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在金牌的核心:美国体操丑闻 At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal(2019)

在金牌的核心:美国体操丑闻 At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal(2019)

又名: 金牌性风暴(台) / 金牌核心 / Dr. Nassar: el caso del equipo de Gimnasia de EEUU

导演: 艾琳·李·卡尔

类型: 纪录片

制片国家/地区: 美国

上映日期: 2019-05-03(美国)

片长: 88分钟 IMDb: tt8299654 豆瓣评分:9 下载地址:迅雷下载


    2016年,美国国家体操队队医拉里·纳萨尔数十年间对于年轻运动员的性侵遭到披露。震惊了美国体操。 艾琳·李·卡尔的这部纪录片勇于揭开丑闻、示人以藏掖的事实及其影响,使幸存者得以发声。



  1. 1. There is a certain trade-off between the input and the outcome. “They know the system. They also want to win.” They were young, and did not really have a choice.

    2. It happens everywhere. Maggie was kicked off the Olympic team for ‘no reason’. The selection process uesd to slience.

    3. The image of USA Gymnatics is related to huge profit. That’s why they want to keep this thing down and protect their reputation.

    4. Again. It happens everywhere. The survivers were told/ made to believe that they are the problems.

    5. Nassar used his position of power to abuse those powerless girls who had already been mentally abused by coach and suffered from physical pain every single day. Just like the trade-off I mentioned in point 1, they had no access to contact their parents during training. Could you imagine that they told their friends or teammates about it and found that they all had the same experience? How can they know it is actually wrong? Just like one of the surviver said, ‘You gave us candies and called the coaches monsters, and I thought you were on my side.’ “He is the only one who treated me ‘well’ when everyone else was abusing me.”

    6. Those girls should never met Nassar if any one of the people in charge called the police immediately as required by the law. During the investigation, Nassar is still carrying on treatment with sexual misconduct. Time and the voices are more than important.

    7. “You have the right. But you also have responsibility when you made all those profit from US Gymnatics. Dont you think you have the responsibility?”

    8. “Children worth everything laws offer to protect them.”

  2. 对于这场儿童性侵事件,我觉得他不同于其他儿童性侵的地方在于,这些体操训练队的女孩子们是在一个相对高压的环境下遇到了那个时候的一束光。不幸的是这束光是黑色的。但是由于年龄和阅历的限制,他们根本不知道这一束光应该是怎么样的,只是简单的几句嘘寒问暖和缓解疼痛的帮助就就能取得处在身体和心理都处在高压状态下的她们的信任。孩子是需要保护的,而处在高压状态下的孩子们更值得注意和保护。高负荷导致她们需要更多的关爱和温暖,所以性侵者抓住这个缺口就更加容易下手。我希望所有处在高压状态下或者处在人生比较艰难时刻的孩子们知道,人生可能很艰难,但是总有一天会过去的,这一段时间永远不会是你人生最幸福的时刻,最幸福的时刻一定在后面。但是即使是最艰难的时刻,也应该在感到奇怪和不适的时候大声地说出来,其实说出来或许不能解决问题,但是可以让大家意识到一些什么,这些就足够了。

  3. 我有段时间特别喜欢看体操,里约奥运会那段时间更是天天盯着电视看,我喜欢体操带给人们的力量美,喜欢看她们完成一个个跳跃,在高低杠间自由转换,在平衡木上自信发挥。


    更可怕的是拉里纳萨尔有着完美的犯罪条件,他是女孩子们的队医,是她们训练累时候的倾诉对象,是朋友,是值得信任的前辈。他利用他的位置不断给女孩子们洗脑,让她们承担负罪感。练体操的痛苦她们被教育要学会忍耐,但那种疼也要忍耐吗?忍耐无数次、无数个小时?但她们忍了,为了自己的奥运梦,为了自己所热爱的体操,她们忍了很多年。 整个体操协会的体制也为纳萨尔提供了太多便利条件,他们是一条利益链上的野兽,想着法扭曲被害者的价值观,隐瞒令人窒息的事实。 最后我想说每个站出来诉说自己遭遇的女孩都是勇敢的、坚强的,她们就是黑暗中微弱的光,汇聚起来,最终战胜黑暗。

  4. 性侵教练最终被绳之以法与metoo运动的全球化不无关联。首恶固然可恶,首恶所存在的土壤更让人感到绝望。在利息和名誉年前,人性使得利益相关方更容易选择快速保险而又代价最小的处理策略而不是符合道德法律的策略,在这个过程中受害者往往不能被救助。纪录片中的一些场景比较耐人寻味:教练的律师吐槽自己和家人受到死亡威胁,教练在庭审中给法官写了一封匪夷所思的信。