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狂犬病 Rabid(1977)



  1. 简介:幼时曾患过狂犬病,因车祸受伤引起病毒复发,腋下竟不可思议地长出个嘴巴,且内有一可伸缩自如的肉刺专门用来吸血。于是她也把狂犬病迅速的传播,使城市瞬间成为疯人满布的人间地狱。



  2. RABID rehashes SHIVERS’ idea of infectious transformation, our super-spreader is a young woman called Rose (famed porn star Chambers’ foray into mainstream acting), after a motorcycle accident, she is undergone an innovative skin graft operation, claimed by Dr. Keloid (Ryshpan), whose name is such a wacky pun itself, to save her life (a plot device is not at all intelligible), anyway, when she awakes from her month-long coma (her skin recovers immaculately from the horrific burn as Chambers isn’t the type who will refuse to bare it all in front of a camera), a small orifice is left below her armpit and inside grows a sentient jutting thingy, that is blood-thirst.

    Consequentially, Rose starts a series of assaults on those she encounters (ranging from soft-headed milquetoasts, predatory horndogs, erotic cinema habitués, occasionally, just an average male or a nubile female), in the wake of which the victims turn into zombie-like, foam-oozing, flesh-biting assailants, before soon a pandemic spreads to Montreal, where martial law is imposed, and that becomes eerily relatable to earthling’s current Corvid-19 disaster. At first the authority pronounces it is a new strain of rabies, but with the attacks escalate and rabies treatment proves unavailing, a shoot-to-kill policy is the last defense (even Santa Claus is succumbed to the rampant potshot). That is a too bleak and depressing worst-case scenario for us frail mortals.

    The scale can go epic, but for a psychotronic gore-fest, Cronenberg sticks with Rose, the story begins and finishes with her, and all the set pieces are expediently arranged, though few could startle today’s hardened genre spectators. As the sole carrier who can co-exists relatively normal with the unknown virus, Rose’s final experiment is an inane decision, which reflects the auteur’s fatalistic archness, deliberately nips the prospect of hope in the bud, Cronenberg’s RABID is prescient, salacious, and a slap on the face of our society’s macho depravity.

  3. 一起车祸能否导致一座城市的灭亡?有点蝴蝶效应的意思,但是恐怖之处远不止于此。 早上,罗丝小姐的男朋友用摩托车带着她外出。本来是快乐的旅程,却由于一个冒失鬼将汽车停在路中间,导致两车相撞,罗丝受了重伤。 伤势严重,为了挽救性命,医生采用了激进的治疗方案:将罗丝腿部的组织移植到受伤部位。 手术很成功,罗丝生存了下来。但是很快,医院里发生了可怕的袭击事件… 《狂犬病》,加拿大恐怖电影大师大卫·柯南伯格1977年作品,由美国著名艳星玛丽琳·钱伯斯主演的另类恐怖片。 不同于一般的灾难恐怖片,本片提出了一个很奇葩的人体异化概念。罗丝小姐幼时曾患过疯狗病,因车祸受伤引起病毒复发,在她的腋下竟然不可思议地长出一个嘴巴,嘴巴里能伸出锋利的肉刺,其造型和概念极其cult,充满性暗示。 罗丝虽然外表看似常人,但是内在已经是一个靠嗜血为生的吸血僵尸。很多好色之徒垂涎于她的光鲜外表,最终都成为传染者和攻击者,因此无声无息中把疯狗病迅速传播到整个城市。 作为70年代的恐怖片,也透露出僵尸片的痕迹,受传染的人神志不清,口吐绿液,双眼发光,见人乱咬,死相难看… 电影结尾,罗丝良心发现,在爱人面前,抑制内心的兽性,牺牲了自己,体现出了一丝人性的微光…