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超级少女 第四季 Supergirl Season 4(2018)


    由于女总统暴露了自己的外星人身份,使得纳新诺城市受到了反对外星人派的自由之子以及保外星人派的极英盟两种势力冲突的影响,而身为超级少女的卡拉(梅莉莎·班诺伊 Melissa Benoist 饰)则不得不站在中立的一方。



  1. This is by far the most underrated season of Supergirl. Solid five stars.

    Favorite SuperCorp line: “I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me.” My faith in Kara Danvers never wavers.

    Favorite Kalex line: “There’s sunlight in everything. There’s sunlight in the grass.” This whole season feels like a love song of Kara and Alex. The only thing Kara (in a blank state) remembered was a name - Alex, which she repeated again and again not knowing what it meant. There had been a void in Alex’s mind ever since she was mind wiped. Imagine how deep their connection lies for them to act this way. They are soulmates. Period.

    Also, favorite line of all time: “The pen is mightier than the sword. Maybe even mightier than a cape.” Long live the fourth estate.

    On a side note, it is really refreshing not seeing Kara be in a romantic relationship with a dude.

  2. 说真的,看到第十四集觉得这个编剧真是蠢,这个问题的核心是外星人和人类的冲突,外星人比人类强大,每次出现冲突都是人类先死亡,然后才被动的逮捕外星人,这个本来就是不合理的,外星人来地球享用资源,侵害人类,而且有的外星人秘密奴役人类,这不就是赤裸裸的侵略吗?我不知道编剧到底想怎么圆这个故事,但是像曼彻斯特那种行为不就相当于汉奸吗?还自以为正义的那种。自由之子的大部分人都是生活被外星人侵害,被逼无奈,然后不分青红皂白就把人家当成种族主义者这不就是独裁吗?说实话我觉得站在超女的角度怎么写三观都是歪的,建议赶紧结束这个题材换成对抗外星侵略者,看着太恶心人。 第四季第三集讲了一个普通人是怎么被从中立态度逼到极端的故事,真是可怜,本来好好的生活被外星人逼到了绝境,编剧想讲种族歧视的问题?看完之后反倒觉得起了反效果呢。所以第六集一个黑人为了所谓的报仇谋杀了几个家庭也没人调查一下?认真的?这不是会更激起仇恨吗?没人知道是人类杀得还是外星人杀得,而且没有面具别人怎么知道死的那些不是街上的路人?这个编剧真的脑残啊。