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最危险的游戏 The Most Dangerous Game(1932)


    改编自Chard Connell的冒险小说。一艘巡洋舰因遭遇失事而被迫停靠在一个偏僻的小岛附近,巡洋舰上的三名乘客安全地抵达小岛。这个小岛是一个神秘的人Count Zaroff所拥有的,他邀请三人在小岛上逗留。Count Zaroff喜欢打猎,但他只猎杀的是人类!……



  1. 现在看这部1932年的恐怖片,感觉会有点无聊,但是仔细想想,所有这些类型片的元素,似乎七十多年来也没有什么变化。这短短62分钟的电影,如果用今天的特效、CG、露点戏撑起来的话,也应该是部120分钟以上的惊悚大片了吧。既然如此,反而应该是今天我们看得这些电影更加没营养,快一百年了,不过也至多搞出些大金刚大战格斯拉式的东西,侮辱智力也侮辱审美。
  2. The story describes the most unusual adventure of Rainsford ,a world-renown hunter,who ,cruising in the Caribbean Sea on a moonless night, fell into the sea.He struck out toward an island he could barely make out ,and found himself a captive of the ex-Czarist Russian general, Zaroff,whose great passion was hunting.Having become bored with conventional hunting he amused himself hunting the "most dangerous game",man.
  3. Amateurish film even for is day. Everything is bad: caddish hero, shop-girl-like heroine, stupid plot, shoddy make-believe set (broad river with a great cascade, in a tiny, flat island?!), and absurdly implausible lighting that doesn't even get one frame right.

    I value historical interest as much as the next person, and I have enough piety on reserve for the occasion, but I fail to see any historical significance here at all. I can't believe this movie was made in the same year in which Lubitsch did "Trouble in Paradise", and 7 years after Lubitsch's "Lady Windermere's Fan", and 8 years after Murnau's "Las Laugh". I thought film-making was supposed to progress forward, not regress backward. Maybe someone can enlighten me?

    This is from the folks who gave us the original King Kong. Why am I not surprised?!
  4. 那个年代,正值二战、大萧条啊!拍出这种片不容易呢!而且场景、动作、道具的处理都很不错!可惜没有故事原版好看.