S3E01 Fear...it's a fire that burns from birth in even the coldest heart.It motivates and paralyzes the best of us...or is used as a weapon by the worst.But when your path is one of treachery and deception....the greatest fear of all...is that the truth is absolute. 恐惧即使在最冷酷的心中,它也是一直燃烧的火焰,它激励和麻痹我们最好的一面,或是被最恶的一方用作武器。但如果你脚下是背叛与欺骗之路,最大的恐惧就是真理是绝对的。 2.Fear is the most primal of emotins,it can linger as a memory,burned into one’s mind of a parent taken too soon.Or burrow into one’s soul as self-doubt over a child’s rejection.But the one thing we all fear the most ,is the unknow. 恐惧是最原始的情感,失去至亲的人心里,永远徘徊着这样刻骨铭心的记忆。被孩子摈弃的父母心里也会害怕和自卑。但是最让我们恐惧的是未知。
S3E02 1.It is believed that original sin can only be cleanesed by the waters of baptism。But it is the sins that follow that are not so easily washed away。And since forgiveness of trespass is only granted to the truly penitent,pure evil can never be erased。 人们相信原罪可以经过洗礼得到涤荡。然而今生所犯之罪却无法轻易洗脱。只有虔诚的忏悔者才能获得对其罪孽的宽恕,真正的恶魔却无法泯灭。
S3E03 1.Some believe confession helps a guilty soul find peace,releasing us from the shame and regret of our mistakes. In the face of mortality,many feel the need to seek this closure to make things right. Because if death doesn’t kill us,our demons will. 有人认为忏悔能让有罪的灵魂获得安宁,让我们从耻辱和内疚中得以解脱。在死神来临之际,人们总认为忏悔能拨乱反正。因为即使死神没让我们死去,还有我们心中的魔鬼。 2.A guilty heart is silent,its pulse muffled by the secrets it keeps. While some believe confession can release a tortured soul,others view it as a sign of weakness. Because ultimately,whatever you say,however you feel about what you’ve done,it’s irrelevant, for the hand of death is equally unforgiving. 罪恶的心是死寂的,在秘密的包裹下脉象微弱。然而有人认为忏悔是一个备受折磨的灵魂的释放,而其他人把这看作懦弱的象征。因为最终不管你告解了什么,对你做过的事如何忏悔,都毫不相关,因为死神的魔爪同样无情。
S3E05 1.When on a mission of revenge,one must maintain total control over risks,emotions and one’ enemies.The single greatest threat to success is losing control of your allies. 执行复仇任务时,必须对危险、感情以及敌人保持绝对控制权。其中最大的威胁就是失去你对盟友的控制。 2.In order to regain control,we sometimes must relinquish it. By doing so,we believe we are protecting the ones we love,the ones we cannot live without,but the most dangerous truth of all is that control is merely an illusion. 为了重新获得控制权,我们有时必须放弃。这样做,我们坚信就能保护我们爱的人,我们不能失去的人,但最危险的真相却是...控制只是幻想而已。
S3E06 Love built on lies is an arduous endeavor,for wherever passion and treachery meet dissolution begins.Still,we fight to hold our ground in the emptiness.Ignoring the fact that every relationship,even the ones we cherish,inevitably dies. 建立在谎言上的爱情需要难以忍受的竭尽全力,因为激情和背叛碰撞之处意味着分崩离析的开始。可我们仍在空洞中,守住自己的阵地。不要执着每段关系,即使是我们百倍珍惜的,终将逝去。
S3E07 1.Growing up,my father said the ocean was a great escape. As time passed, I also learned that its expanse holds greater secrets and the ability to hold mine. And that like love,it is at its heart,fluid,powerful,and sometimes violent.But in its harshest reality,the ocean is a barrier,separating you from those you love. 从小到大,我父亲都说海洋是很好的庇护所。随着时间的流逝,我渐渐懂得,它的辽阔无际包含了更多的秘密,也能保守住我的秘密。就像爱一样,在它的核心部分,流动,强大,有时狂暴。但严酷的事实是,海洋也是障碍,阻止你和你爱的人相见。
S3E08 1.Secrecy causes even the simplest truth,to seem wondrous,mysterious. It has the power to fuel passion,and seduce you into becoming someone you’re not. But no matter how we try to guard our secrets,to keep them close......they all come out eventually. 秘密致使最简单的真相也像是盖上了神秘莫测的面纱。它能点燃激情,诱你摇身一变,化身他人。但无论我们如何保守秘密,掩藏真相,一切终将大白。
S3E09 1.When facing your enemy,no amount of training can trump nature.It separates the strong from the weak.And sometimes it tell us that surrender is the strongest move of all. 当面对敌人,任何训练都战胜不了天意。此刻,会有上策和下策。而有时候,投降方是上上策。
S3E12 1.When my father was in prison,he wrote in his journals about how the value of life can be directly measured by our will to endure,that we have a remarkable ability to resist fatigue,to withstand pain ,to keep fighting,as long as we don’t lose sight of what we’re fighting for. 我父亲在狱中的时候曾写了一本日记,他提到人生价值可以用忍耐力来衡量,就是说人有很强的能力忍受艰辛,承受痛楚,持续战斗,只要我们尚存目标的话。
2.Emily:Hate is a lot like love.You can't force it.You can't fight it.You just have to embrace it when it comes along. 恨和爱何其相似,你不能强求,不能硬拼,只能在到来的时候真心接受。
3.Vitoria:For you to have given him hope for an heir,only to have it taken away from him forever......Fate can be so cruel. 你让他心存希望,认为自己后继有人,却又让希望彻底破灭......命运就是这么残忍。
1.When I was a child,my father woke me every morning with the same phrase:“Life is a great sunrise.”The words shaped the way I saw the dawn.But after my father was taken from me,the morning sun burned like fire.That’s when I learned what hatred was and that it would greet me each day to come. 儿时,父亲每天早晨都会用同一句话叫醒我:“生活是美好的日出。”这句话改变了我眼中的黎明。但父亲遭奸人所害之后,朝阳就如火一般灼烧着我。就是那时我学会了仇恨,而这种恨意将伴随我生命中的每一天。
2.Many believe there is no such thing as too much love.That its warmth is a comfort from which we never tire.But when love turns to obsession,it consumes itself.The flame that nourished becomes angry,merciless,and all—consuming blaze,leaving us confused by the chill in the air,and the hate left behind. 很多人认为,爱永远是多多益善。爱的温暖是我们从不厌倦的慰藉。但如果爱至癫狂,就会被爱所毁灭。温暖我们的火焰也会变得怒火冲天,冷酷无情,熊熊燃烧,毁灭一切,空留下寒意,还有恨意,令我们迷惑。
1.Of all the weapons we take into battle,there is none more powerful than the mind.It holds our instincts and our training and allows us to distinguish friend from foe,love from hate.But if that weapon is unsound,it is by no means sidarmed,for the mind is all the more dangerous when damaged.And there is no guarantee that it won’t choose itself as its next victim. 我们用来作战的所有武器里,没有什么比头脑更强大。大脑里有我们的本能和训练,让我们区分敌友和爱恨。如果那件武器不健全,且它并没有被解除武装,遭到了摧毁后,头脑反而更为危险,无法保证它不会把自己选作下一个受害者。
1.We spend our lives,struggling to hold on to the things we value most.To the people and things,we believe we could never exist without.But our memories are often an illusion,protecting a far more destructive truth. 我们穷尽一生,努力抓住我们最重视的事。无论是人还是事,若是失去,我们也许便无法存活于世。但我们的记忆往往只是假象,为了保护更具毁灭性的真相。
S3E16 1.Grace is the core of tragedy,for if there’s no height at which to drop,no pride taken in the life lived,you have nothing to lose.But once in the free fall of disgrace,the only way to change its momentumis to use it to your advantage.
1.Addiction...an impulse that,once indulged is impossible to pacify.Even when starved,the hunger survives.
1.As children,we flinch at the sight of blood,not yet realizing it means family,loyalty and is the essence of life.But for all its virtue.There is the unavoidable reality that blood is often the child of pain and a violent remind that anything can be taken away in the blink of an eye.
1.Victory can never be achieved alone,allegiances must be forged to overcome superior forces.Some born from a shared goal,others out of desperate need.But for a union to succeed,one must determine if an ally is truly a friend or merely an enemy in disguise. 成功无法独自取得,必须建立忠诚才能对付更强大的力量。一些是因为共同目标,其他则源于迫切需要。但是联盟要想成功,就必须分辨出盟友是真正的朋友还是伪装中的敌人。
2.Alliances can reunite old friends in the most unexpected of ways,by testing the bonds that are the strongest of all.They can lead to the greatest of victories or to your ultimate defeat. 结盟能以最出乎意料的方式让老友再度团聚,因为遭受考验的是最坚固的纽带。这样的纽带要么将你送上胜利的巅峰,要么把你埋葬在万劫不复的失败。
1.A revolution begins when the desires of many are addressed by the actions of one.It‘s a ripple of change that starts when the first stone is cast at those in power,and only ends when one side lies defeated or if two sides become one. 当一人的行动足以填补大多数人的欲望,就是一场革命的开始。这是一场动荡的巨变,始于向当权者投掷的第一块石头,只有一方被打败或双方达成一致,革命方能结束。
2.To succeed,a revolution requires absolute dedication against overwhelming odds.At a moment’s notice,the tide can turn.And every casualty stokes the fire to win at any cost.Because the only guarantee in a revolution is that the innocent are the first to fall. 革命想成功,必须以绝对的奉献精神来获得压倒性的优势。潮汐转瞬即变。每一个死伤的人都不惜一切代价为点燃胜利之火而努力。因为在革命中唯一确定的事就是无辜的人会身先士卒。
1.Seized,confined,captive......six years of my youth were spent that way.In juvenile detention,many lost hope.For me,being locked away was an impetus for revenge and for the vow that once I got out,I would punish those who toke my freedom. 被抓,禁闭,俘虏......我六年的青春就是这样度过的。在少管所,许多人失去了希望。但对我而言,囚禁是复仇的动力,我发誓,一旦我逃出来就一定会惩罚那些夺走我自由的人。
2.Charlotte:The naive deserve two things,swindling and scorn. 夏洛特:天真的人会遭受两件事,欺骗和轻蔑。
3.Victoria:We all have to take our bumps and bruises. 维多利亚:人生总免不了磕磕碰碰。
4.An intention fueled by passion can be impossible to stop.Over time, it gains momentum until it turns into an impetus for change.This is how an notion transforms into motivation and how a child‘s vow becomes reality. 激情铸就的意图势不可挡。时间流逝,它也日渐壮大,最终成为变革的动力。观点就是这样转变为动因,一个孩子的誓言就是这样成为现实。
It is believed that original sin can only be cleansed by the waters of baptism. But it is the sins that follow that are not so easily washed away. And since we forgiveness of trespass is only granted to the truly penitent, pure evil can never be erased.
Some believe confession helps a guilty soul find peace. Releasing us from the shame and regret of our mistakes. In the face of mortality, many feel the need to seek this closure to make things right. Because if death doesn't kill us, our demons will.
A guilty heart is silent, its pulse muffled by the secrets it keeps. While some believe confession can release a tortured soul, others view it as a sign of weakness. Because ultimately, whatever you say, however you feel about what you’ve done, it's irrelevant. For the hand of death is equally unforgiving.