Stiles——这个角色一出场我就喜欢他,聪明又好动,一副机灵样,对基友那么忠诚,简直是赴汤蹈火,好几次性命攸关的时候都是他灵机一动避开了危险,就连最后灭了Alpha也是他的功劳对不对!不怎么萌BG的我也被校园舞会他邀请Lydia的真诚打动了。这家伙不该怀疑自己的魅力,好几次问"am I attractive to gay"的时候我都笑死了。
Okay, when i first saw this preview, i thought oh no ! not another lame MTV show! The trailer did not give this show its credit. I decided to watch the first episode , just to see what it was like. And I tell you what. Its fantastic. The actors have true talent for their age. Many people think this is a lame "Twilight" Copycat show, It definitely is not. It doesn't even have vampires in it . Plus the storyline is actually based on the person with the supernatural ability, and his day to day struggles, of adjusting with his new ability of being a werewolf. It shows some actual storyline. Other than Twilight. The Plot is better than i expected. The storyline for each episode is well suited, ( the writer and producer are doing a good job of not rushing the storyline) Plus the swoon- worthy guys . (Derek and Jackson) sorry not a big fan of Scott! But to tell you the truth I am disgusted at how people are rating this show. Its unfair. Its only into its 5th episode, (the show is still explaining itself) . The highly commend Vampire Diaries, started out pretty mediocre if you ask me. So please guys give this a chance . Im sure we haven't seen the best of Teen Wolf for ages. I am so excited each week to see every episode.
不知道是否有同感? 整个第一季,都没有提到Stile的first name是什么,好像是编剧留的一个悬念~ 而Stile只是他的姓Stilinski的昵称。 第五集最后的老师家长见面会上,他老爸敲了敲放在桌子上stile的档案,他的first name看起来是一个以eam结尾的单词~ 而“stile”只是他自己like to be called. 然后他老爸说这是他妈妈的爸爸的名字,所以我在想,不会又是什么有着特别历史的的家族吧?