我不在那里 我没有睡去
我不在那儿 我没有逝去
E02:(关于“笑”背后隐含的深意) There is nothing more deceptive than a smile,and no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them.
S04 E05(关于“死亡”) Katherine:“What does it feel like? Dying, I mean.” Aunt Lily:“It's not that bad.I feel lucky.When you know time is running out, you get a chance to reflect on your life. I really did try to live a good one.”
E07 (重获新生的Lynette) “What does not kill us, just makes us stronger.”--尼采
E08(关于“谎言”) Why do people resort to deception? Because it's a handy tool that helps get us exactly what we're looking for. 为何人们总是诉诸于谎言? 因为谎言让我们更易接近内心深处的真实愿望。
E09(关于“过去”) We think of the past as water under the bridge,a current that carries away the mistakes of our youths--the loves we lost,the addictions we gave into,the opportunities we threw away……But sooner or later,reminders drift back into our lives of the mistakes we made and the sins we committed. 我们常把过去必成桥下的流水,卷走年少时曾犯下的错误——失去的爱情,沉迷的激情,错过的机遇……但是迟早有人会来提醒我们,人生中犯过的错和造过的孽。 The past is never truly behind us.Ghosts lurk in the shadows,eager to remind us of the choices we made. 过去从未真正逝去。潜伏在暗处的幽灵,总让我们回忆起曾经的选择。 Sadly,some of us refuse to look back,never understanding that by denying the past,we are condenmed to repeat it. 不幸的是,有些人不愿回头看,他们永远不会懂得,否认过去,我们注定会重蹈覆辙。
E10&11(龙卷风,个人认为最好看的两集) McCluskey对着Ida的骨灰说的一段话: “Do not stand at my grave and weep, 不要站在我的坟前哭泣, I'm not there; I do not sleep. 我不在里面,我不在沉睡。 I'm a thousand winds that blow; 我是一阵一阵的微风; I am the diamond glimpse of snow; 我是雪地钻石般的光辉; I'm the sunlight on ripened grain; 我是照在成熟稻子上的阳光; I am the gentle autumn's rain. 我是秋日温柔的细雨。 Do not stand at my grave and cry, 不要站在我的坟前哭泣, I am not there; I did not die.” 我不在里面,我并没有死亡。
E12:(关于内心的“blindness”) Yes,the world is filled with those who cannot see,and the most dangerous are the ones who stay blind to the evil within their own hearts. 这世界到处是丧失视觉的人们, 最危险的是那些对心中恶魔视而不见的人。
E15:(关于“母亲节”) It happens the second Sunday of every May.We celebrate the women who give our life and so much more,the ones who protect us at all costs,who have the courage to fight those who would do us harm,who put our happiness ahead of their own. But mostly,we celebrate a mother's love,which is constant and eternal,and there from the very beginning.
E16:(关于“名字”) What's a name?Did a labels we attach to people, tell us everything we need to know?If we say she's just a child,does it mean she is truly innocent? Does calling her a drug-dealer prove she is purily evil? Will a man known as preacher always practise what he preaches? Can a man branded a villain access the qualities of a hero? The truth is, a name can never really tell you who someone is,any more that they can't tell you what they are capable of. 名字的意义何在? 我们用来识别他人的标签,是否给予我们应知的一切呢?如果我们说她不过是个孩子,是否就意味着她真的无辜?为她冠以毒贩的头衔,就能说明她十恶不赦吗?有着传道士身份的男人,又是否会常常练习传道解惑?被打上罪魁祸首烙印的男人,是否具有创造英雄壮举的潜能? 真相是,名字无法让你看清一个人的真面目,更无法让你知晓他们到底有怎样的能耐。
E17 Tom 教训两个即将结婚的gay的台词: “ Who gets to choose the ice sculpture, who should take out the trash, who has to stay home and make the mini-pitzas, that's the little stuff. What are you gonna do when the big stuffs come along? What are you gonna do when the tornado hits your house, or you have probs with your kids, or one of you gets cancer? At some point,the crap is going to hit the fan, and that's why now before you make the commitment, you have to ask yourself:Is that person in the bed next to you worth the trouble?Do you love him or her so much that no decease,no disaster could possibly pull you apart?” 有些时候,麻烦就是这么产生的。所以现在这时候,在你们做出承诺之前,你必须扪心自问:躺在你身边的那个人,值得你去承担这一切吗?你爱他或者她够深吗?无论疾病灾难,都不会将你们分开吗?
《请不要在我的墓前哭泣》是美国诗人玛莉·伊莉莎白·弗莱的作品,又被叫做《化为千风》。 全文: Do not stand at my grave and weep 请不要站在我的墓前哭泣 I am not there,I do not sleep 我不在那里,我并没有睡去 I am a thousand winds that blow 我是激扬起的风,千丝万缕 I am the diamond glints on snow 我是雪地里的钻石,熠熠生辉 I am the sunlight on ripened grain 我是温暖的阳光,亲近着稻谷 I amthe gentle autumn's rain 我是秋季里的细雨,轻轻柔柔 When yu awaken in the morning hush 当你清醒于早晨的安宁 I am the swift up liftght rush 我奔放着飞升的激情 Of quiet birds in circled flight 在鸟儿幽静的盘旋种 I am the soft stars that shine at night 我有是释放温柔的朗朗群星 Do not stand at my grave and cry 请不要在我的墓前悲泣, I am not there,I did not die 我不在那里,我并没有离去。