两个人趴在窗子上看云的那一幕非常浪漫,对我来说,远比“和黛米·摩尔一起做陶器”更加美好而隽永。也就是在这一部分,女主角说出了这部片子的名字:I love you truly deeply madly。两个人打打闹闹,互相奚落,互相使小性子,琐碎而温馨的生活,但她不愿意出门,宁愿在家里守着他(换我也这样,而且他爱把地板改成什么样就什么样)。
只是阴阳两隔。他带鬼朋友缩在家里看片,随便大改家里的装潢,任何一个女人都无法忍受这一点。积累了许久的怨气爆发出来,他们大吵一架。然而实际上,她最重要的转折不是那些通宵达旦的幽灵聚会,而是那个西班牙女子的分娩。她手捧一个新生儿,热泪盈眶。电影暗示着她需要的是一种新生,而不是她一直满足于的那种“just like the old time”。
If suddenly you do not exist, If suddenly you no longer live, I shall live on.
I do not dare, I do not dare to write it, If you die.
I shall live on.
For where a man has no voice, There shall be my voice. Where blacks are flogged and beaten, I cannot be dead. When my brothers go to prison I shall go with them.
When victory, Not my victory, But the great victory comes, Even though I am mute I must speak; I shall see it coming even though I am blind.
No, forgive me. If you no longer live, If you, beloved, my love, If you have died, All the leaves will fall on my breast, It will rain on my soul night and day, The snow will burn my heart, I shall walk with frost and fire and death and snow, My feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, But I shall stay alive, Because above all things you wanted me indomitable, And, my love, because you know that I am not only a man But all mankind. ——《The Dead Woman》,by Pablo Neruda
La Muerta Si de pronto no existes, si de pronto no vives, yo seguiré viviendo.
No me atrevo, no me atrevo a escribirlo, si te mueres.
Yo seguiré viviendo.
Porque donde no tiene voz un hombre allí, mi voz.
Donde los negros sean apaleados, yo no puedo estar muerto. Cuando entren en la cárcel mis hermanos entraré yo con ellos.
Cuando la victoria, no mi victoria, sino la gran Victoria llegue, aunque esté mudo debo hablar: yo la veré llegar aunque esté ciego.
No, perdóname. Si tú no vives, si tú, querida, amor mío, si tú te has muerto, todas las hojas caerán en mi pecho, lloverá sobre mi alma noche y día, la nieve quemará mi corazón, andaré con frío y fuego y muerte y nieve, mis pies querrán marchar hacia donde tú duermes, pero seguiré vivo, porque tú me quisiste sobre todas las cosas indomable, y, amor, porque tú sabes que soy no sólo un hombre sino todos los hombres
英文版: The Dead Woman If suddenly you do not exist, if suddenly you no longer live, I shall live on.
I do not dare, I do not dare to write it, if you die.
I shall live on.
For where a man has no voice, there, my voice.
Where blacks are beaten, I cannot be dead. When my brothers go to prison I shall go with them.
When victory, not my victory, but the great victory comes, even though I am mute I must speak; I shall see it come even though I am blind.
No, forgive me. If you no longer live, if you, beloved, my love, if you have died, all the leaves will fall in my breast, it will rain on my soul night and day, the snow will burn my heart, I shall walk with frost and fire and death and snow, my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but I shall stay alive, because above all things you wanted me indomitable, and, my love, because you know that I am not only a man but all mankind.