Pasta with a chilli,bacon and tomato source 辣味培根番茄通心粉 材料准备:橄榄油,番茄(3-4个,看体型),培根,洋葱(1/4-1/2个),五花肉,盐,红酒 1.洋葱切块,五花肉切块,番茄切块,辣椒切碎备用 1. 在锅中倒入橄榄油,加热,倒入切好的洋葱小块,在放入五花肉同炒,再加入一点红酒,加入一小撮盐,小火炖煮 2. 番茄倒入锅中,加入切碎的辣椒同煮 3. 空心意粉(中空的长条意面)在另一个锅子中煮八分钟。煮熟后捞出放入酱汁锅中搅拌,撒上干酪丝 <图片8>
E01 【Pearl Barley Spinach and Pork】 【Fish Soup-Stew】❤ 【Orange Rice Cake】❤ Pig Blood and Chocolate Aubergine fritters❤
E02 【Red Mullet with Tomato Anchovy & Porcini】 【Potato and Cabbage Bake】 【Silk Handkerchief Pasta with Pesto】❤ Liguria - Mendatica - Cucina Bianca(White cooking) Liguria - Montoggio - Frittata(Omelette) Liguria - Genoa - Genoese fish and chips (鹰嘴豆粉制的薄饼chips)❤ Liguria - Genoa - Totani Fritti (乌贼) In carpione: in flour and deep-fried and then put in
E03 【Bresaola Salad】❤ 【Buckwheat Pasta, Potatoes & Swiss Chard】PIZZOCCHERI 【Alpine Salad】 Lombardy - Bresaola (air-dried beef of the region) Gnocchi with chestnut flour❤ Formagella Cheese❤ Chicken/Bird/Rabbit dish Gruyere cheese❤ Mushroom Pasta with garlic and chilli
E04 【Pasta with a Chilli, Bacon & Tomato Sause】❤ 【Sweet Pepper Omelette】 【Braised beef in red wine】❤ Scaloppina: breaded chicken or veal Roma - Volpetti (shore)❤ Formaggio di fossa: a cheese matured in earth Caciocavallo 羊奶干酪 Antonio's artichoke dish❤ Roma - Antica Pesa (Restaurant)