死的创伤 Rashas:厨师,黑人家庭的创伤 Ginny:拳击运动员,污染强迫症 Lady Gaga:歌手,虐待和性侵的创伤 Oprah:主持人,幼时性侵的创伤 黑人女孩:性侵创伤 You need to be able to train it like a muscle. Just as much as we focus on our physical health. They are all linked to each other. 你需要像训练肌肉一样来训练你的情绪,像关注你的身体健康一样来关注你的心理健康。他们是彼此联系的。

    Firstly, admit that something is wrong and the need to ask for help. It ' s not what ' s wrong with you, it ' s what ' s happened to you. 首先承认问题的存在和有求助的需求,并不是你不正常而是发生在你身上的事情不正常。 The things we can't see and not aware of scared us. 让我们恐惧的是那些我们没有看到没有意识到的事情。 It's not about wha't wrong with that person. It's about what happens to that person. 重要的不是这个人怎么了,而是他遭遇了什么。 " What ' s wrong ?" That ' s not the right question. It is ," What ' s happened to cause that person to have that kind of persistent or consistent behavior ?" “你怎么了?”不是正确的问题,正确的问题是“发生了什么事”,什么事情导致那个人有那种持续的或一贯的行为。 E02 寻求帮助 寻求身边人的支持、理解和帮助 Alex:Oprah资助的南非女学生,PTSD Zak:父亲自杀,遗传性的心理问题 Crystal:华裔大学生,抑郁症 Therapeutic change isn ' t about therapy. It 's never about "I got the right medication". It ' s never about "I got the right diagnosis". It ' s never about that. It is invariably all about relationship. 治疗带来的改变与治疗无关,与"正确的用药"无关,与"正确的诊断"无关, 与这都无关,它总是与人和人之间的关系相关。 Clearly , addiction is a major vulnerability. But we have come to see this as a biological vulnerability instead of a moral failing. So we no longer call it substance abuse disorder, we call it substance use disorder . This is precisely like diabetes or illnesses that we don ' t have in this way. 成瘾显然是一种很大的脆弱性,但是我们现在将其视为一种生理脆弱性而不是道德上的失败。因此我们现在不再把它称为药物滥用障碍,而是药物使用障碍。在这个意义上这就跟糖尿病一样,或跟别的我们不进行道德评判的疾病一样。 Every time you talk to her, you want to solve the problem, you want to make sure she ' s happy, but that ' s not the case . When she reached out to us, she just wants just to vent, to let out her emotions, to share her emotions. And then we just need to just be there, like ," Oh , hey, yeah, okay, we ' re here for you, what do you need ?" 你每次和她谈话,都想要来解决问题,想确保她开心,但事情不是那样的。她找到我们,只是想倾诉,想发泄她的情绪、分享她的情绪。我们只需要陪伴在她身边,说:“好的,对,我们支持你,你需要什么?” We ' re the luckiest people on the Earth. Bar none. Her life , because of OCD, is ten times more difficult. But she has a goal , a gold medal. 我们是地球上最幸运的人,无人能及。她的人生因为强迫症困难了十倍。但是她有一个目标,去赢得金牌。 E03 寻找有效的方法 专业人员的介入 DeRazon:NBA球员 Ambar:青少年精神分裂 Fawzi:儿童的战后心理创伤 眼动脱敏与再处理治疗EMDR E04 我们需要彼此 新冠疫情隔离带来的群体心理创伤 Hussain:关注心理健康的说唱诗人 David:丧子,动物救助农场的疗愈 Forget:非洲社区的心理工作者 For me , being depressed , it ' s like being in the darkest , coldest part of the ocean with hundred pound weights on my ankle. And I ' m constantly trying to swim up, you know, and I ' m just continuing to go down, go down, deeper and deeper in a panic, you know. And with the panic comes frustration, anger, aggression, all of the emotions that I kinda shelter kinda all comes up when I ' m getting pulled down. And it just feels cold, dark, and alone , and it just eats away at you in the moment. Until you figure out how to get yourself out of them chains and slowly swim up and feel the pressure release and you can gasp for air. 对我来说抑郁就像身处最黑暗、最阴冷的海洋深处脚踝上还绑着几十公斤重的铅。我不断地努力向上游,可是我在不断地下沉,沉到越来越深的地方处于恐慌之中。伴随着恐慌而来的是沮丧、愤怒、攻击性,所有这些我压抑的情绪好像都涌现出来了。还有就是那种冷酷、黑暗、孤单的感觉,会在瞬间吞噬你。直到你弄清楚如何摆脱那些锁链,慢慢地向上游,感觉到压力的消退,然后才能大口吸气。 E05 这就是我 Glenn:误入邪教的创伤 Saddam:同性恋群体,成立Ya-All组织为性少数群体提供帮助心理帮助 致幻剂对难治性抑郁症的治疗效果

  2. 今天一口气看完了所有纪录片。其中有不少话语直击我心,作为一名心理教师,常常对自身所从事的究竟是一个怎么样的工作存在迷茫,意义感也缺乏,通过此纪录片的观看,找到了心理健康的意义感与接下来努力行动的方向,其中印象最深刻的是巴基斯坦的胡塞因的诗歌演讲,以及在非洲的社区长椅,和美国建立的曾经遭受过虐待的动物建立的自然疗愈基地,深受启发。

  3. 这个真人访谈纪录片太棒了,公开的表达自己的vulnerability, 回到了之前关注的Berne Brown. 提供calm和力量 Call it out

    it's never too late


    Pain is not transformed gets transmitted, its projection. If you don’t process it, it's ends coming out in all sorts of different ways. The reason that I am looking for therapy is to heal myself in the past

    its bullshit following that "just playing the game, and your life would be easier"

    You need to be able to train it like a muscle. Just as much as we focus on our physical health. They are all linked to each other.

    The things we can\t see and not aware of scared us.

    It's not about wha't wrong with that person. It's about what happens to that person.


    我学会了非常熟练的起床,穿上衣服,带上最好的面具,put a smile on me and ha! positive. but inside feel completely broken 其实也没有这么夸张啦

    (from a black perspective) you try to do so many right things, that you were told you suppose to do, to be, to act, to live. Not knowing there is an undercurrent. It makes you wanna give up sometimes, it makes you wanna fighting harder

    我不需要压抑一切,而我可以直面我的depression和anxieity,I can't just keep going, 我想再做滚轮仓鼠,或者发条玩具,又或者是生物发电站,永远的逃避, I have to push all back of that. I need to be honest with myself, I need to feel and accept everything I am going through right now. Its gonna be a dangerous situation if I try to lie or mask it.

    I am taking my masks off.

    "When you speak, you put life on them"

    OCD Olympic athlete

    OCD: All my OCD can take over. OCD is a recurrence thought that cause depress, anxieity and fear, and repetative that intended to reduce that stress.

    哈哈哈 那我只是有轻微强迫,而且我还给自己洗脑 收拾东西是放松, 趴草地上看书 画画 游泳 不放松么, anyway 挺好的~设计需要

    Vicious cycle

    Reflect about why I am doing this

    Brave Lady Gaga

    even though I feel awesome in 6 months, It took all with one trigger and feeling bad.

    But I am growth and getting better and nicer with myself. For things to slowly change.

    Surrended by at least one people that validate and believes me, that cares about me and tell me that my pain matters and its real.

    Then there is a way to regulate myself

    OK, I am back, smile

    I am grateful


    It's my teacher that saves me, She drives out the best of me, made me feel important, and self-worth, I can take out the world. Because the connection to anybody that cares about you makes a world difference. That\s my teachers, friends, They can't save me but they can relief me, and creating valve I create for myself.

    I am telling about my story, that's part of my healing of being able to talk with you

    I am not afraid anymore, I am glad I feel all the moment.

    Say it out loud,

    asking for help

    Robin Williams的儿子,omg, for many people who are having very difficult times with their grief, clearly addition is a major vulnerability

    Some mental health are temperary, some ebb and flow, symptoms can ve managed, but aren't cured. One of the biggest question with mebtak health conditions is "how well can you live with it"

    finding what works

    kobe对球员的影响, 受叙利亚战争影响的孩子

    we need each other

    You gran can teach you everything, but she can't teach you how to live without her

    I miss you, no matter what they say I miss you, I never missed anyone the way I miss you,

    discovering and investigating the best thing for you


    this is me

    grandma Dianna