第一题:阅读理解,“Meditations in a Emergency”这段诗的中心思想? 这是第一集片尾的终结,大致文案是这样的: “Now I’m quietly waiting for my catastrophes to seem beautiful again. And interesting, and modern The country is grey, and brown and white trees. Snows and skies of laughter are always diminishing. Less funny, not just darker. Not just gray. It may be the coldest days of the year. What does he think of that? I mean, what do I? And if I do, perhaps I am myself again. ” 笔者的理解是这样的:这首诗和Don Draper一样晦涩,但倒过来就是本季的主线: “ And if I do, perhaps I am myself again",全季的开头以Don和Betty对过往的缅怀中开始; "Now I’m quietly waiting for my catastrophes to seem beautiful again", 以Betty因为Don的出轨暴露撕破脸,却发现自己怀孕了结束。 好的开始是成功的一半,你看得懂开头,就猜得中结尾。 <图片3>
第七题: “Do I need to remind you the finite nature of life?” 整整7季中最能解释Roger Sterling这个人的,就是这句话了。 如果不用传统道德去评价,这个人能迅速断定事情和人的价值,因此他很少陷入痛苦的纠结,绝大多数时候他表现得善意和慷慨,就其原因,上过战场并患有心脏病的他更透彻得领悟到“The Finite Nature Of Life”这句话,因此只要生活中有享受,他不会与任何人过不去。 Firm的另一位合伙人 Bert Cooper很少出镜,但他说的每一句话都值得倒回去听三遍,这集里Bert采用完全不同的方式与Don和Harry沟通,展现了非凡的领导力,大有“听君一席话,胜读十年书”的感觉。
第八题: 因为上帝点头,所以我们原谅? 这是神父在片尾唱的一首歌,他对送走私生子的未婚妈妈Peggy说:There is no sin too great to bring to god, you can reconcile with him and have a new start. 小鸟Betty显然不具有这种哲思,倔强而敏感的公主一把年纪了还要经受真实的洗礼,从摊牌到重生,还有很长一段路要走。
第九题: “Because you couldn’t help.” ——你就是无法自制! 这一集中,Draper夫妇矛盾激化让主线重新聚拢了起来。Betty用手去拽毛衣上的线头,结果却发现拉出来一个大洞。她与第一个递上一件狐皮大衣的男人结婚,因为两人像“蛋糕上的俩糖人”那样般配。而他们的关系也像建立在蛋糕上那般空洞,即便做一个模范妻子,也不意味着能够明白枕边人在想什么。
最后让我们重温开季的那首诗: Meditations in a Emergency Now I’m quietly waiting for my catastrophes to seem beautiful again. And interesting, and modern. The country is grey, and brown and white trees. Snows and skies of laughter are always diminishing. Less funny, not just darker. Not just gray. It may be the coldest days of the year. What does he think of that? I mean, what do I? And if I do, perhaps I am myself again.