震撼:据说这个故事在古希腊的历史上真实的发生过,以300斯巴达的勇士对阵数十万的波斯铁骑,这是何等的气魄,影片自始至终贯穿了斯巴达人的精神:荣誉、责任、爱、勇猛、向往自由,在斯巴达人眼里看来,能通过严酷的训练成为斯巴达的战士这本身就是至高无上的荣誉,而能够为斯巴达的人民战死沙场的战士就已经脱离了人民而成为了斯巴达人心中的神,在影片中突出表现了斯巴达国王与臣子之间那种亲密无间的关系,国王与王妃之爱、母子之情,影片尾声时濒死前的战士对斯巴达王列奥尼达斯的敬意:My king,it's an honor to die at your side.(我的王,在您身边死去是我的荣誉} 以及王列奥尼达斯对勇士的表现所流露出赞许和欣慰:It's an honor to have lived at yours.(生活在你们中间是我的荣誉)以及面对最后被射杀王列奥尼达斯发自肺腑的呐喊: My queen!My wife !My love!都使观众对斯巴达人的荣誉感和爱与责任有了新的认识。 影片中斯巴达人向往自由的精神,让我想起了另一部经典的战争史诗片《勇敢的心》,梅尔吉普森临死前那句:“Freedom!"把苏格兰人向往自由的情感表现的淋漓尽致,令人久久难忘。 不过比较遗憾的是由于影片中充斥着暴力(肢体的断裂、冷兵器穿过躯体、鲜血飞溅)和部分漏点镜头(当然不是色情的那种),而制作方方又拒绝删减镜头,所以未能通过国内的影片审查,所以国内上映的可能性很小了,估计上映的真的是删改版那这部片就真的变成了鸡肋,不过幸好有BT,呵呵。 特别提示:本片分级为R级(战争,性,裸露),心理承受力差者、未成年者慎重
Councilmen: I stand before you not only as your queen,I come to you as a mother,I come to you as a wife,I come to you as a Spartan woman.I come to you with great humility.I am not here to represent Leonidas.His actions speak louder than my words ever could.I am here for all those voices which cannot be heaed. mothers,daughters,fathers,sons.Three hundreds families that bleed for our rights……,and for the very principles this room was built upon.We are at war,gentlemen,We must send the entire Spartan army to aid our king……in the preservation of not just ourselves,but of our children.Send the army for the preservation of liberty.Send it for justice.Send it for law and order.Send it for reason.But the most importantly,send our army for hope.Hope that a king and his men have not been wasted to the pages of history.That their courage bouds us together.That we are made stronger by their actions.and that your choices today reflect their bravery.