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那些花儿 第一季 Flowers Season 1(2016)


    该剧描述一个功能失调的家庭如何确保自身的稳定。花儿一家人的性格全都古里古怪,导致他们难以团结一致。他们住在一间拥挤、肮脏、凌乱、破败、总是吱吱呀呀乱响的老房子里。毛瑞斯(Julian Barratt饰)是个儿童书作家,他的妻子狄波拉(Olivia Colman饰)是个 音乐教师。他们有一对双胞胎子女艾米(Sophia Di Martino饰)和唐纳德(Daniel Rigby饰),但他们爱上了同一个女孩阿比格(Georgina Campbell饰),天天争风吃醋。毛瑞斯的母亲海蒂(Leila Hoffman饰)也住在他们家中。狄波拉和毛瑞斯的婚姻很久以前就破裂了,但他们仍然没有离婚。毛瑞斯深受心魔和秘密折磨,狄波拉怀疑丈夫与给他的儿童书绘制插画的日本人瞬(Will Sharpe饰)在搅基。



  1. 记录一下最后一集戳到我的点。




    父亲:“ 你的人生还在这里,Shun。多点感激吧。”
    母亲:“千万记住别和英国人一样整天吃黄油啊!” (人在消失。)

    这一段,简直是我能想到的Dark warm合体的最棒体现。


    Barry:“ You are not at your most practical when your wife's tried to kill herself again. You know?"
    Maurice:"Fair enough, you want to put the knife down?"
    Barry:" it was Christmas , Maurice. So I made her an eggnog, because i thought, well you know, she just deserves a treat. but she won't be getting too carried away with the eggnog. Because it's quite rich isn't it? "
    Maurice:" erm, yes."
    Barry:" She drank eight litres of it while i was busy with the sprouts."
    Maurice:"Why did you make eight litres of it?"

    Barry:" I just go the quantities wrong. So I had to keep adding ingredients to- to balance it out. And she must have found this(knife) in the bag because..."
             "they discovered her...oh, round about here. and she's obviously been squirming for a while because it was blood everywhere. And all her insides were out, like big sloppy wires all tangled up. Like, you know, when you can't see where the knots are. Except this was my wife."
             "So i carry this knife with me at all times. Do you know why I carry it with me, Maurice?"
    Maurice:" Barry, whatever you want, you can have it. I just need to get to my daughter now."

    Barry:" I carry it with me to remind me, that is was hard...because if i didn't remember how hard it was i don't think i could cope with her not being here any more.
              "it was exhausting, actually. So i can't ever know how you feel, Maurice. But i know how Deborah feels. I know how she would have felt. I keep saying to myself: it will go away soon, this feeling. After a few months, few years perhaps. But it never does. This is what you leave behind."




  2. 虽然是个短剧,却莫名感到flowers这个家庭是真是存在的。(除了剧中那个日本人带点儿穿越色彩,显得过于戏剧化了。)

    弟弟是个很无聊的人,带有男孩那种很难成熟起来的感觉。画着一团毛线,自称是个发明设计;反复的叫着邻家妹子的名字,以为这就是搭讪。他觉得父亲不够有责任心,姐姐又是个怪胎难以理解。然而,他还是熟知姐姐与父亲拥有相似的性格,他们有种自以为是的傲才气息,会给人一种很难很难开心起来的感觉。他很小就有想过要发明一个happy machine,目的是要让姐姐开心起来。虽说他很无聊,但确实有被他的发明给戳到泪点。父亲和姐姐顶着异样复古的帽子,帽子用一根绳子连接起来,父亲细语问道“do you feel better now”, 然后含蓄得解释到自己并不是资源最丰富的那个人,但还是比她有更多人生体验,所以“help yourself”,总是一脸冷漠的女儿坐在病床上突然热泪含眶……

    看第一集的时候不太喜欢女主人,在那种家庭氛围紧张的环境下还要强行放声欢笑,喋喋不休。后来想想,似乎这也是家庭主妇的特色,总是想张罗点儿什么,让家里热闹融洽,大家都能开开心心。所以最后某种程度上又能理解女主,她的出走与她的荒唐行为。 两个性格迥异的人,可能因为爱好或者是爱生活在了一起,但并不能化解性格上的差异,这也让我有所反思,爱并不能化解两个人的相处的困境,而是需要理解,或者说是坦诚的沟通加上理解。如果没有这层理解,就会像男主所说的“love makes it worse”。


    世上可能不会有真的happy machine,正如没有严格意义上的happy famliy一样。有sorrow,pity,weak,sympathy,mad,sick,而我们就是造这些的人……
  3. 只是记录

    A thousand years upon this land.
    The maiden blood of your frail hand,has mingled with these twisted roots,
    My mangled trees of cooked youth.
    And though we are an age apart, Penelope we share a heart.
    You galloped through these heathen wood, the hallowed path to womanhood. And though the angry tribe gave chase, they couldn't match your savage pace. They cowered at your fearsome howl, as you escaped this forest foul.
    Across the ancient bridge to claim your earthly privilege.
    And though I am a dismal freak, it doesn't mean that I am weak.
    It doesn’t mean I can't be free, as you, my brave Penelope.
  4. Season 1 Episode 3

    What should I do, Shun?

    Life is like toilet, Mr Flowers. Sometimes you have so much rubbish in your stomach, you have a gigantic poo. So huge, of course, blocking toilet. Big panic.

    You trying flush. Poking with coat hanger. Use your finger. Too embarrassed ask for help. "My gosh, what shall I do?"

    Hmm. But tell truth, Mr Flowers. No problem if you ask for help. "Excuse me, I am have gigantic poo. "Somebody please help for unblock my toilet. "

    "Of course. My gosh, so smelly, everybody terrified. " Such a gigantic poo. So ashame. But help for flush is coming. Very clean for start again.

    Thank you, Shun. You're a good friend.

    You can do it, Mr Flowers

    Season 1 Episode 5

    What is this? This is my village. My favourite image for remember my house before big earthquake is coming.

    My little sister "Do-do-do!" . . run along very happy. I am on the train to karaoke festival in Yokohama and suddenly I hear a big earthquake. Thinking, "Oh, such a shame!" Then discover my village is place for earthquake. Oh, my God. Turn around. Run fast as I can.

    Searching, searching. Under this rock, maybe under this rock. "Excuse me, where is my family?!" Can't find anywhere. And finally I'm looking in a little hole and I see Ah, this is my little sister Aiko Chan . . but half squash and so I discover my whole family completely squash. So never mind.

    Get little apartment in town and I'm very miserable, of course -- nothing left. No money, just tiny bread for eating. And for keep warm, I'm go to book shop and discover, "What is this little strange book?" Funny picture. Have a look. It's Japanese version of Grubb. And reading very strange story, Acorn Conundrum, Swamp Dragon, Fungus Brain.

    Who is this person writing this book? It's Mr Flowers. I think, "Ah, Mr Flowers! "You are know how I am feeling", because I need to see that miserable is happen, you know? Difficulties happen, this is world. You can survive.

    Season 1 Episode 6

    Watch the Pigs come home Unfettered Hear the Clatter of bones I'm right In front Of you I'm right In front Of you With every colour of love In your eyes With every colour of love In your eyes. From a weird reverie of dark revelation, Mr Grubb woke up with a strange sensation. So he turned to the goblin who knew him the best, and brought her soft hands to the depths of his chest. It would beep through the future as it beeped through the past. But how frightening to ponder when it's beating that fast. Mrs Grubb said, "Be careful, or your poor heart might pop. " "I know," said her husband, "I don't want it to stop. " Read more:
