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是,大臣 第三季 Yes Minister Season 3(1982)

是,大臣  第三季 Yes Minister Season 3(1982)

又名: 遵命,部长 第三季 / 是,大臣 第三季

导演: 西德尼·洛特比 彼得·惠特莫尔

编剧: 安东尼·杰依 乔纳森·林恩

主演: 保罗·爱丁顿 奈杰尔·霍桑 德里克·福德斯 伊莲诺·布罗 约翰·内特尔顿 戴安娜·霍迪诺特 Talla Hayes Richard Simpson Peter Howell Jeffrey Segal Donald Pelmear

类型: 喜剧

制片国家/地区: 英国

上映日期: 1982-11-11(英国)

集数: 7 单集片长: 30分钟 IMDb: tt0751809 豆瓣评分:9.8 下载地址:迅雷下载


    本剧叙述在野党影子内阁成员Jim Hacker在帮助本党大选获胜之后得到行政事务部(DAA)部长的职务,从此开始面对以部秘书Sir Humphrey Appleby为首的公务员体系,而他的公派私人秘书、同属公务员的Bernard则夹在了当中。在Hacker所代表的政客以及Appleby所代表的公务员之间因施政而发生的种种冲突之中,两人的关系不停地发生变化,既有互相捂盖子,也有互相揭老底。与此同时,英国政治体制(包括政党体制和公务员体制)中的种种不为外人所知弊端和黑幕也展现在观众眼前。当然所有这些都是通过大量喜剧情节和台词展开。在本系列后半部分的《Yes Prime Minister》中,Hacker通过党内角力当上了首相,而Appleby也已先他一步当上了首相秘书,两人的故事移到唐宁街10号继续展开。



  1. 第三季第一集
      第三季 第五集
  2. 第三季第一集 机会平等









  3. 最近迷上了英剧《Yes,Minister》。

    英国讽刺幽默,主要情节围绕 由于所属党派获得大选胜利,行政部长Jim Hacker和行政部常务秘书Humphery的故事展开。


    行政部常务秘书,permenant secretary,属于业务类公务员,也就是我们众所周知的“公务员”。





    行政部长Jim Hacker,是大选产生,剧中,平均任期11个月。。


    部长Jim Hacker要进行改革,裁剪臃肿的公务员系统,缩减政府成本。当然,这个目的不是他多高尚,而是,他可以获得很好的公众效应,继而有利于本党派大选。











  4. From:
    Costume design is an important element of characterisation. Invariably, how a person is dressed has an influence on other people’s perceptions of that person, and this fact is just as important in film or on TV. Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister are interesting examples of this, as the costume design is very subtle. Indeed, I’ve been re-watching them lately and it is only because I’m a style hack that I noticed the costume design at all. There are three key characters in the series, namely the Minister and later Prime Minister, Jim Hacker MP; the Minister’s Permanent Secretary and later Cabinet Secretary, Sir Humphrey Appleby; and the Minister and later Prime Minister’s Principal Private Secretary, Bernard Woolley. There are key differences between all three upon which shall be elaborated throughout.

    Jim Hacker (Paul Eddington) was educated at the London School of Economics, which is actually an extremely respectable but practical university founded in the 19th century, and therefore commands disdain from both Appleby and Woolley, graduates of the ancient Oxford. Hacker tends to dress slightly less traditionally, or perhaps ‘more in tune with the times’ is a better way of putting it. He tends to favour double-breasted suits, which lend him a traditional air of statesmanship. Generally, Hacker ties his tie using a four-in-hand, or “schoolboy” knot. This knot lends a more casual air to the formality of a suit and tie, and appears less fastidious than a Windsor knot, which is often associated with the well-to-do.


    Since the Global Financial Crisis, the four-in-had has become popular with politicians again today as politicians strive to be more ‘at one’ with the voters. Hacker’s pocket squares tend to be puffed in his pocket and are usually brightly coloured, dating the programme to a time when many people still wore pocket squares on the daily. The influences on Hacker’s choice of clothing are alluded to in the episode, “The Ministerial Broadcast”, where it is suggested that on television he wear a light coloured, ‘business-like’ suit for delivering no new information, or a dark coloured suit for announcing big changes, in order to appear more sincere. In the elements of his outfits, though, Hacker is dressed like a man of the people, in a manner that is authoritative and yet also friendly.

    This is in direct contrast to Sir Humphrey Appleby (Nigel Hawthorne). An Oxford man with a privileged upbringing, Sir Humphrey always wears single-breasted, two-button suits, usually with a light coloured shirt and pocket square. His ties vary, but all are tied with a perfect half-Windsor (you can tell by the size of the knot). This knot signifies the difference in monetary value of Humphrey and Hacker. Here is a man who is on at least £30,000 a year, according to Yes Minister – this is more than Hacker earns, and it shows! With the exception of the YPM episode, “The Key”, Humphrey never looks untidy or dishevelled, and all his outfits are perfectly tailored. Refreshingly, Sir Humphrey’s suits do not follow the 1980s fashion for having a particularly low gorge (where the collar meets the lapel), and so have not dated at all, as opposed to Hacker’s double-breasted suits, which are a complete product of their age.

    Sir Humphrey's face looks cons
    Sir Humphrey's face looks cons

    In all his behaviour, Humphrey is a stickler for tradition, and his costume design reflects this. As a sidenote, Ian Fleming had this to say about Windsor knots: “Bond mistrusted anyone who tied his tie with a Windsor Knot. It showed too much vanity. It was often the mark of a cad.” Perhaps Hacker should have taken heed of this advice.

    Bernard (Derek Fowlds), also an Oxford man from the upper classes, tends towards the same standards as Humphrey, most notably the Windsor knot. Interestingly, however, Woolley’s costuming changes the most out of all the leads over time. Throughout Yes Minister, Woolley is learning the ropes of the civil services, still quite young and green compared to the experienced Sir Humphrey. Bernard, in his youthful idealism, is yet to gain the automatic jaded outlook of Sir Humphrey. Perhaps as a reflection of this, Bernard’s dress sense in the earlier series is quite dandyish. A proponent of the navy single-breasted suit – often a three-piece – Bernard frequently pairs it with pink shirts or the occasional merchant banker, often with a collar pin and cufflinks to boot.

    A classic example of the Early
    A classic example of the Early

    Being quite the (dubiously successful) dandy myself, I would certainly mark Bernard as the best dressed of the three in Yes Minister. However, by Yes Prime Minister, Bernard’s style has toned right down, almost to the same level of tradition as Sir Humphrey. Gone are the brighter shirts, to be replaced with whites and blues the same as Sir Humphrey. This shift in style is quite notable, and I interpret it as a sign of Bernard’s advancing up the ranks of the Civil Service and a consequent maturity – though this is not necessarily reflected in his behaviour and puntastic dialogue! He remains the best dressed, however.

    The contrasting styles of all three characters give the audience an insight into their personalities right off the bat, and these insights are later backed up by the characters’ roles in the plots. I’ve been unable to find any analysis of the costume design online, or indeed any comments from the programmes’ creators to back up the interpretations I’ve made here. However, in the book adaptations of the series released in the 1980s, numerous references are made to Ministry of Defence officials wearing baggy blue suits as their civilian uniforms. This leads me to believe that there would have to have been some attention paid to the significance of certain sartorial elements in the design of the show. But, maybe I’m just being over-analytical.

    UPDATE 27/09/13: According to S Granville of To Bed With A Trollope, Hacker often also wears a London School of Economics tie, reflecting his alma mater. This makes me think there was lots of attention paid to the costuming, and that perhaps I’m not being as over-analytical as I might have thought…