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读心人 第三季 The Listener Season 3(2012)

读心人 第三季 The Listener Season 3(2012)

导演: Farhad Mann

编剧: Michael Amo

主演: 克莱格·欧勒尼克 劳伦·李·史密斯 恩尼斯·埃斯莫 玛丽莲·迪恩-罗比齐 彼得·斯戴宾斯 蓝宝·桑·法兰克斯 彼得·奥特布里奇

类型: 剧情 科幻 犯罪

制片国家/地区: 加拿大

上映日期: 2012-05-30

集数: 13 单集片长: 40分钟 IMDb: tt2090342 豆瓣评分:7.3 下载地址:迅雷下载


    The Listener was renewed for a third season on June 1, 2011, and will premiere on May 30, 2012.



  1. 先吐槽一下追完这季的感想:看第一季的结尾以为会是悬疑剧,看到第三季这已经毫无疑问是部罪案剧了,也不想探究Toby的老妈到底去哪了,只想咆哮一句——为什么要把Liv弄死啊啊啊啊啊
    "Olivia was a great character and one that worked so well in the show previously but now that Toby’s moved into the police force, we were using her a bit less and didn’t want to just let a character fall away … and we said we should do something to really honour that character and really create an emotional moment that would be explosive for the audience as well to send her off with," said executive producer Peter Mohan.

    另外看到一个男主Craig Olejnik说的关于第四季的,“It’s going to be interesting with no Olivia . . . It’s going to be interesting seeing what Toby Logan’s life is like now, working entirely with the IIB. I want to see us go a little bit more into my past.”貌似第四季终于要重新交代一点Toby Logan的身世了,再不说就真心没什么想追剧的冲动了,虽然Craig Olejnik和Jake Gyllenhaal真心很像,眼睛也很迷人
    分割线后面再补充一点刚找到的Liv演员Dinh-Robic对于这集的说法,果然档期也是个原因吧,她在肯高迪亚大学念一个Media Master而且将演一部法国电影(PS她是越南法国混血儿,法语比英语更母语)。下面也附上原文。

    “I think Olivia died doing what she loved and she took care of others throughout three seasons and it was only right for her to go out doing just that.”

    Although it’s hard to say goodbye to a show she has been part of for three years, Dinh-Robic, who is currently working on her masters in media studies at Concordia and will be next appearing in a French feature film, says she is very grateful for the wonderful experiences she’s had.

    “It’s been an amazing journey and I’m a better actor, a better artist. It’s been an amazing family to be a part of.”